Draws over, and represents another Room in the same House.
Enter Parson, Diana, and Pert drest in Diana’s Clothes.
Dia. I’ll swear, Mrs. Pert, you look very prettily in my Clothes; and since you, Sir, have convinc’d me that this innocent Deceit is not unlawful, I am glad to be the Instrument of advancing Mrs. Pert to a Husband, she already has so just a Claim to.
Par. Since she has so firm a Contract, I pronounce it a lawful Marriage — but hark, they are coming sure —
Dia. Pull your Hoods down, and keep your Face from the Light. [Diana runs out.
Enter Bearjest and Noisey disordered.
Bea. Madam, I beg your Pardon — I met with a most devilish Adventure; — your Pardon too, Mr. Doctor, for making you wait. — But the business is this, Sir — I have a great mind to lie with this young Gentlewoman to Night, but she swears if I do, the Parson of the Parish shall know it.
Par. If I do, Sir, I shall keep Counsel.
Bea. And that’s civil, Sir — Come, lead the way, With such a Guide, the Devil’s in’t if we can go astray.