Nylan, Recluce

“How could you three have let such a disaster occur?” The big man with the nearly jet-black skin circles around the end of the table. “Do you have any idea what happened in Candar last night? Any idea at all?”

“Some,” admits Talryn.

Maris lifts his hands. “Someone could tell me.”

“Don’t play ‘poor trader’ now,” mutters Heldra.

Cassius’s eyes seem to flash red as they sweep across the two men and the woman. “Another few moments, and there would have been an order-chaos portal, and who knows what could have happened? Or what creature could have appeared from where?”

“Order-chaos portal?” Maris fumbles out the words.

“Where do you think I came from? Where do you think the angels came from? Does anyone else on this planet have truly black skin? Didn’t Talryn tell you?”

“I forgot.” Maris looks down.

“I forgot?” Cassius snorts and looks at Heldra. “Did you forget too, counselor?”

“We had hoped Lerris and Sammel would cancel each other out. Sammel already killed both members of a black squad.”

Cassius shakes his head. “Do you know what happened?”

“Not exactly, Cassius.” Talryn shrugs. “We’re convinced that Lerris and Sammel ran into each other. Lerris prevailed, but we’re not sure if he survived. Sammel didn’t. There’s no chaos signature left.”

“They just…fought…and wrenched order and chaos every which way in half of Candar? And you don’t know what happened?”

Heldra looks blankly at the heavy morning clouds over the Eastern Ocean. Maris stares at the polished tabletop.

“It may be worse than that.” Talryn wipes his forehead. “There really wasn’t any change in the total of order and chaos. It seems as if Lerris used the forces behind the Balance itself. If you will, he drew from both sides and played them against each other.”

“Mother of—” Cassius stops and waits.

“Because there wasn’t that much change, that means that much of the Hamorian army remains intact. I’d have to surmise that Lerris found some way to block them. There were reports that Sammel was using his powers to reopen the old wizards’ roads to help the Hamorians get to Gallos.”

“I could feel the deaths. The whiteness was strong enough that there had to be a lot of soldiers dying.” Cassius shakes his head. “Lerris diverted them, killed off part of an army, and probably blocked off whatever road they were using. You’ve been fairly successful in picking off their ships. Do you have any idea what conclusion the Emperor of Hamor is going to reach?”

“I’m afraid so. We should have another two ships ready.”

“Two ships!” Cassius laughs. “Much good they’ll do. I’d suggest you mend your fences with Lerris, and his father, and Justen.”

“But—” protests Heldra.


“Lerris and Justen are as gray as wizards can be.”

“So? You want to be spotlessly pure black and dead?” Cassius shakes his head.

Heldra looks helplessly toward Talryn. Talryn offers a crooked smile. Maris looks back down at the polished tabletop.