The Practice of Readings
The following four reading models will allow you to practice using your intuitive abilities with family and friends.
We begin with readings using symbolic images and from there progress to readings where we explore the state of the subtle or energetic body. Finally, relationship readings create the possibility of exploring the dynamics existing between two people, with a view to clarifying and transforming problematic aspects of the relationship.
Symbolic readings can be considered the most “simple” readings, providing a base of experience that allows us to progress to more sophisticated styles of reading as we gain confidence. The Tree reading, though simple, is highly useful and may be a moving experience for the recipient. This is the first reading undertaken by students in the intuition training and one I also use to train my advanced students to perfect their technique.
We follow exactly the same steps as in the Tree meditation, the only difference being that someone other than you is the subject. For this exercise, therefore, you will need a willing partner.
Tree Reading
Recommended time: 30 minutes.
House Reading
Recommended time: 45 minutes.
- Prepare yourself by following all the steps of preparation and, when you feel ready, imagine that your partner (who is sitting in front of you) comes into your Temple and sits down facing you.
- Inform your intuitive self that you wish to give an intuitive reading working through the symbolic image of a house and ask your intuition to show you the image of a house which corresponds to the truth of the inner state of your partner.
- Allow the image of the house to appear and begin to explore the image with your intuitive perception … Perceive the exterior of the house in as much detail as possible and discover the doorway through which you can gain entry … prepare yourself to enter and continue to explore in the same manner you have explored the house that represented you in the house meditation …
- Inside the house, you will find four rooms, representing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual state of your partner. Taking your time, explore each one of these rooms, describing the images you receive to your partner as they are offered to you by your intuitive self. As you explore each room, be aware of the atmosphere you discover and the various objects you find in the rooms. Describe your perceptions in detail, allowing the images to speak to the other.
- When you have finished describing each room, you can ask your intuition to tell you what is lacking, what is needed, and what is appropriate for transformation and healing. Share this information with your partner.
- If your partner has questions related to the information you have received, allow yourself a few minutes to receive the intuitive response to the questions posed.
- When you feel that the reading is finished, imagine the other leaving your Temple and give yourself a few minutes, staying quietly with yourself, before you open your eyes and begin sharing about the experience with your partner.
Chakra Reading
Recommended time: 60 minutes.
- Close your eyes and prepare with the steps of preparation.
- Imagine your partner comes into your Temple and sits down facing you.
- Inform you intuitive self that you are going to do an intuitive reading of the chakras of your partner and ask your intuition to show you the chakras of your partner.
- Begin with the first chakra and finish with the seventh chakra, remembering the significance of each chakra from the chakra meditations you have practiced on yourself.
- For each of the seven chakras perceive … symbolic images describing the state of the chakra shapes, forms, colors … the atmosphere, feelings and emotions, the flow of energy in the chakra, blockages to the flow of energy in the chakra. Ask your intuition to guide you to perceive the actual state of each chakra, and ask to receive the quality that each chakra needs for transformation.
- Share the information that you receive with your partner as you receive it, finishing with each chakra before moving on to the next one.
- When you have finished reading the seven chakras, permit your partner to ask questions related to the information you have received during the reading.
- When you feel that the reading is complete, take the time to imagine your partner leaving your Temple. Take a few minutes to stay centered within yourself and when you feel ready, open your eyes. Take some time to share with your partner about the reading.
Relationship Reading
Recommended time: 30 minutes.
- Bring your partner into your Temple and imagine that the other person involved in the relationship comes along at the same time. Intuitively observe these two people together, and allow yourself to feel the atmosphere between them. How do they look at each other? How do they position themselves in relation to each other?
- Ask your intuition to guide you to perceive the truth of what is happening between these two people. You may pose the following questions (or some of them) to your intuition to assist you in exploring the dynamics of the relationship you are reading. What is essential in this relationship? What is the real problem? On each side? What does each person have to understand? What does each person have to teach the other? What does each person have to learn from the other? What does each person lack? What does each person need? What is the positive intention behind the conflict?
- Share the perceptions you receive with your partner, taking some time to answer questions, if there are some, and when you feel ready, finish the reading. Share together your experiences of the exchange.