Hugs to my first readers, the children who read early versions of the manuscript, added ideas, and told me exactly what they thought: Tess Barker, Alexander and Elizabeth Fey, Emerson and Charlie Hammersley, and Amabel and Ellen Schwaiger. Also to Alexander Shumaker, who was eight when he first met the ghosts and Uncle Ben, and had to wait until he was quite old to hold a published copy in his hands.
Special thanks to the lovable Mosey Brown. Her giant furry brown head and drooling tongue inspired the character of Uncle Ben. The idea for the rest of the story came to me while I was out cross-country skiing.
Deep thanks to Krista Vitola, editor at Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers. You are an honorary member of the Griffin family. Thanks also to Catherine Laudone and the whole team from the book-lined walls of Simon & Schuster.
Thanks go to the parents, teachers, and children’s librarians who read early chapters, sometimes reading ahead at the spooky parts: Kathy Fey, Kate Madigan, Mary K Montieth, Michele Rudd, Ana Ruesink, Zane Schwaiger, and Aaron Stander. Thanks to the Inkhearts, Powerfingers, and other writing critique partners: Karen Anderson, Patrick Fairbairn, Ann Finkelstein, Bronwyn Jones, Mardi Link, Jillian Manning, Stephanie Mills, Cari Noga, Anne-Marie Oomen, Teresa Scollon, and, of course, Angie Treinen, writer and pumpkin farmer extraordinaire. Thanks to Jen Costello of My Brown Newfies for all things Newfoundland, and to my intrepid trio of UK readers: Hannah Hiles, Nicola Keller, and Kay Weetch who made the whole book better by reading with British eyes. Hugs to the hardworking folks at the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, on both sides of the pond, and heartfelt thanks to my agents, Jacquie Flynn and Joëlle Delbourgo, who guided me from writing about children to writing for children.
As always, love to Rick, Xander, and Luke. Finally, to my parents, who read aloud to me all my life, shared the wonder of words, and introduced me to crumbly old castles.