A Sevana, or large Heath.
Enter Whimsey, Whiff, and Boozer, with some Soldiers arm’d.

Whim. Stand — stand — and hear the word of Command — do ye see yon Cops, and that Ditch that runs along Major Dullman’s Plantation?

Booz. We do.

Whim. Place your Men there, and lie flat on your Bellies, and when Bacon comes, (if alone) seize him, d’ye see.

Whiff. Observe the Command now (if alone) for we are not for blood-shed.

Booz. I’ll warrant you for our parts.
[Exeunt all but Whim. and Whiff.

Whim. Now we have ambusht our Men, let’s light our Pipes, and sit down and take an encouraging dram of the Bottle.
[Pulls a Bottle of Brandy out of his Pocket — they sit.

Whiff. Thou art a Knave, and hast emptied half the Bottle in thy Leathern Pockets; but come, here’s young Frightall’s Health.

Whim. What, wilt drink a Man’s Health thou’rt going to hang?

Whiff. ’Tis all one for that, we’ll drink his Health first, and hang him afterwards, and thou shalt pledge me, d’ye see, and though ‘twere under the Gallows.

Whim. Thou’rt a Traitor for saying so, and I defy thee.

Whiff. Nay, since we are come out like loving Brothers to hang the General, let’s not fall out among our selves; and so here’s to you, [Drinks.] though I have no great Maw to this Business.

Whim. Prithee, Brother Whiff, do not be so villainous a Coward, for I hate a Coward.

Whiff. Nay, ’tis not that — but, my Whiff, my Nancy dreamt to night she saw me hanged.

Whim. ’Twas a cowardly Dream, think no more on’t; but as Dreams are expounded by contraries, thou shalt hang the General.

Whiff. Ay — but he was my Friend, and I owe him at this time a hundred Pounds of Tobacco.

Whim. Nay, then I am sure thou’dst hang him if he were thy Brother.

Whiff. But hark — I think I hear the Neighing of Horses, where shall we hide our selves? for if we stay here, we shall be mawled damnably.
[Exeunt both behind a Bush, peeping.
Enter Bacon, Fearless, and 3 or 4 Footmen.

Bac. Let the Groom lead the Horses o’er the Sevana; we’ll walk it on Foot, ’tis not a quarter of a Mile to the Town; and here the Air is cool.

Fear. The Breezes about this time of the Day begin to take wing, and fan refreshment to the Trees and Flowers.

Bac. And at these Hours how fragrant are the Groves!

Fear. The Country’s well, were but the people so.

Bac. But come, lets on —
[They pass to the Entrance.

Whim. There, Boys —
[The Soldiers come forth and fall on Bacon.

Bac. Hah! Ambush —
[Draws, Fearless and Footmen draw, the Soldiers after a while
fighting, take Bacon and Fearless, they having laid 3 or 4

Whiff. So, so, he’s taken; now we may venture out.

Whim. But are you sure he’s taken?

Whiff. Sure! can’t you believe your Eyes, come forth; I hate a Coward — Oh, Sir, have we caught your Mightiness.

Bac. Are you the Authors of this valiant Act? None but such villainous Cowards durst have attempted it.

Whim. Stop his railing Tongue.

Whiff. No, no, let him rail, let him rail now his Hands are ty’d, ha, ha. Why, good General Frightall, what, was no body able d’ye think to tame the roaring Lyon?

Bac. You’ll be hanged for this.

Whim. Come, come, away with him to the next Tree.

Bac. What mean you, Villains?

Whiff. Only to hang your Honour a little, that’s all. We’ll teach you, Sir, to serve your Country against Law.
As they go off, enter Daring with Soldiers.

Dar. Hah — my General betray’d! — this I suspected.
[His Men come in, they fall on, release Bacon and Fearless,
and his Man, and get Swords. Whimsey’s Party put Whim. and
Whiff before ‘em striking ‘em as they endeavour to run on this
side or that, and forcing ‘em to bear up, they are taken after
some fighting.

Fear. Did not the General tell you Rogues, you’d be all hang’d?

Whiff. Oh, Nancy, Nancy, how prophetick are thy Dreams!

Bac. Come, lets on —

Dar. S’death, what mean you, Sir?

Bac. As I designed — to present my self to the Council.

Dar. By Heavens, we’ll follow then to save you from their Treachery, ’twas this that has befallen you that I feared, which made me at a distance follow you.

Bac. Follow me still, but still at such a distance as your Aids may be assisting on all occasions. — Fearless, go back and bring your Regiment down; and Daring, let your Sergeant with his Party guard these Villains to the Council.
[Ex. Bac. Dar. and Fearless.

Whiff. A Pox on your Worship’s Plot.

Whim. A Pox of your forwardness to come out of the Hedge.
[Ex. Officers, with Whim. and Whiff.