Author of Vegan for Her: The Woman’s Guide to Being Healthy and Fit on a Plant-Based Diet

Introducing your family to menus that emphasize more plant foods can open up a world of possibilities for healthy and fun meals and snacks. As you explore meatless menu options, you’ll have the opportunity to sample new foods from different cultures. You’ll also discover new ways of meeting nutrient needs that can make your child’s diet even more nutritious.


Breakfast is simple if your child already likes cereal with milk. Opt for cereals that are lower in sugar and give them extra sweetness by topping with strawberries or sliced bananas. Serving cereal with vitamin C–rich foods like orange juice can improve absorption of the iron in the cereal. This is an especially important consideration for toddlers who are at risk for iron deficiency regardless of what type of diet they eat.

If your child enjoys it, soymilk is a great choice to pour over hot or cold cereal. Some research suggests that young girls who consume soy foods have a lower lifelong risk for breast cancer.

Children also love smoothies. Make them with frozen bananas and other fruit for a nutritious treat that is perfect for breakfast or a snack. Add silken tofu for a smoothie that is packed with protein.


If your child takes lunch to school, invest in some BPA-free plastic containers and a couple of wide-mouth thermal jars along with a thermal lunch bag. Fill a thermos with hot soup or veggie franks and beans. Pack a selection of raw vegetables or sliced apples with hummus or other bean spreads. Hearty salads made from whole grains with chopped nuts and celery added for crunch are another healthy option. Barley, brown rice, and couscous are mild-flavored grains that many children like.

Sandwich options include baked tofu, peanut or almond butter, and veggie burgers (store bought or homemade). Or try a no-tuna salad with mashed chickpeas combined with mayonnaise and chopped celery. Nut patés also make an appealing sandwich spread.


If your child’s favorite dinner is a hamburger and French fries, then a bowl of lentil soup may not cut it. As you introduce younger family members to more meatless meals, it’s helpful to begin with dishes that are similar to what they already enjoy. Try one of these simple meals:


Leafy green veggies can be excellent sources of calcium, and they have a few other bone-building nutrients that your child won’t get from milk. Most kids aren’t crazy about kale, though. If you’d like to include some of these less common vegetables in your family’s meals, consider a gentle introduction. Chop cooked kale into brown rice or any grain your child enjoys. Season with a dash of cinnamon and a sprinkle of salt, and roll in a tortilla.

Ideally, as you eat less meat, you’ll eat more beans, which are among the most nutritious and health-promoting foods. But beans are relatively unfamiliar to many American adults and they are that much more so for kids. It is interesting, though, that some research shows many children enjoy beans. The two most popular dishes are chili and baked beans.

When first introducing them to young children, consider pairing beans with something sweet. White beans like navy or cannellini beans can be combined with chopped apples or figs.

Roasted chickpeas are another fun way to get kids to eat beans. Rinse and drain canned chickpeas and then toss them with a little tamari, lemon juice, and a teaspoon of maple syrup. Bake on a cookie sheet at 400°F for twenty to thirty minutes. These make a great finger food for a snack.

Canned or well-cooked navy beans can also be pureed into a sauce and served over grains or tossed with pasta for a protein-packed meal. It can take some experimenting to get children to eat beans, and it may take some time. But, while they may seem unusual to American kids, children throughout the world eat beans from infancy. An early introduction to these foods—even if it is small amounts and only occasionally—can set your child up for lifelong eating habits that help protect against chronic disease.


Children, especially young ones, need snacks throughout the day. Keep healthy choices on hand to make the most of these mini-meals. They can be an easy way to set your mind at ease about whether your child is getting enough protein because some favorites are protein rich. Some good snack ideas for kids who are eating more plant foods include these:

Helping children shift toward a diet that is lower in meat takes some trial and error and, of course, patience. But as you explore the options in this essay—and come up with some of your own ideas—you’ll find there are plenty of meatless meals to please even the youngest palate.