By Mrs. Behn, in 1682.
And how, and how, Mesieurs! what do you say
To our good Moderate, Conscientious Play?
Not Whig, nor Tory, here can take Offence;
It Libels neither Patriot, Peer, nor Prince,
Nor Shrieve, nor Burgess, nor the Reverend Gown. }
Faith here’s no Scandal worth eight hundred pound; }
Your Damage is at most but half-a-Crown. }
Only this difference you must allow, }
’Tis you receive th’ Affront and pay us too, }
Wou’d Rebell WARD had manag’d matters so. }
Here’s no Reflections on Damn’d Witnesses, }
We scorn such out-of-Fash’on’d Things as These; }
They fail to be believ’d, and fail to please. }
No Salamanca Doctor-ship abus’d,
Not a Malicious States-man here accus’d;
No Smutty Scenes, no intrigues up Stairs,
That make your City Wives in Love with Players.
But here are fools of every sort and Fashion, }
Except State-Fools, the Tools of Reformation, }
Or Cullys of the Court — Association. }
And those Originals decline so fast
We shall have none to Copy by at last;
Here’s Jo, and Jack a pair of whining Fools,
And L[e]igh and I brisk Lavish keeping Fools,
He’s for Mischief all, and carry’s it on
With Fawne and Sneere as Jilting Whigg has done.
And like theirs too his Projects are o’rethrown.
A PASTORAL to Mr. Stafford, Under the Name of SILVIO on his Translation of the Death of Camilla: out of VIRGIL. By Mrs. Behn.