The Dutch East India Company archives (De archieven van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie) are located in the National Archives in The Hague. Sources marked with VOC come from this archive and can be consulted using inventory 1.04.02. I have also relied heavily on the archive of the Dutch East India Company factory in Japan (Archief van de Nederlandse Factorij in Japan te Hirado en te Deshima), which is also located in the National Archives. Source marked with NFJ come from this archive and can be consulted using inventory 1.04.21. Unless otherwise indicated, all translations are my own. Whenever possible I have attempted to supply folio references or to indicate that a record is unfolioed. Dutch names from this period have multiple spellings. I have made use of the most common spelling in the main text, while maintaining the variations as they appear in the original documents in the notes.
Map 0.1. The Company’s area of operations in Southeast and East Asia
Map 0.2. Tokugawa Japan