Discovery, exploration, and utilization of the intuition is essentially an inner journey, a journey of awareness, which requires time, attention, and an internal state of discernment and lucidity. It is, in a sense, a journey without end, without destination; an inward voyage that presents seemingly endless horizons of possibilities. The discovery and development of the inner senses leads us, quite naturally, to a deeper contact with ourselves and with the richness of our inner world. Reunited with our more essential self, in touch with the ebb and flow of our inner rhythms of being, life takes on a different perspective and we begin to regard ourselves with more acceptance, understanding, and self-love.
The inner opening and the reconciliation of the heart and soul, which is the fruit of the development of the intuition, follows a pathway that is unique to every individual who embarks on the journey. The insights and revelations discovered along the way come in many forms and sizes, each adding its own dimension to the transformation of the voyager. Given the unique nature of every person and the variety of ways in which the intuition can express itself, it can be surprising to learn that, in fact, the intuition follows a very orderly path in its function and expression. More correct, perhaps, to say that the intuition needs an orderly path, an organized inner structure through which to manifest, so that it may function accurately and reliably.
Whenever the intuitive function is put into play, a specific sequence of events should be followed in the body/being to allow the intuition to express itself to its full potential. As in all creative processes, there is a movement of conception, gestation, and birth; a complete cycle in which each step is a prerequisite for the one following. The cycle of intuitive functioning follows five fundamental and essential stages in its creative expression.
The first and most important stage in the intuitive process is the time taken for personal inner preparation. It is essential to temporarily cease external activities and to create a quiet space in which to withdraw, both symbolically and actually, from the outside world. In this initial phase, we take the time to come back to ourselves, by breathing quietly and following all the steps of the ritual of preparation in the form of a self-guided meditation:
Once we have accessed intuitive mode by following the preceding steps, we take several moments to go even more deeply into the inner state of still, empty calm, verifying that we are well centered, present, and aware. At this point, it is possible to ask questions, request information, and seek guidance from the intuitive self. It is imperative that all questions be posed clearly and precisely, and that information sought have a real sense, a coherent value. The more we approach the intuition with respect, the same quality of respect we would offer to a wise and sacred being, the more the intuition can respond with this same quality of sacred respect.
Once the question has been posed, it is necessary to stay quietly available, receptive, and patient, allowing the intuition to seek and supply the correct response to our query. Sometimes, the response will come quickly, almost simultaneous with the question. Often, however, especially in the beginning, some moments, even some minutes, may be needed before we begin to feel the response welling up inside our inner awareness. At this moment, we must pay attention to sensations, feelings, words, and images which stream through our consciousness, allowing our inner senses to bring us the answers to the information we have demanded. We stay neutral, without judgment, patient and receptive, as impression builds upon impression, giving us a clear sense and a holistic response to the question posed.
Having received information from our intuition, we need to clarify the information, re-asking questions internally to verify and crosscheck any impressions we have received that we may feel seem contradictory or confusing. At this point, we also check for projections and for rational-mind interference, discarding those impressions which cause us to hesitate, asking, internally, that only correct information remains in our conscious awareness, and letting go of any false impressions not relevant to the question.
We ask our intuitive self to help us to integrate the meaning of the response given, so that it has a sense for us. Internally receptive, we stay present and available to understand the symbolic message given to us by our intuition and its relevance to the question posed. After some moments of waiting, we understand and can interpret the significance of the impressions received.
In this phase of intuitive function, we express the information, either by communicating and sharing with another, or as a concrete action grounded in reality that brings the intuitive process to a state of realization. It is essential in this stage that there is an external action, whether through words or physical movement, that allows the creative intuitive process to find its place in the material world of thought and form.