The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.
Acapulco 234, 295
African National Congress 325,326
Aga Khan 181
Agnelli, Gianni 168
Aitken, Lady 68
alcohol 111, 147
Alvarez, Al 230
Amis, Kingsley 16
Andrew, Prince 165
Annabel’s night club 7, 159–166, 175–6, 332
Ascot week 52
Aspinall, Amanda Jane 125
Aspinall, Bassa Wulfhere 210–11
Aspinall, Belinda ‘Min’ (nee Musker) 184, 187, 208–9
Aspinall, Damian 125, 183, 329–30
Aspinall, Jane (nee Gordon-Hastings) 115–16, 135, 183–4, 208–9, 286
Aspinall, John
background 10–11
appearance 12–13
education 12–14
military service 14
at Oxford University 14–16, 16–18
imitation of Wilde 17
introduction to gambling 19–30
relationship with Maxwell-Scott 21–30
introduction to James Goldsmith 33
character 28–30, 33, 56, 183–4, 204–208
Oxford Finals 52
degree failure 53
post-Oxford aimlessness 53–7
lunch with father 57–8
search for true father 58–61
decision to make fortune 61–3
gaming parties 64–6
coronation party 71–3, 78
and Goldsmith 96–8
lifestyle 95–7, 100–3, 119, 173–4
poker parties 96
relationship with Elwes 103
introduction to chemin de fer 104–6
chemmy parties 110–13, 117–19, 134–5, 137, 152
marriage 114–16
and Eddie Gilbert 116–17
exotic animals 125–27, 130, 185–201, 204–7, 208, 210
income 124–5
children 125, 210
acquires and renovates Howletts 127–30
and Elwes elopement and marriage 131–3
arrest 133–5
trial 135–6
opens the Clermont Club 6, 139–42, 146–9
Clermont parties 153
and Annabel’s 159
Devonshire on 168–70
attitude to gambling 172–3
and Robin Douglas-Home 174–5
friends dependence on 176
relationship with Goldsmith 176
relationship with Lucan 176, 278–80
rift with Birley 176–7
and Goldsmith’s affair with Annabel Birley 181–2, 219–20
divorce 183–2, 208–9
second marriage 184
Annabel Birley’s visit to Howletts 185–8
Robin Birley mauled by tiger 186–7
visits Robin Birley in hospital 198–201
identification with animals 203–8
charisma 204
morality 205–8
and the sanctity of human life 208
second divorce 209
third marriage 209–11
stock market investments 215–17
sells Clermont Club 217
bankruptcy threat 218
Clermont Set’s dependence on 220
gambling heros 223, 291
and the Rivett murder 224
patronage of Lucan 231–2
and Lucan’s talk of murder 236–7
murder damage limitation 258–60
police interview 259–61
and Mr X 284–7
pursuit of debt 285
and Lucan’s escape 288
retreats to Howletts 292
and James Fox 293
and the Sunday Times article 294
oration at Elwes funeral 307–8
Aspinall’s Club, Curzon Street 223, 290–1, 324
financial situation, 1987 324
support for Zulu Inkatha Party 325–6
death 327, 329–30
Aspinall, Mameena 208
Aspinall, Mary: see Osborne, Mary (nee Aspinall)
Aspinall, Lady Sarah (nee Curzon) 209–11
Aspinall, Stivala 10–11, 57–9
Aspinall’s Club, Curzon Street 223, 290–1, 324
Avenue Foch, Paris 79, 84–5
Ayesha, Himalayan bear 126, 127, 189–90, 191, 193
baccarat 108–9
backgammon 178
Baglioni, Angelo 285
Baines, Jocelyn 28
Balliol College, Oxford University 21
Barber, Lynn 205, 278–9
Beatty, Sarah Chester 77
Beauvau-Craon, Prince 75
Beauvau-Craon, Christina (nee Patino) 75, 81
Beaux, Mme 100
Belgrave Square, tiger walking in 127
Benson, Charles 227, 298
Bergler, Edmund 203
Berkley Square, no. 44: see Clermont Club
Bessborough, Lord 36
Betjeman, John 153
Beyfus, Gilbert 136
Biggest Game in Town, The (Alvarez) 230–1
Bingham, George 266–7
Birley, Lady Annabel (nee Vane-Tempest-Stewart) 7, 122–3, 161, 165, 177, 181–2, 185–8, 198–9, 201, 219, 231, 234, 294–7, 321, 328, 332–3
Birley, Jemima 219-20
Birley, Mark 7, 72, 158, 160–3, 182, 188, 197, 200, 296, 300, 331–2
Birley, Sir Oswald 121
Birley, Robin 186, 199–201, 205, 296, 332
Birley, Rupert 332
Black, Lord (Conrad) 329
Blakenham, Lord 135
Blond, Anthony 55, 102, 313
Blücher, Field Marshal 223
bodies, disposal of 272–6
Brideshead Revisited (Waugh) 24, 25
British American Tobacco Corporation 320
Brixton Prison 133
Broccoli, Cubby 226
Brooke, Victoria (later Lady Getty) 234, 297
Brooke’s Club 147
Bulow, Claus von 118, 120
Burke, John 135
Burlington, Lord 143
Burmah Oil 53
Burnett, Al 73, 77–8
Buthelezi, Chief 325
Cadogan, Lord 119, 134
cagnotte, the 106, 120, 152
Calèche perfume 163
Canada 45
Canterbury Hospital 187, 199
Cape Town 325
Carlton Hotel, Monte Carlo 42
Carr, Sir William Emsley 54, 171–2
Casablanca 83
Cavenham 35, 37
Cavenham Foods 157, 179, 215
Caxton Hall 116, 123
Chamonix 181
chemin de fer 3, 104–6, 110, 131, 152, 167, 170, 229
Aspinall’s parties 110–113, 117–19, 119–20, 134–5, 137–8, 152
cheques 102, 112–13
Chester-Beatty, Sarah 105, 131
Churchill, Winston S. 36, 45, 313
Citroën, André 109
Clapton, Eric 165
Claridges Hotel, London 45, 76, 96
Clark, Alan 55
Clark, Sir Andrew 123–4
Clarke, Alan 27–8
class obsession 151
Clermont, William
Fortescue, 1st Earl of 5, 144
Clermont, William, 2nd Earl of 145
Clermont Club
building history 142–6
architecture 4
building acquired 139–42
name 5
turnover 6
clientele 146, 151–4, 166–73
opens 146–9
hall porter 148
creation and early years 5–8
games 152
parties 154
place in lives of the Set 154–8
stairway link to Annabel’s 165–6
under new management 217, 220, 232, 292
present day 2
Clermont Park 143
Clermont Set, the
lifestyle 8
association solidifies 120
place of the Club in lives 154–8
effect of Rivett’s murder on 9
dependence on Aspinall 220
destruction of 9
Sunday Times expose 292–9
Clore, Charles 141, 145
Cluff, Algy 261
Connaught Hotel, London 116
Connery, Sean 226
Connolly, Cyril 167
Corfu 211
Cornwell, David (John le Carré) 16
coronation party 72–3, 77–8
Courage, Piers 209
Crichton-Stuart, Lady Sally (nee Crocker Poole) 177–81
Cripps, Milo (later Lord Passmore) 27
Crockford, William 107
Crockford Club 107
Crown Zellerbach 320
Cuba 132
Cuixmala 322–3, 331
Dagonal, pharmaceutical company 72, 84, 98
Daily Mirror 86, 89
Dead Loss, capuchin monkey 125, 188
Dempster, Nigel 301
Derby, John Stanley, 18th Earl of 103, 118, 134, 166, 167–9
Devonshire, Andrew Cavendish, 11th Duke of 103, 118, 134, 166, 169–70, 226
Devonshire, Georgiana, Duchess of 26, 149, 169
Diamond International 320
divorce laws 183–4
Douglas-Home, Robin 174–5
Douglas, Lord Alfred 313
Dr No (film) 226
Durcal, Marie Christina
Patino (nee de Bourbon y Bosch la Brus), Duchess of 74–5, 90, 98
Eaton Place 119
Edinburgh 88
Elizabeth II, Queen, coronation of 70
Elwes, Dominick
background 66–67
character 69, 120–2
coronation party 72–3, 77–8
social cachet 103
introduction to chemin de fer 103–4
chemmy parties 110
place in the Clermont Set 120–1
and the Howletts renovation 128
elopement and marriage 131–3
arrest for contempt of court 133
children 133
divorce 133
finds building for Clermont Club 139–40
book 154–5
role in the Clermont 154–6, 299
added to Suicide Stakes list 175
affair with Helen Jay 211–15
friendship with Ken Tynan 213–4
visits Lady Lucan 259
and the Sunday Times article 292–299
witch-hunt against 297–303
suicide 302
funeral 307–8
Elwes, Gervase 67
Elwes, Gloria (nee Rennell) 68
Elwes, Simon 68, 121
Elwes, Tessa (nee Kennedy) 132–3
Elwes, Tim 307
Elwes, Lady Winifred (nee Fielding) 67–8
Esau, Himalayan bear 126, 127, 189–90, 193
Eton School 31,47–50
Evening Standard 85–6, 254–5, 315
Falkender, Marcia Williams, Baroness 304, 311
Fallon, Ivan 43, 80–1, 182, 295–6, 316
Ferrers, Lord 263
Finch, Lady Isabella ‘Belle’ 5, 142–3
Fleming, Ian 226
food 65, 111, 147, 163
Foreman, Frederick 270–2
Fortnum & Mason 115
Fountains Abbey 167
Fowler, John 129, 140, 146, 162
Fox, Charles James 26, 149, 223
Fox, James 265, 293–98, 307, 309
Franc, Jacqueline 40
France, death duties 328
Frankfurt 34, 36
‘Fred the Spread’ 171
Frederick, Prince of Wales 142
Freud, Sigmund 202
Frost, David 304
discretion 3
law reform 6, 134–7
addiction 22–3, 108, 110, 169, 170, 202–3
accumulator bets 32
racecourse betting 55
upper-class tradition of 63
rewards 95
fashions 107–10
theorem for belief in God 108
legal status 117
psychology of 202–3
subordination to the rules 238
Gaming Act, 1960 6, 137, 152
Gants Hill House 148, 227, 249–53
Gerring, Chief Inspector David 224
Getty, John Paul 118, 153
Gilbert, Eddie 116–7, 134, 137, 141, 159
Gillard, Michael 310
Goa 225
Goldschmidt, Adolph 34
Goldschmidt, Carlo 35
Goldschmidt, Edward 35
Goldsmith, Alix 180
Goldsmith, Frank (M. le Majeur)
background 35–6
changes name 35–6
MP for Newmarket 36
and WWI 36–7
leaves Britain 38
hotel investment 38–9
affairs 40
marriage 40–1
lifestyle 42–3
and WWII 44–5
arranges for James to enter hotel business 51
and James’s marriage 92
Goldsmith, Frank Manes Ernest Henry Benedict Hayum 99
Goldsmith, Isabel (nee Patino y Bourbon)
background 73–6
first meets Goldsmith 78
pregnancy 82–3
elopement 84–90
marriage 90–2
death 92–4
Goldsmith, Isabel 92, 98, 178
Goldsmith, James
background 34–44
birth 41
childhood 42–4
education 47–8
introduction to gambling 49
early gambling 48
at Eton 48–50
departure from Eton 20, 50
accumulator win, 1950 32, 49
character 33–4
introduction to Aspinall 33–4
sexual precociousness 48
attitude to gambling 51
in Madrid 51
National Service 51–2
coronation party 72–3, 77–8
first meets Isabel 78
requests Isabel’s hand 79
and Isabel’s pregnancy 82–3
rage 83
elopement 84–96
marriage 90–2
Isabel’s death 92–4
and Aspinall 96–8
lifestyle 97–100, 215–19
sexual appetite 99–100, 114
physical transformation 100
place in the Clermont Set 120
Clermont as entry into society 157
relationship with Aspinall 176
and Lady Sally Crichton-Stuart 177–80
backgammon skill 178
affair with Annabel Birley 181–2, 219, 296
and Aspinall’s animals 197
and Helen Jay 212–13
financial interests 215–19
invites Lucan to Acapulco 234
Lucan asks for loan 239
Elwes painting 293
and the Sunday Times article 295, 297
campaign against Elwes 297–300
financial situation, 1975 303–4
and Harold Wilson 304–5
becomes chairman of Slater Walker 191, 306
error in Sunday Times article 307, 309
Private Eye article 308–10
libel action against Private Eye 310–17
knighthood 315
final years 318–23
divorce 321
marriage to Annabel Birley 321
support for Zulu Inkatha Party 325–6
death 326–9
final failure 330–1
children 331
Goldsmith, Marcelle (nee Mouiller) 40–1, 44, 51, 92, 97
Goldsmith, Teddy 28, 31–2, 41, 47, 71–2, 73, 322
Gordon, General Charles 223
Graves, Charles 109
Gronow, Captain 107
Gugis, gorilla 102, 193, 195
Guinness, Walter 36
Guy the Gorilla 191
Harrison, George 165
Hastings, Mrs 192
Havana Riviera Hotel, Cuba 133
‘Heritage Industry’, rise of 150
Hermès 123, 163
Hicks, David 118
Hill, Graham 262
Hoare’s Bank 229
Holkham Hall 261
Hotels Réunis 38, 46
‘house players’ 153
Howard, Greville 237
Howletts 128–30, 134, 140, 185–8, 190, 195–6, 198, 204–5, 261, 292, 324
Hunt, Leigh 312
India 10–11
Ingrams, Richard 308, 311, 312, 313–15
Inkatha Party 325
Interpol 255
J. Walter Thompson advertising agency 122–3
Jay, Helen 211–15
Jebb, Philip 128, 146, 147, 160, 162
Jesus College, Oxford 15
Jonathan and Carlyle Bookmakers 66, 101
Jungle Barry 225
Jungle Book (Kipling) 196
Kelso Registry Office 90
Kennedy, Ludovic 222
Kent, William 4, 142–5
Kimberley, Earl of 171
Kipling, Rudyard 196–7
Kissinger, Henry 329
‘kiting’ 57
Kivu, gorilla 191–2
Kray Twins, the 270–2, 289
Lansky, Meyer 132–3
Larkin, Philip 16–17, 159, 164
le Carré, John 16
Le Touquet 131
Lees-Milne, James 63
Leger Gallery, Bond Street 111
Leicester, Earl of 261
Leitch, David 172
Léry, Ginette 99, 178–80
Les Ambassadeurs 113
Lewes 32, 49
libel laws 312, 313
Little, Anthony 154, 223–4
Little, Jennifer (nee Aspinall) 154
Llewellyn, Dai 1–4
Londonderry, Charles
Stewart Henry, 7th
Marquess of 122
Londonderry House, Park Lane 122
Lowndes, Victor 217, 232
Luard, Nick 155
Lucan, 3rd Earl of 230
Lucan, 6th Earl of 156–7
Lucan, Richard John Bingham, 7th Earl of Lucan
character 1–2
background 130–1, 156–7
marriage 156
children 156, 266
relationship with Aspinall 176, 278–80
study of Hitler 207–8, 235
lifestyle 225–35
attendance at the House of Lords 228
gambling addiction 229–31
drinking 237
marriage breakup 232
child custody battle 233
feelings for Veronica 235–6
talks of killing wife 236–7
planning and preparation for murder 238–44, 268–70
Ford Corsair 238, 243–4, 253, 275–277
US mailbag 239, 242, 254, 274–5
method of disposing of body 274–5
fundraising 239–40
alibi 243
flaws in plan 245
kills Sandra Rivett 245–6
failure to kill wife 246–7
flees scene 247
at Gants Hill House 249–53
letters to Bill Shand Kydd 252
flight 276–80, 287–8
disappearance 221–2
police investigation 254–62
named as murderer of Sandra Rivett 221–2, 264–5
Aspinall’s Club statue inscription 224, 291
rumours of whereabouts 261–2
possible trial 263
family granted full probate 267
sightings 224–5
murder of 282–91
possible grave site 284
fascination of case 224–5
failure of great gamble 290
Sunday Times photograph with Annabel Birley 294–7
Lucan, Veronica Bingham (nee Duncan), Lady 156, 227, 231, 232, 235–6, 246–7, 253–4, 258–9, 263–4, 266, 294, 297
Lucan Lives (Gerring) 224
luck 97
Mabel, Annabel’s cloakroom attendant 163
MacLeod, Euan 140
MacNeice, Louis 17
Madrid 51
Magdalen College, Oxford 36
Marnham, Patrick 309–10
Martyn, Philip 181
Marx, Ernst von 36
Masters, Brian 19, 127, 166, 191, 237
Maxie (landlady) 27
Maxwell-Scott, Ian relationship with Aspinall 21–30
Oxford Finals 52
bookies business 55
Ritz poker parties 64–6
chemmy parties 112
marriage 123–4
Clermont Club Secretary 147
accumulator win 147–8
friendship with Lucan 227–8
belief Lucan was murdered 282
and Mr X 283
Maxwell-Scott, Susie (nee Clark) 123–4, 227–8, 231, 249–53, 259, 276, 280–4
Mayfair 110
Meinertzhagen, Daniel 301
Metropolitan Police 260
Meurthe, Laure Boulay de la 321, 328
Mill, John Stuart 130
Miller, Compton 20
Millfield School 47
Mitchell, Frank 270–1, 289
Mitchum, Robert 113
Mitterand, François 318
Mond, Lord 135
Monte Carlo 43, 116
Montjeu 322, 327–8
Mothercare 179
Murdoch, Iris 16
Nancy 81
Nassau 45–6
National Trust 150
Neave, Digby 51
New York 46, 133, 213
Newhaven 238, 255–6, 268–9, 273–5, 277–8
Newmarket 36
News of the World 54
Nixon, Richard 207
Norfolk, Duke of 24
Norman Road, Newhaven 277–8
Oaksey, John Lawrence, Lord 21, 64
Orwell, George 151
Osborne, Colonel 12, 18
Osborne, James 187
Osborne, Lady Mary (nee Aspinall) 11–12, 18, 53, 59, 101, 111, 134–6, 193, 237, 259
O’Toole, Peter 161
Oxford University 16–19, 27, 36, 50–2
Packer, Kerry 153, 171
Paddington Police Station 135
Page, Russell 129
Palmer, Mr 125–6
Paris 38–9, 46, 79, 255
Pascal, Blaise 108
Pascal’s Wager 108
Passmore, Milo Cripps, Lord 27
Patino, Don Antenor 71, 73–80, 81, 82–4, 85, 87, 88, 90, 92
Patino, Simon 73
Pelham Cottage 123
Plowden, Julian 77, 78
Plumber’s Arms, The 247, 253
Pope, Alexander 313
Port Lympne 324
Princess, the 112–3
Priory Clinic, Roehampton 232
Private Eye 308–17
Profession of Violence, The (Pearson) 272
Prynne, William 312
Rand, Michael 297
Ransom, Detective Chief Superintendent Roy 224
Reeves, Rosner 160
Refer to Drawer (Elwes and Luard) 155
Referendum Party 331
Rennell, Lord 308
Ritz Hotel, London 65–6, 96
Rivett, Sandra murder of 244–6
consequences of murder 1–2, 9, 221–2
inquest 221, 264–5
funeral 265
roulette 108
Rowland, Tiny 314
Royal Marines 14
Royal Victoria Hotel, Nassau 45
Rugby School 12–14
Samuel, Lord 89, 91
Savoy Hotel, London 39
Scotland 87–91
Scribe Hotel, Paris 39, 42, 46, 92
Selfridge, Gordon 109
Shamba, gorilla 192, 193
Shand Kydd, Bill 156
Sheriff, Monica 103
Singapore 303
Slater, James 215–16, 303–4, 305–6
Slater Walker Securities 216, 303–4, 305–6, 310
Soames, Nicholas 294
South Africa 262, 325–6
Spark, Muriel 224
St Jean Cap Ferrat 301
St John Stevas, Norman 18
Stamp, Terence 164
Sterling, Colonel Bill 134
Stevens, Moyses 258–9
Stirling, Bill 103
Stirling, David 207
Stoop, Michael 238, 294
Stork Room 73, 77–80
Studley Royal 167
Suffolk, Earl of 134, 294
Suicide Stakes, the 174–5, 229
Sunday Times Colour Magazine 293–9, 307, 308
Sutton’s of Victoria, pawnbrokers 286
Switzerland 284, 288
Tara, tiger 126–7, 130, 190–1, 193, 195, 196, 208
Ted Bates Agency 160
Thatcher, Margaret 16
Theodoracopulos, Taki 57, 110, 197, 231–2, 240, 294
Thurston, Dr Gavin 263
Tonks, Henry 68
Tynan, Kathleen 214
Tynan, Ken 18, 213–4, 307–8
Uckfield 12
upper-class revival 149–51
Valençay (ferry) 255
van Cutsem, Bernard 103, 134
Vicar, the 103–7
Vyner, Henry 166–7
Vyner, Margaret 167, 231
Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York 46
Walpole, Horace 143
Walton Street, 167, Oxford 27–8, 30, 32, 33, 51
Wansell, Geoffrey 47
Warwick Castle 261
Watney, Mark 175
Waugh, Evelyn 24, 25
wealth, untapped reservoir of 107
Westminster, Hugh Grosvenor, 2nd Duke of 63, 109
Whitcomb, Noel 86–9
White, Sam 85, 315
White’s Club 148
Wild Animals Protection Act, 1976 189
Wilson, Harold 304–5, 311, 312, 315–6
Wilson, Mary 311
Winchilsea, Earl of 4
World War I 36–7
World War II 44–6
Wykes, Nigel 47, 50
Wyndham, Melissa 300–1, 302
X, Mr 282–9
Zilkha, Selim 179
Zographos, Nicholas 109
Zorra, tiger 186–7, 195