Some heart may be longing for only a word,
Whose love by the Spirit is quickened and stirred;
Now grant, blessed Savior, this service to me,
Of speaking a comforting message for Thee.
I am grateful to Jan Stob and Lorie Popp at Tyndale House and to my agent, Mark Sweeney, for helping me bring this sweet story to life.
As always my love goes to my children: Stephen, Andrew, Catherine, and Charles. This wouldn’t be any fun without you.
An extra big thank-you to friends old and new who helped in so many ways as I wrote Sweetwater Run and promoted my Troublesome Creek series: Teresa Canter; Carol Conley; Connie and Bob Coppings; Angela and Jess Correll; Joy Frasher; Sharon, Bruce, and Dale Halstead; Elizabeth Hoagland; Sharon Kidd; Norma Linville; Ellen Nathe; Beth Neihof; Patti Price; Susan Tamme; Mandy Whalen; and the Grassroots Writers.
To my readers: I appreciate your cards, letters, and e-mails. Each one is a blessing to me.
To the staff of Bluegrass-Oakwood residential facility in Somerset, Kentucky: you entertain angels unaware. May God richly bless you.