The three druids and the ancient stand before the sands, watching as darkness boils out of the sand map of Candar and rolls toward the dark isle beyond the Gulf. Yet a whiteness surrounds the darkness that creeps across the blue sand of the Gulf.
Above the four rustle the branches of the oak more ancient than any kingdom or any legend of any kingdom, save those of the angels.
“Once again, the armies of darkness and light come together,” declares the ancient.
“But the lovers…they wield the demons’ towers for order. What a song that would be. Perhaps someone will sing it,” suggests the frail silver-haired singer.
“Dayala has left, and she knew there will be no last song, Werlynn,” says Syodra. “What would you sing? Or do you dream that your son’s heritage will prevail?”
“There are always songs. The singers change, but the songs endure.”
“I admire your faith, but this darkness is soulless and enduring, and the machines only imprison order and do not sing.”
“They will not prevail,” declares the ancient.
“Would Dayala offer chaos against them? Even she would not,” says Frysa.
“No. She cannot stand against the surges of order and chaos that time alone creates, and she knew that. Neither will we.”
“What will happen then?” asks Syodra.
“The songs will endure,” Werlynn says softly.
“So will the Balance,” adds the ancient, “no matter how great the price, no matter who pays it.”
The branches of the ancient oak rustle in the center of the Great Forest.