God, she was beautiful when she was turned on. Her eyes were so glassy with lust they were that emerald green he loved, and her flushed cheeks made her look nineteen again. Not that there was anything wrong with the way she looked now, but the girlishness on her face now reminded him of how innocent she’d once been, and in some ways still was.

“Take off your jeans.” He lifted her chin with his fingers. “Don’t think about who’s in the other room… Just listen to your body—and me.”

She swallowed but fumbled with jeans until she was wiggling out of the tight, dark denim. Gage unzipped his own jeans but didn’t pull them down, simply pulling out his cock, wrapping it in his fist and stroking it with purpose. She ran her tongue across her upper lip as she watched, her gaze growing lustier by the second. He wasn’t in a hurry, though, making sure she was completely fixated on his cock, hopefully imagining it inside of her.

“Gage.” Her voice was a ragged whisper.

“You’re going to have to be quiet so our friends don’t hear you.”

She turned a dozen shades of pink but nodded, swallowing harder than before and reaching for him. He lightly batted her hand away and motioned with his head. “Panties.”

She slid them down without hesitation. He dropped to his knees, bent his head and licked right between her folds. He held her legs together with his knees but spread her sex open with his fingers, tasting the musky arousal pooling between her sweet, pink lips. Her fingers dug in his hair, but the sting of pain only made him want her more and he slid his tongue back and forth, grazing her clit and forcing her hips to jut out to meet him.

He stood up again abruptly, smiling when she gasped. Without warning he lifted her, set her pussy at the tip of his cock and pushed her against the wall before plunging inside of her hard enough to make them both grunt. Her legs closed around his waist but when she tried to wrap her arms around him, he stopped her. Taking her hands in his, he pressed them against the wall over their heads.

“That’s it, baby. Now fuck me.” He stood perfectly still, forcing her to rock her hips into him.

“Gage.” Her shriek was muffled by his mouth.

He slowly moved away and nudged her T-shirt up using his mouth, until he’d moved her bra out of the way and had one fat nipple in his mouth.

“Every time you stop moving, I bite harder,” he growled.

“Oh god.” She whimpered and squeezed her legs tighter, drawing him deeper inside of her.

“So tight…” he mumbled, moving from one breast to the other. “Have I mentioned how much I love being inside of you?”

She was biting her lips to stay quiet and he took the opportunity to snap his hips forward and then pull out until just the tip was inside of her.

“What do you want, baby?”

She made a tiny sound of distress, trying to angle her hips forward, but with her legs around his waist and her arms out of commission, she was trapped against the wall without much wiggle room.

“Not yet.” He slid forward barely an inch and then pulled back again.


“You know you love the idea they might catch us… Come on, baby, give me what I want and I’ll give you what you need.”

She whimpered again, rocking her hips, but he was too strong, keeping his cock just barely inside of her.

He bit down on her nipple, loving the way it pebbled in his mouth, so round and taut. He swirled his tongue over it, circling, nipping, and sucking until she was gasping, her breath coming in short, choppy little puffs.

“Please,” she pleaded in a shaky whisper.

He slammed into her, roughly sheathing himself so far his balls slapped against her ass.

It gratified him to see her eyes roll back in her head and feel the walls of her pussy convulse, drawing him even deeper. He drove into her again and again until he had to capture her mouth with his to drown out her cries of pleasure.

“You okay?” he asked softly, gently lowering her to the ground.

“I need to clean up.”

“Me too.”

They went up the stairs to the master bedroom, exchanging loving glances as they cleaned up and prepared to rejoin their guests. He hadn’t planned that, but boy, it had been fun. The possibility of getting caught had been a huge turn-on for both of them, something he’d have to remember in the future.

Sitting in her office the next day after practice, Laurel was exhausted, hungover, and a little embarrassed. Last night had been way too much fun, and as much as she hated to admit it, she and Gage had been so turned on by their little hallway tryst, even after everyone left, they’d done it three more times before they fell asleep.

They had an important game coming up, though, so she didn’t have the luxury of being distracted. The Sidewinders were getting into town today and the first of their final two games of the season was tomorrow night. Not to mention, Sergei’s brother was on that team and a bunch of the guys on both teams knew each other. Chains’ wife, Emilie, was flying in today also, and she and Gage were hosting her and Chains, as well as Jake and Whitney, for dinner. Somehow, Jake and Chains were cousins and had only met in person a few times. She didn’t know the story but assumed she’d find out tonight.

A knock on her door made her look up from her laptop and Dani stuck her head in. “Lunchtime. Let’s go.”

“What?” Laurel frowned.

“We ordered in and we’re powwowing in one of the conference rooms.”

“I can’t

“You have to eat and it’s just an hour. Come on—it’s me, you, Whitney, Hailey, and Sarah.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “Come. On.”

Laurel got up, nodding. “Geez, I’m coming.”

The others had already dug into the salad and sandwiches, and Laurel sank down, suddenly ravenous.

“So did anyone else hear what was going on in that hallway last night?” Dani dissolved into giggles.

“For sure.” Whitney fanned herself. “It was kinda hot.”

“Oh my god.” Laurel turned bright red. “You guys heard us?”

“Duh.” Sarah rolled her eyes. “You weren’t loud, but you weren’t quiet.”

“I’m so sorry!” Laurel didn’t even know what to say.

“Young love,” Hailey teased. “And we’d already left, so we missed all the fun. As usual. Darn kids.”

“We should know better,” Laurel groaned. “Really, I thought we were quiet but

“Oh, stop.” Dani laughed. “Last year, Kane and Hailey did it at a cookout Gage hosted. No one could see them, but we all heard them.”

“It must be some kind of team ritual,” Whitney mused.

“We went home and were at it all night,” Dani sighed, resting her chin in one hand, her elbow on the table.

“You guys are so getting pregnant,” Hailey chuckled.

Dani laughed. “That’s his plan. I’m still on the pill, though. But I’ll stop when this season is over.”

“Really?” Laurel eyed her. “You’re not worried about your job?”

She shook her head. “No. The hope is to get pregnant late in the summer and make it through most of next season before I pop. I might miss a few games at the end and then have the whole summer with him or her. By that time, I’ll be ready to go back to work. Ask Hailey—she couldn’t wait to get out of the house.”

“It’s true,” Hailey nodded. “I love those babies with everything I am, but it’s so nice being away from them and using my brain, wearing clothes that don’t have spit-up on them. I mean, we couldn’t do it without Amy, but it’s nice to get out all day and then I’m thrilled to get home to them.”

“And remember,” Dani said, “technically we already have Niko, so even though he’s older, I’m already a mom. He starts kindergarten this fall, so it’ll give us time to replace Sarah.”

“Are you leaving?” Laurel asked Sarah in surprise.

“I’ve been accepted to veterinary school in Minneapolis, so I’m going home.” Sarah nodded. “It’ll be more affordable for me if I can live at home and that’s where my parents are.”

“What did Aaron say?” Hailey asked.

“I haven’t told him yet.” Sarah shrugged. “He knows I applied, but I just got the acceptance letter yesterday and I was gonna tell him but we were all watching the game and then…” Her voice faded.

The room went silent. “Why? What happened?” Dani demanded.

“We…” She looked up at the ceiling. “We hooked up.”

“About time!” Hailey said happily.

“And you didn’t tell me?” Dani demanded.

“Why don’t you look happy?” Laurel asked after a moment.

“It had been a while and I’d been drinking and I kind of started it… We literally pulled over and did it in the car.” Sarah still wasn’t looking at anyone.

“So?” Whitney looked confused. “Car sex is fun.”

“He was so weird after. I mean, he asked if I was okay and kissed my forehead, but after that, he was really distant. Normally when we all hang out, he and I go do something after, but he said he’d talk to me tomorrow and dropped me off at home. And I still haven’t heard from him today.”

“He had practice,” Laurel said. “Does he usually call you before practice?”

“Every morning like clockwork,” Sarah said. “And today it’s been silent.”

Whitney grimaced. “He might think you’re upset since you guys never fooled around before.”

“Or he thinks I’m another bimbo like all the other bimbos in his life,” Sarah sighed.

“You’re not a bimbo because you enjoy sex,” Laurel spoke firmly. “That’s bullshit and get that out of your head right now. If your friendship with Aaron is important to you, you make him talk to you and work this out. If it was a one-time thing, there’s no reason to be awkward and uncomfortable. It’s pretty obvious to me you’re crazy about him, but if he doesn’t reciprocate, it’s still okay that you hooked up.”

“He’s still all torn up about Addy and

“Who’s Addy again?” Laurel interrupted.

Whitney made a face. “Jake’s crazy ex-wife. She had a hundred miscarriages—they had a genetic thing going on—and still kept trying. She and Jake are both healthy, they just can’t conceive together, and she wouldn’t give up. As soon as he finally put his foot down and divorced her, she latched on to Aaron, who’s apparently had a crush on her since college.”

“He told me she begged him to get her pregnant,” Sarah added. “But he was militant about using condoms because at some level he knew she was crazy. He just wasn’t ready to accept it.”

“And even after breaking things off with her he didn’t realize how much you care for him?” Dani asked softly.

Sarah shook her head. “No. There was one time when we’d had a little to drink and he said something about how I’m too good for him, but just that once, and last night… Well, it was basically a disaster.”

They were all silent for a moment, each of them eating and trying to think of what to say.

“But was it good?” Hailey asked after a moment. “I mean, like…you know…good?”

Sarah flushed. “It was…amazing. He’s incredible. And huge. And god, can he kiss.” She hung her head. “It’s a good thing I’m leaving—I don’t know how I can spend any time with him now, knowing how incredible things could be if he’d just recognize how good we are together.”

“I’m sorry,” Dani said sadly.

“I can’t help but think he’ll come around,” Whitney said gently. “He talks about you all the time. Really. He and Jake hang out a lot and it’s always Sarah said this, Sarah did that, look at this puppy Sarah found… Seems to me he’s just not ready, but you’re already super important to him.”

“Well, once I accept the offer to go to vet school, I guess it’s all over.”

“You’re not leaving yet, though, right?” Laurel asked. “There still might be hope?”

“Maybe, but I’m not holding my breath.” Sarah shrugged. “Lots of fish in the sea, I guess.”

“On that note, I probably have to get back to work,” Laurel said.

“Oh hell no,” Dani shook her head. “What is going on with you and the boss man?”

“We’re dating again,” Laurel said with a smile.

“And fucking like bunnies,” Whitney chortled.

“Well, duh… Wouldn’t you want to fuck someone that looks like Gage? I mean, I’ve been in love with him almost all of my adult life, but I still see the way women look at him.”

“He’s gorgeous in an older way,” Hailey giggled.

Laurel wrinkled her nose. “Does that make me older too?”

“Kinda?” Hailey gave her a teasing smile. “But you guys are going to make the most gorgeous babies. O-M-G, can you imagine babies with those silver eyes of his?”

They babbled on about babies but Laurel didn’t respond, focusing on packing up the trash and getting ready to go.

“I have to go, guys, but let’s do this again soon.”

“Bye!” Everyone waved and Laurel escaped without having to talk about babies.

Shit. Gage wanted them and so had she once. Just not now. Not after everything that had happened. Secrets were a bitch and she had no intention of giving up hers, even after promising Gage they would be open and honest about everything from now on. How the hell did you do that after what felt like a lifetime of secrets?