A Chamber, and Alcove, discovers Mirtilla and Prince Frederick.
Prince. Oh! I am ravish’d with excess of Joy.
Mir. Enough, my charming Prince! Oh, you have said enough.
Prince. Never, my Mirtilla!
The Sun that views the World, nor the bright Moon, that favours Lovers Stealths, shall ever see that Hour. Vast, as thy Beauties, are my young Desires; and every new Possession kindles new Flames, soft as thy Eyes, soft as thy tender Touches; and e’er the Pantings of my Heart are laid, new Transports, from new Wishes, dance about it, and still remain in Love’s harmonious Order.
[Kisses and embraces her.
Enter George, softly.
Geo. This House I know, and this should be her Bed-Chamber, because the best; and yet methought I heard another Voice — but I may be mistaken.
Prince. I faint with Pleasure of each tender Clasp; I sigh, and languish, gazing on thy Eyes! and die upon thy Lips, with every Kiss.
Geo. Surely I know that Voice! Torments, and Hell! — but ’tis impossible.
Prince. Oh! satisfy my Doubt, my trembling Doubt! Am I belov’d? Have I about me ought engaging to thee, Charmer of my Soul?
Geo. It is the Prince.
Mir. Ah, Prince! Can you such needless Questions ask, after the Sacrifice which I have made?
Geo. Hell take thee for that Falshood.
Mir. Think not the mighty Present of your Jewels, enough to purchase Provinces, has bought one single Sigh, or Wish: No, my dear Prince, you owe ‘em all to Love, and your own Charms.
Geo. Oh, damn’d, dissembling Jilt!
Prince. No more, no more, my Soul’s opprest with Joy: let me unload it in thy tender Arms, and sigh it out into thy ravishing Bosom.
Geo. Death, and Damnation! —
I shall forget his Quality and Virtue, forget he was my Friend, or sav’d this Life; and like a River, swell’d with angry Tides, o’erflow those Banks that made the Stream so gay.
Mir. Who’s there? — I heard a Voice — Manage?
Geo. Yes.
Prince. Approach, thou Confident of all my Joys; approach, and be rewarded —
[Prince takes his Jewel from his Hat.
Geo. Yes, for my excellent Bauding — By Heav’n, I dare not touch his princely Person.
Prince. Where art thou? take this Jewel and retire.
[Gropes for his Hand, gives it him.
Geo. E’en my Misfortunes have a sort of Luck; but I’ll withdraw, for fear this Devil about me shou’d raise my too rash Hand against his Life.
Prince. Come, my eternal Pleasure — each Moment of the happy Lover’s Hour, is worth an Age of dull, and common Life.
[Exeunt into the Alcove, the Scene shuts.