The Last. The Gallery richly adorn’d with Scenes and Lights.

   Enter Doctor, Elaria, Bellemante, and Mopsophil.
    Soft Musick is heard.

Bell. Ha — Heavens! what’s here? what Palace is this? — No part of our House, I’m sure.

Ela. ’Tis rather the Apartment of some Monarch.

Doct. I’m all amazement too; but must not show my Ignorance. — Yes, Elaria, this is prepar’d to entertain two Princes.

Bell. Are you sure on’t, Sir? are we not, think you, in that World above, I often heard you speak of? in the Moon, Sir?

Doct. How shall I resolve her — For ought I know, we are. [Aside.

Ela. Sure, Sir, ’tis some Inchantment.

Doct. Let not thy female Ignorance profane the highest Mysteries of natural Philosophy: To Fools it seems Inchantment — but I’ve a Sense can reach it — sit and expect the Event. — Hark, I am amaz’d, but must conceal my Wonder, that Joy of Fools — and appear wise in Gravity.

Bell. Whence comes this charming Sound, Sir?

Doct. From the Spheres — it is familiar to me.

[The Scene in the Front draws off, and shews the Hill of Parnassus; a noble large Walk of Trees leading to it, with eight or ten Negroes upon Pedestals, ranged on each side of the Walks. Next Keplair and Galileus descend on each side, opposite to each other, in Chariots, with Perspectives in their Hands, as viewing the Machine of the Zodiack. Soft Musick plays still.

Doct. Methought I saw the Figure of two Men descend from yonder Cloud on yonder Hill.

Ela. I thought so too, but they are disappear’d, and the wing’d Chariot’s fled.

Enter Keplair and Galileus.

Bell. See, Sir, they approach.

[The Doctor rises and bows.

Kep. Most reverend Sir, we, from the upper World, thus low salute you — Keplair and Galileus we are call’d, sent as Interpreters to Great Iredonozor, the Emperor of the Moon, who is descending.

Doct. Most reverend Bards — profound Philosophers — thus low I bow to pay my humble Gratitude.

Kep. The Emperor, Sir, salutes you, and your fair Daughter.

Gal. And, Sir, the Prince of Thunderland salutes you, and your fair Neice.

Doct. Thus low I fall to thank their Royal Goodness.

[Kneels. They take him up.

Bell. Came you, most reverend Bards, from the Moon World?

Kep. Most lovely Maid, we did.

Doct. May I presume to ask the manner how?

Kep. By Cloud, Sir, through the Regions of the Air, down to the fam’d Parnassus; thence by Water, along the River Helicon, the rest by Post upon two wing’d Eagles.

Doct. Sir, are there store of our World inhabiting the Moon?

Kep. Oh, of all Nations, Sir, that lie beneath it in the Emperor’s Train! Sir, you will behold abundance; look up and see the Orbal World descending; observe the Zodiack, Sir, with her twelve Signs.

[Next the Zodiack descends, a Symphony playing all the while; when it is landed, it delivers the twelve Signs: Then the Song, the Persons of the Zodiack being the Singers. After which, the Negroes dance and mingle in the Chorus.

A Song for the Zodiack.

 Let murmuring Lovers no longer repine,
    But their Hearts and their Voices advance;
  Let the Nymphs and the Swains in the kind Chorus join,
    And the Satyrs and Fauns in a Dance.
  Let Nature put on her Beauty of May,
    And the Fields and the Meadows adorn;
  Let the Woods and the Mountains resound with the Joy,
    And the Echoes their Triumph return.


       For since Love wore his Darts,
          And Virgins grew Coy;
        Since these wounded Hearts,
          And those cou’d destroy,
  There ne’er was more Cause for your Triumphs and Joy.

 Hark, hark, the Musick of the Spheres,
    Some Wonder approaching declares;
  Such, such, as has not bless’d your Eyes and Ears
    This thousand, thousand, thousand Years.
  See, see what the Force of Love can make,
    Who rules in Heaven, in Earth and Sea;
  Behold how he commands the Zodiack,
    While the fixt Signs unhinging all obey.
  Not one of which, but represents
    The Attributes of Love,
  Who governs all the Elements
    In Harmony above.


       For since Love wore his Darts
          And Virgins grew coy;
        Since these wounded Hearts,
          And those cou’d destroy,
  There ne’er was more Cause for your Triumphs and Joy.

 The wanton Aries first descends,
    To show the Vigor and the Play,
  Beginning Love, beginning Love attends,
    When the young Passion is all-over Joy,
  He bleats his soft Pain to the fair curled Throng,
    And he leaps, and he bounds, and loves all the day long.
  At once Love’s Courage and his Slavery
    In Taurus is expressed,
  Though o’er the Plains the Conqueror be,
    The generous Beast
  Does to the Yoke submit his noble Breast;
  While Gemini smiling and twining of Arms,
    Shews Love’s soft Indearments and Charms;
  And Cancer’s slow Motion the degrees do express,
    Respectful Love arrives to Happiness.
      Leo his strength and Majesty,
      Virgo her blushing Modesty,
      And Libra all his Equity.
      His Subtilty does Scorpio show,
  And Sagittarius all his loose desire,
  By Capricorn his forward Humour know,
  And Aqua, Lovers Tears that raise his Fire,
  While Pisces, which intwin’d do move,
  Shew the soft Play, and wanton Arts of Love.


       For since Love wore his Darts,
          And Virgins grew coy;
        Since these wounded Hearts,
          And those you’d destroy,
  There ne’er was more Cause for Triumphs and Joy.

 — See how she turns, and sends her Signs to Earth. — Behold the Ram, Aries — see Taurus next descends; then Gemini — see how the Boys embrace. — Next Cancer, then Leo, then the Virgin; next to her Libra — Scorpio, Sagittary, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. This eight thousand Years no Emperor has descended, but Incognito; but when he does, to make his Journey more magnificent, the Zodiack, Sir, attends him.

Doct. ’Tis all amazing, Sir.

Kep. Now, Sir, behold the Globick World descends two thousand Leagues below its wonted Station, to shew Obedience to its proper Monarch.

[After which, the Globe of the Moon appears, first like a new Moon, as it moves forward it increases till it comes to the Full. When it is descended, it opens and shews the Emperor and the Prince. They come forth with all their Train, the Flutes playing a Symphony before them, which prepares the Song. Which ended the Dancers mingle as before.