Mr. Nokes, Sir Timothy Treat-all, An old seditious Knight that keeps open house for Commonwealths∣men and true blue Protestants.—He is Uncle to Tom Wilding.
Mr. Betterton, Tom Wilding, A Tory.—His discarded Nephew.
Mr. Lee, Sir Anthony Meriwill, An old Tory Knight of Devonshire.
Mr. Williams, Sir Charles Meriwill, His Nephew, a Tory al∣so, in love with Lady Galliard, and Friend to Wilding.
Mr. Boman, Dresswell, A young Gentleman, Friend to Wilding.
Mr. Jevon, Fopington, A Hanger on on Wild∣ing.
Iervice, Man to Sir Timothy.
Footmen, Musick, &c.
Mrs. Barry, Lady Galliard, A rich City-Widow in love with Wilding.
Mrs. Butler, Charlot, The City-Heiress, in love with Wilding.
Mrs. Corror, Diana, Mistriss to Wilding, and kept by him.
Mrs. Norice, Mrs. Clacket, A City-Bawd & Puritan.
Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Closet, Woman to La. Galliard.
SCENE, Within the Walls of London.