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When I got home I hear Billy and Lilly talking and that calms my nerves. I hadn’t warned her that he had the code or that he’d be showing up today. It had been a last minute decision I’d made. Since her arm is in a cast and driving for long periods of time with one hand would get exhausting. So, I decided to get some help driving the car down. Billy was willing to help out since he had the next few days off.
I brought Gyros for dinner and apparently Lilly had never had one. Lord, the moans that girl made nearly undid me, there wasn’t much that kept me from taking her into the nearest room and having my way with her.
After dinner when Lilly went to call Luke for their conversation Billy and I went outside and chatted. He told me about pulling his gun on her and the way she’d reacted. He knew that she thought he was about to kill her. It hurt him when he realized who she was that he’d scared her so much. I could tell that he was exhausted and I let him crash in the guest room that I had been using over the last few weeks. I changed into my pajama bottoms and walked to the bedroom door. I don’t know what came over me, I could have slept in Luke’s bed, but I wanted to be close to her.
When she looks at me I can see the desire in her eyes. She’s staring at my chest and I follow her eyes as they make a trail down to the pajamas. I’m secretly happy that she hasn’t sworn off sex totally because of Jeff and whatever he did to her.
I ask her if it’s okay to share the bed tonight, if not I’ll leave and sleep either on the couch or in Luke’s bed. She says it’s okay and heads to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I wait for her to come out, and when she does, I can’t help but take in her beauty she’s wearing one of those spaghetti strap combination bra tank tops, and her breast are making the material stretch so that I can see her nipples. I go and get ready for bed brushing my teeth to give mister stiffy time to relax. I’m going to have the bluest balls this side of the Mississippi. When I come back out I ask her if it’s okay for me to take off my pants since I don’t like sleeping in them. I prefer to sleep in the buff, but that would be inappropriate right now. She’s looking me over again and I feel her eyes land on my crotch I still want to know what Jeff did. I don’t want to be the rebound sex that she’ll regret later.
She made a comment about this being my house and that I set the rules of what I sleep in when I’m next to her. This makes me mad that she thinks this way of men. I want her to be comfortable in the bed with me and know that I won’t do something that she doesn’t like when she’s asleep. When I catch her ogling my crotch I let her know that if we are going to explore that option we need to set some boundaries. She rolls over and finally dozes off. I know she’s frustrated with my decision, but as much as I want her, I want her to want me and not just a quick lay. We can discuss the boundaries tomorrow on the drive to Houston. I pull her close to me and my cock starts to harden. I have a mental fight with it until I finally doze off.
Its two am when I wake up to Lilly thrashing around in the bed, she’s sweating and tangled up in the covers. She is muttering something and then she screams. I have to climb on top of her to wake her up she’s thrashing so hard I’m concerned that she’ll hurt herself. I hear Billy in the background fidgeting with the coffee pot. He already knows we aren’t going to get anymore sleep tonight. It’s become time to find out what she’s fighting in her sleep.
I shake her gently awake I’ve got her arms pinned down and I am straddling her thighs keeping her from struggling and kicking me in the back. When she opens her eyes I see panic cross her face until I open my mouth and speak gently to her. I say, “Lillybear, I’ll let you go if you promise not to hurt me. You were thrashing in your sleep and I did this to keep you from hurting yourself.” I wait until she acknowledges what I’ve said. When I feel the tenseness in her arms lessen I climb off of her and let her arms go.
Billy has come to the bedroom door and clears his throat when I look his way he just says, “Coffee is on the table.” Lilly looks at me confused. I simply look at her and motion her to the dining room.
We sit at the table sipping coffee a few minutes later. Billy and I are boring holes in her as we wait for her to tell us about this nightmare that woke us all up. After a few minutes she finally sighs knowing we aren’t moving from this table until she tells us something. She finally opens her mouth and says, “He forced me to do things I didn’t want to do and he’d tell me that a boyfriend couldn’t rape his girlfriend if they are in a sexual relationship because she’s given him prior consent.”
I see as her body starts to shake at the thought of what he’d told her. Before I know it I’m at her side gently caressing her shoulders. I whisper in her ear that she doesn’t have to worry about that here.
While I’m trying to settle her down Billy says “No means no. There is no two ways about it. If you were in a consenting relationship and you say I don’t want to do this or you say no, it means stop.”
I nod in agreement with what Billy has said. We see her realize that she’s not alone in her belief as to what was going on and it wasn’t her fault.
Billy excuses himself to get dressed for the day. I can feel the anger in him, I haven’t told him the worst part that the person torturing her is also a cop. Once he’s changed and back in the dining room I help Lilly to the bedroom to get ready for the day.
When we are alone in the bedroom I say to her “Babe I care about you and I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, but at some point you need to talk to someone about what happened. I’m willing to wait until you’re ready before we do anything else than what we’ve already done. Also, if you tell me to stop at any point during something I promise you I will.” Then I place a gentle kiss on her forehead before handing her the clothes she’d laid out for the trip today. I take her to the adjoining bathroom and once she closes the door I grab the overnight bag she’s packed and my overnight bag and give them to Billy. He takes them to the car and puts them in the trunk. Once she’s changed I go into the bathroom and quickly dress and brush my teeth.
We hit the road at four thirty an hour earlier than I’d expected, but that means we’ll get there earlier. I drive my truck and Billy drives the car. Lilly plays dj in the passenger seat, she’s having to reset her streaming music app so she’s going through a bunch of artists listening to a bunch of different music. I’m glad to hear this side of her. About two hours into the drive we pull over for gas and some breakfast.
Billy and I discuss the quickest route to get to the rangers auction house. We plan to stop around Wichita Falls for lunch since its near one of the turn offs that we’ll take to get headed towards Houston. When we get back in the truck I can see that Lilly is exhausted so I suggest that she lies down in the bench of the back seat. She says that she doesn’t do well sleeping on road trips.
I pull out her lap top and show her how to hot spot her computer to her phone’s internet so that she can work on some projects if she wants to. I see her eyes light up that I’d remembered her computer.
All the way to Wichita Falls all I hear is her cursing quietly under her breath and the gentle clicking of keys on her keyboard. We hit the restaurant in Wichita Falls and she seemed less tense from this morning. Bill finally asked her where her ex-boyfriend and her used to live. She says “Wink.” I’ve heard of the small town but never met anyone from there. I ask her how she got to Abilene without him knowing she’d left since I know how small towns are. She explains that she left under the cover of dark and used back roads until she got to the New Mexico state line then she hopped on the interstate and rode it until it crossed back into Texas and then straight to Abilene. I’m surprised when she says “It took just around five hours and then Chris greeted me at the door with his nine millimeter.”
She was just so nonchalant about being greeted by a gun. I hear Billy cuss under his breath and I remember how he told me he had greeted her at my house just the day before. Lilly just casually adds “I’ve seen the barrel end of a few guns in my life, you’d think I’d get used to seeing it, but I haven’t.”
She’s finally relaxing enough to talk about some of the things that she has gone through. Come to find out her and Johnathan met hunting he’d crossed into her zone and killed a deer she was sighting in. When she confronted him about it he’d leveled his rifle at her thinking she was going to fight him over the deer when all she was going to do was point out his boundaries. From there they were inseparable. He’d introduced her to the gun range and a wide variety of guns before he left for the Marines.
Billy takes in their story in awe, he’s always been a sucker for a good love story. We finish up lunch and head out. As we drive she continues to work on some of her projects, by three thirty we’ve arrived at the hotel and unloaded our overnight bags Billy drives the car to the auction house and promises to stop by later with the paperwork that she needs to sign.
We get to the room and she lays down on the bed, too tired to really do anything. I set an alarm for an hour power nap and curl up on the bed next to her. When the alarm goes off I suggest we shower and change. I’m taking her out to dinner it’s a casual restaurant but I want to take her out on the town. She showers first and changes. While I’m in the shower she does her hair and makeup. When I step out dressed in my black jeans and white polo shirt I see her checking herself out in the full length mirror. I can’t help but stare she’s wearing a long khaki colored skirt with aqua colored cowboy boots and by the wear on them I can tell that they are her favorite, she’s wearing a simple blue shell top which hugs her breasts, but hangs loosely around her midsection. She’s lightly done her makeup. Her eyeshadow matches her top enhancing the blue of her eyes, she’s pulled her hair back and braided it. Her lips have a slightly darker than normal pink to them letting me know she’s put on a bit of lipstick.
I escort her out of the hotel room the scent of her perfume wafting around me driving me crazy, I don’t know if I can last through dinner before I jump her bones. We eat dinner and casually talk, I tell a few jokes to relax both of us and when she laughs at them my cock twitches as she giggles. Her laughter is so cute I have already fallen in love with it. We walk around seeing the sights of Houston before heading back to the hotel. I’m trying to be a gentleman, but I think that tonight is the night that we might take this to the next level, if she’s willing.