THE SWORD AND THE PEN is an important new collection of the major works of the most significant military writers from Biblical times to the present. Here you’ll find the thoughts and strategies of such historic figures as Caesar, Machiavelli, Cromwell, Clausewitz, Lincoln, Tolstoy, Lenin, Churchill, MacArthur, de Gaulle, Hitler, and Mao Tse-tung. The wide range of selections covers every aspect of war, including writings on tactics, famous battles, the military personality, the lessons of war, etc. This comprehensive and fascinating volume will be welcomed by serious historians and armchair generals alike.
The selections for this collection were made by the eminent military scientist Sir Basil Liddell Hart, who died in 1971. For over forty years, he was consulted by the leaders and generals of many countries—including such prominent men as Douglas MacArthur and John F. Kennedy His writings include A History of the Second World War and Strategy. The work on this volume has been completed by his son, Adrian Liddell Hart, who has himself had wide experience of war, serving with the British Navy in World War II and the Foreign Legion in Vietnam, as well as with the United Nations.
A Martin Dale Book Thomas Y. Crowell Company Established 1834 666 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10019
Jacket design by William Ingraham
The most significant works of history’s greatest and most influential military writers. Share the opinions and strategies of:
Thucydides |
Lincoln |
Aristotle |
Sherman |
Caesar |
Clause witz |
Sun Tzu |
Tolstoy |
Tacitus |
Foch |
Machiavelli |
H. G. Wells |
Raleigh |
Lenin |
Cromwell |
Churchill |
Swift |
Trotsky |
Frederick the Great |
MacArthur |
John Paul Jones |
Hitler |
Gibbon |
Speer |
Nelson |
de Gaulle |
Napoleon |
Mao Tse-tung |
Duke of Wellington |
Liddell Hart |