Changes to the Street. Discovers Alonzo alone.
Alon. This Act of mine was rash and ill-natur’d,
And I cannot leave the Street with a good Conscience,
Till I know what mischief I have done.
Enter Dormida and Clarinda.
Hah, Ladies from the same House! these are Birds that I have frighted from their Nests I am sure: I’ll proffer my Service to them.
Dorm. Why do not you make more haste?
Clar. How can she go, whose Life is left behind?
Besides, I know not whither we should go.
Ye Powers that guard the Innocent, protect us.
Alon. These must be some whom I have injur’d.
Ladies — you seem as in distress.
Dorm. Oh, Sir, as you are a Gentleman, assist a pair of Virgins.
Alon. What’s this, a mumping Matron? I hope the other’s young, or I have offer’d my Service to little purpose.
Clar. Sir, if you will have the Charity to assist us,
Do it speedily, we shall be very grateful to you.
Alon. Madam, I will, but know not where to carry ye; my Lodging is in an Inn, and is neither safe nor honourable: but Fortune dares no less than protect the Fair, and I’ll venture my Life in your Protection and Service.
Enter Marcel faintly.
Mar. Stay, Traytor, stay — oh they are out of sight,
But may my Curse o’ertake them in their flight.