Going the Way of the White Clouds


We are going the way of the white clouds,
we are going the way of the white clouds,
Home to You, Home to You.

—Sufi song

The transmissions from the spirit guides are full of hope, blessings, and patient encouragement. The guides are wise and their teachings are offered in an atmosphere of love, encouragement, and understanding. After a session of channeling, I am deeply touched in my heart, moved by the teachings I have received and also by the quality of relationship I feel with the guides. Their presence helps me to remember who I am, where I come from, and to where, eventually, I will return.

The guides exist on another vibrational plane—a plane of light, radiance, and soft welcoming warmth. Thanks to intuitive perception, the gap between the everyday physical world and their world of light is bridged and, for the time that we are in communication, our two worlds can meet. Contact with my world teaches the guides about the pleasures and dilemmas of being human; contact with theirs reveals to me again and again that light is the essence of creation, an ever present force completely permeating our world and the precious experience we call life.

Thanks to my meetings with the guides, I receive a living teaching about light, personal transformation, and human evolution that I can apply in my daily life, as well as in my professional vocation.

The teachings of the guides are perfectly adapted to spiritual seekers committed to life in the material world. They help us to develop discipline, detachment and skills of self-realization, while, at the same time we learn the art of letting go into silence, heart, and communion. One of the ultimate purposes of the guides is to assist people on a path of spiritual evolution to develop their capacity to enter into intuitive contact with their own guides. In this period of transition toward the new millennium, we need guidance. We need wisdom and we need perspective. The presence of spirit guides does not allow us to escape from the world or to go beyond being human, but rather helps us to be, and to become, the beings that we potentially are in our deepest selves.

The path I have taken is a path of learning. First as student, then as teacher, and, as teacher, always student. Of all the tools I have acquired throughout my years of learning, it is my intuition that has been the most valuable.

The intuition is the beginning and the end, it is the essence, the answer. The intuition opens the door to the truth, to the vast mysteries of existence, and to the equally vast mysteries of the human being.

We are all intuitive. Of this I am certain. However, intuition is not always an easy gift to carry. To perceive the truth in the midst of lies causes deep sadness. To carry awareness of the long path traveled by the soul can be tiring, at times an oppressive weight to bear. To perceive and feel the sadness, fear, and suffering of others is heartrending, almost too much to bear. To be so sensitive—to feel, to see, to know—at times, it is hard to be all that and still be gay, vibrant, laughing.

But intuitive we are and we cannot be another way. It is our birthright, our inheritance. It is part of our depth, our fragility, and our ultimate strength and beauty. To refuse our intuition is to refuse ourselves. To refuse ourselves, we are condemned to a lost and lonely life, cut off from our hearts, cut off from feeling, and cut off from the source from which we have come.

Reconciliation with our intuition brings us home to ourselves and, in coming home to ourselves, we come home to the divinity within. We rediscover our deepness, our vast potential, and the endless mystery of ourselves.

In aligning ourselves with our intuition, we give birth to the marriage between the masculine and feminine living within us. We create a movement of inner alchemy and, once this movement is activated, we will never again be the same. Intuition brings us to independence and inner reliance. We are able to seek our own counsel, to find the answers to our questions within ourselves in the calm, silent temple of the inner soul. The ultimate gift of the intuition is the gift of homecoming. Coming home to ourselves, we come to our appropriate place, to our true purpose.

We have, each and every one of us, a reason for living— we have a purpose. It is this purpose that we must discover and then realize in order to accomplish the evolution of our soul. One day, we will die to this world and we will return to the light from which we came. But the essential being that we are, the consciousness of our spirit and soul, is eternal and will remember the path we have traveled long after our bodies have gone to dust. Our origins are in light and our intuition is the incarnation of our light nature in all its power, wisdom, and truth. By giving a place to our intuition we heal ourselves of ancient wounds and old, old sorrows. We give a place to joy, laughter, and knowingness. We give a place to our heart and we allow our wisdom to live within us. Guided in love and protected by wisdom, we are sure to find our path all the way home.