Love is always available to you, no matter what. But sometimes when you’re on a low energy frequency of something like fear or resentment or sadness or disappointment, you have temporarily shut the door on it. This means you can feel unloved and unappreciated even if it’s not strictly true.
Energy is frequency, and just like with a radio, you cannot be tuned in to one channel and hear another simultaneously. Because love is on a completely different channel to fear, shame, and all the lower emotions, you have to move out of the channel of negativity in order to really feel and receive love again.
A very quick way to move yourself up to higher channels—closer and closer to love —is to focus on what you’re grateful for. Write it down, and let yourself dwell in the feeling of appreciation and gratitude. Another method is to look at inspiring photos or listen to music that uplifts you. Remember that if you’re ever on a “low channel,” you can use deliberately positive outside stimuli to lift you back up to love.
The Universe