When it came time for the Buddha to teach the concept of sila to his students, he broke it down into three basic forms of behavior: wise speech, wise action, and wise livelihood. Each was a spiritual practice in its own right. Each was an inquiry into the establishment of harmony. Wise speech focused specifically on our relationship to the truth. Can we live in harmony with the truth? Wise action focused specifically on the role our conduct plays in our inner life. Which actions create mental and emotional harmony? Which actions lead to mental and emotional suffering? Wise livelihood concerns the role we play in our communities. How can we support ourselves in a way that is in harmony with those around us? How can we support ourselves in a way that does not cause suffering for ourselves or others?
The idea was that a portion of our spiritual life would take place on sacred ground, and the remainder would take place in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We could learn part of what we needed to know about life by stepping out of it to focus on practice, and the rest by stepping into life in order to learn by living. Sila turns our everyday life into a sacred learning space.
Reflect on each of these areas of your life: speech, action, and livelihood. Reflect on the intention that motivates your behavior. Now consider the intention of harmony.