A Grove.

Enter Thersander,

Ther. Urge it no more,
Lysander,’tis in vain,
My Liberty past all retrieve is lost;
But they’re such glorious Fetters that confine me,
I wou’d not quit them to preserve that Life
Thou justly say’st I hazard by my Love.

Lys. The Scythian Gods defend it!

Ther. The Gods inspire it, ’tis their Work alone;
 — I know she is my Enemy, hates Thersander,
Has sent for all the neighbouring Kings for aid,
That hither Artabases and Ismenes
Have brought their Powers t’ assist against my Crown.
But what of this? She loves me as Clemanthis,
Which will surmount her Hatred to the Scythians.
Oh, my Lysander! didst thou know her Charms,
Thou’dst also know ’tis not a mortal Force
That can secure the Heart: She’s all divine!
All Beauty,
Wit, and Softness! and she loves!
Already I have found the grateful Secret;
She scorns the little Customs of her Sex,
And her belief of being so much above me,
Permits her to encourage my Design;
She gives a Boldness to my bashful Flame,
And entertains me with much Liberty.

Lys. Were all this true, you’re equally unhappy;
She must be only his that conquers you,
That wins your Crown, and lays it at her Feet.

Ther. Love ne’er considers the Event of things,
The Path before me’s fair, and I’ll pursue it;
Fearing no other Forces than her Eyes,
Bright as the Planets under which they’re born.

Lys. And will you let her know you are in love?

Ther. If all my Sighs, if Eyes still fix’d on hers
With Languishment and Passion, will inform her, I’ll let her know my Flame, or perish in th’ Attempt.

Lys. Dare you declare it as you now appear?
And can you hope, that under the Degree
Of what indeed you are, she will permit it?
And your Discovery is your certain ruin.

Ther. Thy Counsel, dear Lysander, comes too late,
She’s in the Grove, where now I must attend her,
And see where she approaches —

Enter Cleomena,

Cleo. The Stranger, say you, grown of late so pensive!
 — I must enquire the Cause — what if it shou’d be Love?
And that too not for me! hah, my Semiris!
That Thought has given me Pains I never felt;
 — Gods! why comes he not? I grow impatient now;
 — Say, didst thou bid him wait me in the Grove?

Sem. Madam, I spoke to him my self —

Cleo. And told him I wou’d speak with him?

Sem. As you commanded me, I said.

Cleo. It seems he values my Commands but little,
Who is so slow in his Obedience: — Where found you him?

Sem. I’th’ Antick Gallery,

Cleo. Gallery! what did he there? tell me exactly, — I have no Picture there.

Sem. Madam, he was viewing that of Olympia, your fair Cousin,
But for the Excellency of the Work, not Beauty.

Cleo. Thou art deceiv’d; viewing her Picture, say you?
 — Oh, thou hast touch’d a tender part,
 — But yonder’s he that can allay my Rage [Sees Thersander.
And calm me in that Love by every Look.
 — Clemanthis, you absent your self too much
From those to whom your Presence is agreeable;
I hear that you are grown retir’d of late,
And visit shady Groves, walk thus — and sigh,
Like melancholy Lovers. Has the Court
(Who for your Entertainment has put on
More Gaiety than in an Age before)
Nothing that can divert you? Cease your Ceremony;
                                           [He bows low.
I am your Friend, and if ought harbour there
Within that sullen Breast, impart it here —
And I’ll contribute any thing to ease you.
 — Come — boldly tell thy Griefs;
I have an Interest in thy noble Life.
 — Perhaps, since you’re arriv’d at Court, you’ve seen
Some Beauty that has made a Conquest o’er your Heart;
 — Whoe’er she be, you cannot fear Success.

Ther. The Honours you have heap’d upon your Slave,
Have been sufficient
To have encourag’d any bold Attempt;
And here are Beauties would transform a God,
Much more a Soldier, into an amorous Shape.
 — But, I confess, with shame, I brought no Heart
Along with me to Court, and after that
What acceptable Sacrifice can I offer?
This makes me shun the Pleasures of your Court,
And seek Retirements silent as my Griefs.

It seems you were a Lover e’er I saw you,
And Absence from your Mistress makes you languish.

Ther. Ah,
Madam, do not ask me many Questions,
Lest I offend where I should merit Pity;
The Boldness may arrive unto her Knowledge,
And then you’ll lose the humblest of your Creatures,
Whilst as I am, I may among the Croud
Of daily Worshippers, pay my Devotions.

Cleo. Give me your Hand, we’ll walk a little. [They go and sit dawn on a Bank. — How do you like this Grove?

Ther. As I do every place you’re pleas’d to bless.
Heaven were not Heaven, were Gods not present there;
And where you are, ’tis Heaven every where.

Cleo. Look,
Clemanthis — on yonder tuft of Trees,
Near which there is a little murmuring Spring,
From whence a Rivulet does take its rise,
And branches forth in Channels through the Garden;— ’Twas near a place like that — where first I saw Clemanthis. [Sighing.

Ther. Madam, be pleas’d to add, ’twas also there Clemanthis left his Liberty at the Feet Of Divine Cleomena;
And charg’d himself with those too glorious Chains,
Never to be dismist but with his Life. [She rising in anger, he kneels.

Cleo. How,

Ther. Ah! Madam, if I too presumptuous grow,
From your Commands, and all your Bounties to me,
You should forgive the Pride you do create,
And all its strange Effects;
Which if I have mistaken, let me die.
Only this Mercy grant me, to believe,
That if our Adorations please the Gods,
Mine cannot be offensive to my Princess,
Since they are equally Religious.

Cleo. Stranger — before I punish thy Presumption,
Inform me who it is that has offended?
Who giving me no other knowledge of him,
Than what his sword has done — dares raise his Eyes to me?

Ther. Madam, what you demand is just,
And I had rather die than disobey you;
But I am constrain’d by a Necessity
(Which when you know, you certainly will pardon)
For some time to conceal my Birth and Name.

Cleo. Till then you should have kept your Flame conceal’d, ‘T had been less disobliging from a criminal one,
Whose Quality had justify’d his Boldness.

Ther. Ah! Madam, wou’d Heaven and you wou’d find no other Difficulty Than want of Quality to merit you!

Cleo. I must confess,
Clemanthis, with a Blush,
That nothing of the rest displeases me.

Ther. Ah,
Madam, how you bless me!
And now with Confidence I dare assure you,
That which should render me more worthy of you,
Shall be in me found more to your Advantage,
Than in those Princes who have taken on ‘em
The Glory of your Service.

Cleo. As I am very reasonable, and do act
With more Sincerity than Artifice,
I’ll now desire no more.
But have a care you use my Bounty well;
For I am now grown kind enough to think
That all you say is true.

Ther. Madam, banish me your Presence, as the Man
Of all the World unworthy to adore you,
If I present not to you in Clemanthis
A Man enough considerable to hope.

Cleo. But oh! Clemanthis, I forgot my Fate,
My Destiny depends upon my People;
Urg’d by the Queen, they’ve made a Resolution
To give me to that Prince who does most powerfully
Advance the Ruin of the King of Scythia.

Ther. Madam, I am not ignorant of the Conditions
That are impos’d on those who pretend to you;
I will not only serve you in this War
With more Success than any,
But set the Crown of Scythia on your Head.

Cleo. That’s bravely said.

Ther. Perhaps it seems extravagantly spoken,
In the Condition you behold me now;
But here I vow — I never will demand
The Divine Cleomena till I have crown’d her —
Madam, till I have crown’d her Queen of Scythia.
 — Till then — give me but hope — enough, to live —

Cleo. That’s to your Passion due; and when I know
Who ’tis I favour — I will more allow.

Sem. Madam, the Queen is here.

  Enter Queen,
   Attendants, &c.

Queen. I am glad to see you all in Readiness;
To morrow I intend to be i’th’ Camp,
 — And Cleomena is your General;
Since ’tis her Cause we fight, it is but just
She share the Danger of it with the Glory.

Arta. We all approve it,
Madam, and are proud
Fair Cleomena shall a Witness be
Of what we do to serve her,
And see the easy Conquest we shall make
Upon the Persons of her Enemies.

Hon. I know not,
Sir, what you may do,
But we have found it not so easy.

Arta. Oh, there’s no doubt, but we’ll depopulate Scythia,
And lead its King, with the vain Prince his Son,
Loaden with Irons, to adorn your Triumphs.

Ther. Madam, I must confess your Force is great,
And the Assistance of these Men considerable;
Yet I advise your Majesty to prepare
For the Defeat of the great King of Scythia,
As to a Business much more difficult
Than they present it to you: for I know
The Forces of that Nation are not less.
             [Looks with scorn on them.
 — Consider too, that King was never conquer’d,
Though these believe to do’t with so much ease.
I oft have seen Thersander, that young Prince,
Upon whose Sword Fortune her self depends,
 — And I can tell — he’s not so easily chain’d,
Artabazes, you imagine him.

Arta. What, do you think to fright us with the Praises
You give our Enemies?
 — I have heard of that King, and of Thersander too;
But never heard of so much Terror in ‘em,
Should make us apprehend an ill Success;
 — And you,
Clemanthis, do not know us well,
To think we’ll tremble for the Prince of Scythia,
Though many such as you should take his part.

Ther. How, many such as I! [Gomes up to his Breast. Gods! with your selves no other Enemies To join with that young Prince;
To conquer him and many such as I,
Requires a Number of such Kings as you.

Ism. It is too much,
Clemanthis; were you well Affected to the Service of the Queen,
You would not thus commend her Enemies.

Ther. Madam, I humbly beg your Pardon,
I have fail’d in the Respect I owe you,
By what I’ve said in favour of your Enemies,
Whom, whilst you think so easily o’ercome,
You will neglect that Power should make you Victor.

Qu. ’Tis Virtue,
Sir, that makes you give what’s due,
Though to the Advantage of those Men you hate —
 — I must not have you take ought ill from him. [To the King.
But as you’ve all unanimously join’d
To assist us in this War, so all embrace,
                       [Ther. salutes ‘em coldly.
Be one and ever Friends.
Brother, I leave the Conduct of this hopeful Army [To Hon.
To your unquestion’d Care; and if you can,
Oblige this noble Stranger for ever in our Service.

Cleo. Uncle, I’ll to the Camp with you;
And you,
Clemanthis, must be near me still.

[Ther. bows. All go out but Ther. Hon. Lysan.

Hon. Clemanthis, you are troubled.

Ther. I was a little ruffled, but ’tis gone.

Hon. You shou’d not blame them,
Sir, for envying you, A Man so young, and such a Name in War.

Ther. That,
Sir, is only your Esteem of it.

Hon. No, dear Clemanthis, that I may declare
To all the World and thee, how much I prize it,
Without consulting of your Quality,
I’ll make you absolute Master of my Fortune.

Ther. Heav’ns! whence this Generosity? [Aside.

Hon. I have a Daughter,
Sir, an only Child,
Whom all the World esteems a virtuous one,
And for whose Love Princes have su’d in vain,
I now with Joy will render you in Marriage.

Ther. I am undone! [Aside.
It is a Princess,
Sir, I must admire,
But never durst behold her with Eyes of Love,
A Maid so much above me.

Hon. I am a Man, whose martial Disposition
Renders me too unartful in my Language;
I cannot study Fineness in my Words,
But with Sincerity declare my Heart,
And do propose this Marriage with Olympia,
For your Advantage and the publick Interest,
Besides my own Content.

Ther. Have you consider’d,
Sir, I am below her?

Hon. No more of that; go visit my Olympia,
She is prepared to give you Entertainment. [Ex. Hon.

Ther. Marry Olympia!
No, cou’d he with Olympia give the World,
I could not love, nor marry her.
 — Oh, my Lysander! what evasion now?
 — Didst hear the noble Offer of the General?

Lys. I did, great Sir, and what will you return?

Ther. If I refuse, I must offend the Man
To whom of all the World I am most oblig’d,
And one who knowing me but by my Services,
Offers me what Thersander might accept.

Lys. It’s fit you should consult the Princess,
What ’tis you ought to do.

Ther. I’ll take thy Counsel — and wait upon Olympia: — Yes, I will go visit her, though but to prove No Torment can be like dissembled Love.
