
Title Page
When I ran out of the house
Christ but it’s cold. I spent half an hour
I walked over to Cley this morning
The young slip of a policewoman who
Woke up last night about four o’clock
This morning I just about managed
Those first couple of years we used
Today, it seems, is laundry day
I once went on a retreat, when I was in
This place is so God-damned cold
Losing one’s husband really is a complete bummer 
One of the surprises, re the sudden onset 
A couple of months ago I did a bit of cursory Googling
I’ve decided to sell the house in France
The wind is up. It’s got all the dogs 
It’s like an ache. Or a sort of emptiness 
Sometime in late November, about six weeks
Not a good day, by any means 
I seem incapable of stringing two decent
I really can’t imagine anything worse than
I’ve come up with a new way of eating
Ginny’s texts and messages have 
I have bought myself a new car! 
I bought a couple of the Sunday newspapers
A couple of days ago I was driving
If it had been John that had had an affair
Even now, I’m at a loss as to why I
It seems that north Norfolk is in the grip of an
I never told a soul. Not even Ginny
Popped into the letting agents this
I have this idea sometimes that John
I’ve never had that many friends. 
By the time we got back from 
Spent most of this morning 
It’s an odd sort of word. Widow 
I didn’t set out to pay a visit to Walsingham 
I’m like a bloody sentry 
My first thought was that I was being mugged 
I am, there’s no use me denying it 
Talking of saints
I’m not entirely sure what I was
Right up until the day I jumped into my car 
I couldn’t now say for certain 
I’ve still not got much of an appetite 
You hear about these couples 
There’s a terrific film called The Awful Truth
I’m rather taken with my new binoculars
I remember going to Rome sometime in the 1970s 
My daily walks have gradually been 
If you’re not careful 
I was in the pub the other night 
I just want to see him. 
Things seem to have fallen 
I very nearly buggered things up this morning 
I’ve gone too far
I’ve had enough 
I haven’t left the village 
Not that long after I first arrived 
About a week after John died 
I’ve been at it again. 
I’m considering buying a map of Britain 
Apparently, I just pull the door 
About the Author
By the Same Author