Intuition as a Healing Tool


The decision to develop our intuition, and the practice of utilizing it, trigger a profound reconciliation between the soul/spirit and the body/mind, realigning us with our connection to the universe and the sense of who we are, well beyond the dimension of our social personality. We rediscover the richness of our deepness and, very often for the first time, we discover a means through which we can express and share our wisdom and unconditional love with others. The inner movement of realignment of our axis, creating an energetic connection with the Earth and light and the insights and revelations we experience when we open to our intuitive selves, represent a considerable internal personal transformation. We feel reborn, full of hope and gratitude. We experience these transformations of inner reconciliation as a veritable healing, and we know from firsthand experience the healing power of the intuition. The discovery that we have the capacity to heal ourselves and transform our lives creates a spontaneous movement toward others. We have a natural desire to share what we have learned with others who are close to us and we may feel called to help others, to help them heal their problems and difficulties, to help them to rediscover their true and deep nature.

Using our intuition to help others allows us to develop qualities of tolerance, acceptance, and compassion toward the people with whom we work and permits us to practice the techniques we are slowly learning to master.

Applying our intuitive perception using the techniques of readings and healings allows us to show and share with others the truth of who we are, the truth of our gifts. Practicing on others allows us to advance rapidly. We learn to perceive more clearly, more deeply, and to communicate our impressions more precisely, with tact and respect for the other. When we practice on somebody else, we apply the same techniques as when we work on ourselves. However, we discover a different dynamic—the dynamic of two. We experience the dynamic of sharing, of exchange, and this quality of interaction favors transformation and healing.

To use intuition as a healing tool, we assess not only the current state of others, but also their lacks and needs. Once we have perceived what others need for healing, we transmit this quality to them using techniques of psychic healing, where we utilize the presence of light (prana) as a healing dynamic. Having already utilized this principle on ourselves during our meditation practice, we can begin to practice healing others with relative ease.

Before beginning to heal others, we must remember to respect the progressive steps of the intuitive reading process so that we are sure to have all the elements we need to succeed with the healing session. These steps are as follows:

  1. Assess the current state of being of the other: Beginning with the question of the “patient,” explore the problem intuitively, perceiving the dynamics of the problem, its repercussions and its origin.
  2. Become aware of what the other lacks/needs: What is missing, what is needed to be well, to be healed, to be at peace? Ask your intuition to help you to perceive the true lack and, therefore, the true need of the other.
  3. Transmit the qualities needed: Once you have explored the current state, the lack and the need, you are ready to begin the final part of your healing session, in which you will use the imposition of your hands to send healing light, colors, and particular qualities to the person you wish to heal.

Even though the steps described here are simple, we always follow this progression when working with the intuition as a healing tool. Regardless of the complexity of the problem there is always a lack, a need, and a quality we can transmit to them using light, color, and the healing power of the heart.