Chapter 12
Summary and Reflection


Spiritual warfare to defeat the devil can be accomplished through powerful weapons that we often hear little about—such as obedience, peace, and love.

1. The Bible says, “So be subject to God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). Why do you suppose submitting to God is just as important as resisting the devil?

2. Have you ever experienced an attack from an individual to destroy your character, position, or reputation? Use Matthew 5:44 and Luke 6:27 to describe how you might respond biblically.

3. Paraphrase Isaiah 41:10–16, using your own words to describe God’s promise to keep you at peace during life’s storms.

4. The principles of Christianity are often paradoxical. In other words, they seem completely upside down. Using the following scriptures, write in your journal about events from your own life that illustrate the use or lack of use of these principles.

Matthew 18:4

Matthew 19:21 Matthew 19:30

Matthew 23:12

James 4:6

1 Peter 5:6

5. Paraphrase 1 Corinthians 13:1–8.

6. Think about a time when you were in conflict with another person. How could you have used love as a spiritual weapon to defeat the strategies of Satan in that situation?


Dear Lord, give me the grace to respond to the battles in my life with obedience, peace, and love. I submit my life to You, knowing that You hold my future in Your hands. I submit my future battles to You before they even happen, and I ask You to cause me to triumph through the power of Your peace and love. Help me to walk in unselfishness, generosity, and goodwill toward others. Where my heart is small, make it large with Your love. Amen.