Spirit Guides


Spirit guides are beings, nonincarnated, who have a calling to assist in the evolutionary unfolding of the human race. They are guardians, angelic beings, messengers of truth, and very wise souls. Having been embodied themselves at some point in their evolutionary journey, they understand the human dilemma and the complex issues involved in living and creating on the material plane.

Their purpose, to guide humanity to light, is accomplished through working with individuals who are open and available to their presence. They never impose their presence or will upon another being—they come only by invitation, because of a sincere desire in the heart of the other to receive assistance and insight along the pathway to wholeness and remembering.

Spirit guides are teachers. They show us the way and they help us to remember what we need to know to find our way. They accompany us on our journey through life, but they cannot live our lives for us and they cannot interfere with our free will. When we make mistakes, our spirit guides may grieve with us but they will not stop us from going the way we have chosen. Guides understand our human need to learn through the experience of life, to acquire wisdom that can only grow through direct experience.

Spirit guides recognize humans as the rightful masters of the material plane. From their perspective, we are incarnated in the material world so that we can learn, in intricate detail, the laws of manifesting and manipulating physical matter. As living spirits, embodied, the Earth is our kingdom and we hold the greatest power. Guides follow our evolution with great and sincere interest and, when they perceive that we are available to enter into relationship with them, they will make their presence in our lives known to us.

In sessions of meditation when we are centered in our intuitive state of awareness, we begin to perceive the presence of our spirit guides with our inner senses. We feel ourselves enveloped in an atmosphere of warmth and healing and perceive a soft sense of presence. We may receive messages, guidance. Our guides may appear to us within our inner Temple, bringing us their teachings and the sacred gift of their presence in our inner world.

Our intuitive capacity allows us to perceive the presence of our guides and understand the significance of the teachings they have to offer us. Intuition serves as a bridge between the world of matter and the world of light where we are reunited with our guides.


As we consecrate more and more of our time to the development of our intuitive capacity, we develop our ability to enter into communion with our spirit guides as well. The capacity to receive teachings from spirit guides is directly related to the intuitive function of knowingness or direct perception. When we receive messages in this manner, the process is known as channeling or transmission.

The capacity to channel is as innate to every human being as the capacity of intuition, but it is a skill that must be developed slowly and patiently over time and that must be practiced with a lot of discrimination. When we commit ourselves to the development of this capacity, we open ourselves up to other planes of existence and consciousness. It is essential to engage, at the same time, in a work of personal purification and transformation. We must develop strong qualities of wisdom, presence, and clarity, so that the transmissions we receive are of a high and pure quality. When we function in channeling mode, the transmissions we receive correspond to our inner energetic vibrations and to our personal and spiritual levels of evolution. Even though our guides are our teachers, and are thus more advanced than we are on the evolutionary wheel of illumination, the fact that they are our guides indicates that we resonate at a similar frequency. As we raise our energetic frequency to match theirs, communion with them becomes more frequent and communication becomes more fluid.

Communication with spirit guides allows us to receive spiritual teachings of a very high vibrational frequency, which can accelerate our personal evolution. Teachings transmitted to us by our guides assist us in very precise matters related to our incarnation and the problems we face along our evolutionary path. Spirit guides have the wonderful advantages of distance and detachment from worldly problems and their perspective can help us to understand and integrate the spiritual lessons we are learning in any given moment.


Over the years I have been studying and working with the development of the intuition, I have also consecrated my time to the development of a relationship with spirit guides. The relationship has developed to the point where I am in regular contact with the light beings who accompany me through my life. They assist me on both a personal and professional level, offering me insight into my own evolution as well as guidance that assists in the evolution of students and clients. In the following pages are examples of some of these transmissions, demonstrating the presence, healing power, and deep wisdom of the light beings who watch over us all and accompany us on our evolutionary path.


What is intuition?

Intuition is a way to connect your heart and your vision. With intuition you learn to speak truly, perceiving patterns of energy. You understand that you are part of a great totality and you see how the mind is limited.

In reading others, you discover your ability to go to the essential, to be detached, to understand what is connected to the essential movement of the person and what is not. Intuitive readings are a way to help people connect to their deepness, to their true desire.

Through intuitive development, you learn the importance of being real and authentic with yourself. Every time you speak the truth to another person, you create truth in yourself. Intuition teaches you to be thorough, to be clear, and to go beyond the mind. In finding your intuitive self, you reunite with the wisdom and the timelessness of your soul. With your inner senses, you touch the mysteries and paradoxes of being. You go beyond time and space into an inner state of emptiness where all truth is available to you. In this state you find the truth of yourself, and so, you find your place.”


An invitation to enter into communion with the guides

Be not afraid of us, for we hold you close to our hearts and in all ways we wish light for you. We have been with you since eternity, waiting for your hearts and eyes to open to us, to recognize our presence in your lives. It is a great joy to us that now, many of you are becoming attuned to the world that is and is not—that you are dropping the rigidity of your thought-walls and letting us in.

Hear us—we have been entrusted with the great secrets, the truths you need to remember. In the softness of internal quiet, we can join you and tell you many things to assist you on your way.

See us—we are of the light, pure and clear, for we live in the heart of God and from Him, we come to you, clothed in His light, fresh with His love. We take the form known to you as human so that you can perceive us more clearly. For truly, it is our wish to assist you in love.

Know us—call us by the names we tell you. We can be with you in an instant of your time. Let us help you. It is our calling to guide you. There are many of us, yet we are in truth but one. We are a mirroring of you, we are the light of you, untouched by matter. We are truly free, but for our love of you, and this love binds us to your purpose.

Feel us—we touch you, we bring you gifts of healing light and weave them all around you, enfolding you in His light and love. We know your pain and your joy and we await you patiently—we know you are coming home. The journey is long and you become weary, but listen … listen with your hearts … the very sky opens to welcome you. His heart draws you, warming you. You are almost home.

In these days, in these very special days, we have much to teach you, much to show you. The light now is bright and we are welcome in many hearts.

Remember us—we are your friends, and we are beloveds of the true light. Be at peace, beloveds, for beloveds you are. You have not been forgotten. Your light shines and grows, and love is here in the healing you give. Trust.”

Ariel and Raphael

A teaching about fear, purification, and transformation

When we come to you, we speak to your consciousness, to your soul. It is through the consciousness of your soul that we are in contact with you.

Your soul, which was hidden in the deepness of your heart, expands and takes its place throughout your body. Every time you accept light, you nourish your soul and your soul grows and becomes more radiant, more luminous, more lucid, and more powerful. As you allow your soul-consciousness to awaken and expand your awareness, you have many revelations about who you are, where you come from, and about your capacities.

Because you have answered our call, you are an instrument of light. You are a soul who has accepted the task of awakening others to the truth of who they are.

To become free is a process of liberating yourself from fear. Fear is the greatest limitation. The fear of letting go is a fear written deeply into the cells of your physical body. The body believes that fear helps it to survive. For the body, fear is essential to survival. Fear and protection are almost the same thing to the body. Fear is a quality of energy, a belief passed down through the generations of the family. The family story of fear is contained in the kidneys. The fears of the mother and the fears of the father act together to create the fears of the infant. Think about the fact that the water of the uterus is a water coming from the mother. Water is connected to the kidneys and kidneys are associated with ancestral stories and the survival of the family. The fetus is protected by the water, but the water, in itself, is connected to the quality of fear.

It is difficult to separate life from fear. Fear creates limits and life seems full of limits. This dilemma is one of the greatest challenges on the path of revelation of the truth of who you really are. To go beyond fear and the limitations imposed by fear, you must have a warrior's spirit. You must dare to face your fear, to overcome your fear, and to go beyond it. But you must understand that the fear you face is not simply your personal fear. It is the fears of the family, the fears of your ancestors, the fears held within you from old incarnations you have lived. The only place in you where you are beyond fear is in the consciousness of your soul and spirit. In this place, fear is nonexistent, because there are no limits, because you are living in the consciousness of your immortality.

Fear is matter in the absence of light-consciousness. Fear is you living in the illusion of mortality. Fear is you thinking you are your physical body and your personality. Fear is the result of the great illusion of separation and ego.

You are in the process of liberating yourself from fear and from this illusion. You are eliminating the fear of your ancestral heritage. You are freeing yourself from the past, from your karmic story. This process is experienced as an elimination. Liberation from fear triggers many physical symptoms and reactions. You must understand that, in a sense, your body has a life of its own. The instinct to survive is very strong. The paradox is that this instinct to survive is what ultimately causes death of the physical body.

When each and every cell of your physical body is incarnated with the living light of your soul-consciousness, you become immortal, you become free. To become free in this fashion, all fear must be purified, transformed, and liberated with the consciousness of your light self.

You must accept the fear which is there, but which is not really you. You must become the master of your body, accepting the presence of fear without becoming dominated by it. Your body has fear and fear creates pain and illness. So, like a wise and loving parent, you take the fearful child into your heart, accepting and listening to the story of the fear. But you do not think that you are the fear. You accept that the fear is there and, with the energy of loving wisdom, you dissolve the fear. You free the child from its fear by revealing the fear as an illusion. You bring light to the place of fear. The light absorbs the shadow and so the fear is dissolved, creating more place for light. In a place of light, the soul is free and can live in truth and freedom.

As the light inhabits you more and more fully, your healing abilities become more powerful and your inner vision becomes more clear. Do not underestimate the purifying power of light. Do not become discouraged by the feeling of not knowing where you are going. In your soul, you know where you are going. You are going home. You are leaving forever the structures and frameworks of the illusions through which you have functioned since eternity. You are liberating yourself from limitations. You are mastering physical matter and you are transforming this matter, returning matter to light. This alchemical process is happening first and foremost in the physical matter of your body. Every time you touch matter with the intention of transforming it to light, a movement of elimination, purification, and transformation is triggered.

You can renounce your past and the path of illusion, but do not renounce your experience. Your experience is priceless. Your experience is your truth and your truth is who you are. Believe us when we say to you, with great love and compassion, that you will need all your experience to help you, to guide you and to guide others, in these coming years of transition, in these years of purification. We are sorry that this period of transition is difficult to live through. You are not yet capable of living in the eternal blessing of light-consciousness. God is here in light and in light is His love. His great love is eternal and you too are the essence of eternal love. Open yourself to love, to light and to the God-essence. We thank you.”

Red Eagle

Speaking about his human life, his human death, and preparation for death from this world

I am an old man. I am old and dry. My bones are dry and I am waiting for the wind to take me. My heart is heavy. My heart is sad. I sit on my rock and I wait for the wind to take me. Facing me, I see the land. The land is rich and full of life. The sky is vast. The Sun is here. I breathe with the Earth. I am waiting. I am waiting for the Earth to let me go. I am waiting for the Earth to release me. Soon, the Earth will expire and I will leave. The Sun will breathe me and the wind will take me and from this Earth. I will disappear. I love this Earth but I will not be sorry to leave. My people have gone, I am old, and I wait for the wind to come for me.

It was not easy to live and see all that I have seen. It was not an easy time to walk upon this Earth. I have survived even my death. I lived my death and I am still alive.

Do not be afraid to die. You cannot escape the experience. You cannot escape, so you may as well surrender. I will help you to be courageous in front of your death. It will help you to be courageous if you can remember that death is like breathing. In this moment, you breathe with the Earth and you are in the arms of your Mother Earth. Your mother breathes and you live. The Great Spirit released you from his heart so that you could go and live with your mother, the Earth. He gave you to the mother so that she could love you. So that she could know you. So that she could carry you in her heart.

The Great Father is generous. He gives his children to the mother. He is generous. But there is a moment when he wishes for his children to come back to him. He lends you to the Earth, but the Great Father needs you too. When you are gone, he misses you. He lets you go. He knows one day you will come back. He waits for you. He knows when you come back you will tell him many stories. You will speak of your experiences. He is old now. The Great Father is very old. Your legs are stronger than his. You can do long journeys and so you have many stories to tell.

One day he cannot let you stay longer. He takes a great breath and he draws you back to him. He breathes as the wind and he carries you back to him. He breathes you in. You expire with your breath and you leave this Earth. The Mother Earth lets you go. She cannot do anything else. They have an agreement, the Great Father and the mother, and each must honor the agreement.

You can be happy to find yourself back in the heart of the Great Father. He is like your Sun. He is warm and generous. He is a loving father, a kind father. You can be sad to leave the Earth, your mother, because she is warm and soft, but when you find yourself back with the father you will forget your sorrow. You will be joyful.

Do not be afraid of what you call death. I am old and my bones are dry, and I am still alive. What I learned in the journey of my death was to accept my sorrow. You have never met a man as sorry as I. You cannot know the depth of my sorrow.

Do not let your sorrow make you bitter. This is my advice to you. Do not let your sorrow stop you from seeing the joy. There is much joy. There is as much joy as there is sadness.

I was a man with a position. I was a man with a place. I was a man with many children; many wives and many children. All of my people were lost to me. They were all taken from me. You cannot ask a man to bear more sorrow than that. It is true, I was bitter. How can the Great Father be so cruel? How can he be so hard?

We were a great people, it is true. It is not easy to understand why a people must perish, that something so fine could be destroyed because of ignorance.

I was, in my time, a wise man. I was a man who knew nature, who spoke with spirits. I was what you would call a medicine man. In front of the changes of that time, I was important. You were also alive in that time, in that hard time of losing. Do not try to understand that time. We lost many of our children. It was so sad. These children died to us, but they did not die. Do not hold this bitterness in your hearts. Do not become dry like me. Our children died, but it was to go back to the father. Now I understand that, but in my bitterness, I could not accept it. I am an old and dry man, almost as dry as the wind now. You must let your sorrow flow. The sorrow in your heart is like your lifeblood. You must release it and let it flow. You must not become dry. You must stay fluid.

You cannot change the ways of the gods. You cannot understand the ways of the gods. They have their movement. They have their stories and we are part of their stories. Their story is much bigger than we are. Now, where I am, I understand this better. There is as much joy as there is sadness. That is the truth. The children die, but the children also live. They laugh. They play.

One day you will die to this Earth. That is inevitable. It cannot be another way. When it is your time to die, try not to be bitter. If you are bitter, it will be difficult to open your heart. It will be difficult to open your heart to say good-bye to the mother and it will be difficult to open your heart to say hello to the father. When your heart is open, you can breathe easily, you can go from life, you can go to death, and you can go to life again, simply. Do not forget that, my children.

When you see the moment of your death arriving, you must remember to open yourself. You will live your life, and then, you will live your death like a birth, like a new life. I am an old man. I have walked a long way on your Earth. Like all old men, I have many memories. I thank you for listening to an old man.

I bless you with the love of the father. I bless you with the love of the mother. May the mother show you your path and the father bring you his Sun. May you always go in peace. And may the wind carry you gently home.”

Kwan Yin

A teaching about the healer within

Greetings to you, my beloved sisters and brothers. My purpose in speaking to you is to tell you about healing. I am a teacher of healing. I am a being who has consecrated her existence to the work of healing. I have been working for many, many centuries of your time.

Perhaps, in the deepness of your soul, you can remember me, not as a person but as a presence. I am a sister of God. I am a sister of love and a sister of mercy. The vibration of my being is in relation to the colors of rose and green. My name is Kwan Yin. In your world, I am venerated as a goddess. I am that, but more than that, I am a spirit. I am a being. I am a teacher of love.

It is my duty to teach healing and to raise the awareness of beings such as you, so that you may take your place in the world as healers. We are many working together to realize our goal of planetary healing.

A healer is what you already are. You are not learning to be a healer. You are remembering yourself as the healer that you are. Healing is not a technique, even though there are many techniques that you can learn which will help you in your work. You are a healer because of who you are in your deepness. You must absolutely become aware of and accept this fact.

It is your presence that heals. It is your energy that heals. Your existence provokes healing in others. Because of who you are, it is like that. There is a movement in you, a very special movement. You have a special connection with light, with God. This connection is written in your soul. It is something decided before you were born into this life. Before you took this body, you consecrated your life to healing.

You have devoted yourself to the path of healing because you understand that there is no other way. You understand that to help others is truly an honorable path. You understand that there is a great work to do. You understand that everyone must cooperate together. You understand that the suffering of the other is your suffering. You understand that the joy of the other is your joy. You understand all these things, very important things. Because of your understanding you have consecrated your life to healing.

Now you must assume responsibility for the vow you have taken. You have a connection in you, with us, with the world of energy, the world of spirits, of guides, of light. We act through you. Because of your contact with us, there is a large movement within you. This movement touches others, provokes others into their own movement.

If you do not use your gift of healing, you will find yourself overcome by your problems. You cannot stop the movement. You can only go with the movement. Many of the problems you think you have are the result of yourself stopping this movement. Your attention is too much on yourself. You are too preoccupied with your small problems. You think you should solve your problems before you can help others. But I tell you, that it is not the way. You must abandon yourself to the movement, abandon yourself to light, abandon yourself to us. Give yourself to the service of helping others. In this way, you will find your movement. Others will find their movement, and you will liberate yourself from your obsessions.

Your problems are not important. They are illusions. You are not your problems. You create your problems because of your mental obsessions. Your thoughts create. Everything you create with your thoughts is an illusion. Illusion that seems very real. Problems that seem very serious. With all of these problems, which seem so serious, you think you cannot begin to help others, because first you must help yourself. You are in a trap.

What you must understand is that only when you begin to help others can we truly begin to help you. When you let go of all your obsessions of your small world, you are opening yourself to the vastness of the big world.

A healer is not something you learn to be. It is something you already are. You are that. Look at your life and you will see that it is evident. You are a healer. You have something in you that calls other people to come to you. They ask for your help. They speak to you. They open their hearts to you. They open their lives to you. Look at yourself. Look at your life. You have always been doing that. If people come to you, opening their hearts to you, it is because, instinctively, they trust you. Be aware of yourself, of who you are.

We do not ask you to heal alone. It is the contrary. We ask you to open yourself to us. We ask you to work in collaboration with us. You are our hands. You are our eyes. You have nothing to fear from our presence. We share the same goal. Simply, we are here in light and you are there in matter.

We are very grateful to you that you have chosen to be incarnated in this period of time. You are many. You must nourish each other. There is much work to do. There is a great work to accomplish. There are many hearts to touch, many souls to care for, many beings to wake up. This is your task. It was your obsession from the beginning.

You can only be who you are. We do not ask you more than that. We ask only that you be who you are and that you achieve your goals, that you participate. Do not think that you are alone. Truly, we are never far from you. We are with you. We heal you. We heal the others. We love you so much. We thank you.

We wish you would let yourself really see. Try not to be discouraged by the difficulties. The more you can abandon yourself to light, the more the light can carry you to your goal. The more you can abandon yourself to light, the more the other can be healed simply by being in your presence.

You are not responsible for the enlightenment of others. As a healer, your responsibility lies in helping others to find their own movement, helping others to wake up to the truth of who they are. You help them to find the resources within themselves which they need to heal themselves. You are not responsible for their enlightenment.

My children, do not be discouraged by what you think is happening in this world of yours. It is not as bad as all that. The world is healing. All your people are healing. Slowly, the beings are awakening. Do not be discouraged. We are not discouraged. We are very hopeful.

You are our children. But more than our children, you are our brothers and sisters and we are waiting for you. One day you will come back to us. After your task is done, you will come back to us to rest in light. But do not be in a hurry to come back to us. There is no need. We can be with you where you are. The work that you accomplish has a purpose. Every time you touch the heart of another, there is more joy in this world. Every time you act from your truth, you are bringing more love into this world. Every moment is sacred, every gesture is important, every action has a consequence. Every moment you are in your own awareness, you bring this world to awareness. You have a place in that, my children. You have a role to play and we thank you. We thank you for your willingness, for your courage, for your caring.

I thank you for listening to me. I thank you for your presence. It is my need to speak. In speaking, I know I can touch you in your heart. In speaking, I know you will begin to remember who I am. In remembering me, you remember yourself. You remember your origins. In remembering who you are, you can remember why you are here.

Blessings to you.”


A teaching about light, the light that we are, the Sun, and the quality of intention

There are not many people who are called to do this work that we give you. We have waited patiently for a long time until we have found the right atmosphere.

To understand light, the real nature of light, you must be willing to let go all of your ideas about light. You are light.

In fact, it is very simple: because you are light, you cannot see yourself clearly. What you perceive as yourself is simply the structure that contains the light. You are the light that exists between the structure of matter, but you cannot touch this light. It is a light so fine, so light, that you cannot grasp it. Light is your original nature. Light is your essence. It is natural that you take light for granted. Your true father, the Sun, has always blessed you with his light. He is light … he is a light that is dying. Still, see how he is beautiful, how he is nourishing you with his warmth, and how, with his grace, life flourishes.

Your light is more than the light of the Sun. We know that you cannot understand this. Your light is a living light, a conscious light, a light with a purpose, with intention. It is this intention that makes you great. With this intention, your light magnifies light.

You have the power, not only to send light, but to create light. Do not be discouraged by your smallness. Your fragility is an essential aspect of your true beauty. The light that you are is precious, more precious than anything on Earth.

You come from a source that is beyond description. You carry within you the memory of the source and the pathway home. But do not be in a hurry to come back to us, for truly, you have a place on Earth. You have a work to do and we are with you. We never leave you. Even when you are lost, we are with you.

We speak always to the light in you, the light of your infinite intelligence. You have forgotten much about that which you truly are, but in your deepness, you remember all that is essential to bring you home.

Be courageous. Stay in trust. The light that is in your heart-of-hearts is your true guide. Believe in yourself. Stay available. We are with you.”