Margaret of Burgundy was cold. Nights in November in the Lowlands were often cursed with fog, dank and soup-thick, especially in the cities where the smoke from wood fires deepened the frigid murk. Parts of the night chamber were warm, it was true, but these were the areas nearest the fire, which had been well laid and fed to a roar in the deep fireplace. But in the shadowed depths of the great room the air was like iced bone, and although the glowing braziers dotted around the huge chamber looked cheerful, they made little real difference to the temperature.
“Hurry! My lord duke will join me shortly and I wish to be done with this.”
Margaret was referring to the elaborate preparations that her women insisted on before she went to her bed. First her hair must be loosened and brushed one hundred times from root to tip with a horsehair brush before it was rebraided for the night. Then her face and hands and feet must be washed with scented warm water. The warmth was notional; the contents of the washing bowl were frequently as cold as well-water by the time it arrived from the distant kitchens.
Lastly, the duchess vigorously cleansed her teeth using her own fingers. Pumice, ground to a flour-like fineness, was mixed to a paste with sweet almond oil and lemon juice—rare and very expensive at this time of year—and rubbed onto her teeth and gums. Margaret spat the grit out of the window when she’d finished, and rinsed her mouth with rosewater.
And now, tonight, there was something new. Something Margaret had only recently agreed to because she was wearied by the nagging of her women. Margaret had slept naked all her life, like everyone else, until this point. One wore a dressing gown for modesty among kindred and in front of servants as one was dressed in the morning, however, the current rage was for light silk sleeping gowns fashioned from yards and yards of semi-transparent fabric. This new fad had swept north from the courts of Italy and taken hold among those desperate for the latest fashions, no matter how unsuitable such garments were to the frozen winter-world of Burgundy.
In Perugia, Venice, Florence, or Rome, how perfect such a garment would be for warm summer nights. And how alluring. So far the duchess had resisted this new and, to her eyes, idiotic trend, but tonight she had given in to the entreaties of her women. As they cajoled her into a delicate sleeping gown made from corn-colored silk voile, sprigged with tiny green, white, and blue flowers, the duchess could only reflect how silly a thing it was, if pretty, and how signally it was failing to keep her warm. Further, how could one expect to sleep swaddled in such a length of material? Surely it would tangle around her legs and ride up if her sleep was restless?
“Ah, madame, you look entirely charming. The duke will be ravished. Ravished!”
“Will he? Step aside that he may see for himself.”
None of them had seen or heard Charles of Burgundy saunter into his wife’s room. He clapped his hands and the women scattered, laughing, into the shadows. They knew they should leave, but each was hungry to see how the duke reacted when he saw his wife. They were not disappointed.
“Well, now…” He stopped just inside the wavering pool of radiance created by the candles in the brass candelabra above their heads. Margaret was unaware as she turned toward him, smiling, that the light from the fire made the sleeping robe all but transparent. The duke sucked in a breath. “Yes. A very pretty effect. Very pleasing.” His voice was a tone or two lower than normal. Almost a growl. Margaret’s spine prickled and she found she was trembling slightly.
“Are you cold, my darling?” The duke breathed the words softly, for her alone, and strolled toward his duchess, prolonging the moment until, at last, he was close.
The duchess shook her head, then nodded. “No. Yes! This silly garment… it has no warmth.”
She smiled provocatively as she held up the silk of the gown for his inspection, allowing the delicate fabric to run through her fingers like water. Charles was staring at her face, her throat, dropping his eyes down the length of her body so deliberately it was as if he touched her with his fingers. She blushed and murmured, “Stop, Charles. You’re embarrassing me.”
“Dismiss them.”
A sensible man did not order his wife to do anything. But Margaret was not displeased. She shivered at his tone and obeyed, though she had little breath to speak with.
The women left, giggling, calling out wishes for a “good night.” The room was suddenly very quiet. The duchess was not cold now.
“It is a happy thought, this gown.” Her husband still had not touched her, though he was standing closer now and closer again.
“I’m pleased you like it, Charles.” The duchess tried to keep her voice evenly modulated, but it was hard, for her breathing, and his, was a little ragged.
“Yes. Particularly because…” And now he touched her, one finger tracing the line of embroidery at the neck, which led to the loosely tied ribbon between her breasts, almost as if it were meant as a sign, an indicator. He untied the ribbon, slipped one hand inside the loosened garment, searching. “…it’s transparent.”
His wife gasped. “Oh, but that’s so—” The rest of her words, her embarrassment, were smothered as he kissed her, pulling her body hard to his, both hands holding her hips against his own.
“Mmmmm. You smell delicious. And you taste… divine.”
How busy his tongue was, teasing her, licking the inside of her lips; his mouth nibbling her with tiny little bites, her ears, the column of her throat and down, down to her nipples.
She gasped as he slid the dress off her shoulders and she stood, naked, in a puddle of silk, her eyes closed. Tears pricked behind her lids from intense, melting desire. She wanted him, ah, God and Mary, how she wanted him.
“Lie down.”
There were sweet new rushes on the floor. Not for Margaret of Burgundy the bare tiled floors of the north. Gracefully she knelt naked before him and then, allowing him to watch, lay back, pulling the silk of the despised nightdress beneath her so that it formed a golden coverlet over the rushes. She saw, in her mind, what he must be seeing and was astonished she was not ashamed.
The light from the fire flickered over her perfect skin, her virginal body, unmarred by time or childbirth. Charles was dazzled. “A maiden, lying in a meadow,” he said.
The duke was a sensualist and a connoisseur of women. Before he had wed Margaret, he’d been certain that their marriage, contracted for dynastic and political reasons, would be, at best, pleasant. He had taken two other wives previously, for similar reasons, and one had given him his daughter, Mary, now an adolescent. He had felt little desire for either of the women, though he had been careful, of course, to honor them scrupulously, not least in sharing their beds from time to time. But Margaret of England was different. Very different, for he had fallen in love, and lust, with the Lady Margaret when her brother, Edward Plantagenet, had placed her hand in his two and a half years ago in Damme Cathedral. And he loved and lusted for her still. That was a record for a man who had, hitherto, sought his pleasures outside the marriage bed.
Charles looked down at his lovely girl now as she, catlike, stretched and yawned delicately. He laughed, undoing the buttons on his jacket. “Tired, Duchess? Perhaps you need to sleep?”
Now his jacket was gone, dropped behind him on the floor, and his shirt. He stood above her, bare-chested, unclasping his belt, dressed only in black velvet hose. She could see every defined muscle in his thighs beneath the gleaming surface of the tight cloth. Her throat was so dry she swallowed. She tried to speak, but could not.
The duke smiled. His experience of sensuality was much greater than hers—he had been her only lover—but she held much charm for him in spite of, or perhaps because of that. Her response to him was direct, unfiltered. She lusted for him as he lusted for her, and that was a gift from God.
Margaret watched the muscles gather and slide under her husband’s skin as he bent to remove his hose. Then he stood. Naked. Magnificent. Hers. “Is my wife cold, that she shivers so?”
Charles was grinning at her now as he knelt, his hands sweeping up the inside of her feet, knees, thighs. Higher. She gasped, and for a moment he straddled her hips with his knees, then, with exquisite control, he lay full length upon her, his knees nudging her own apart. “Speak to me. Let me hear your voice,” he whispered into her ear as he entered her body. The shock was piercing, centered, and she felt herself tremble and melt and open around and beneath him.
“Ah, Charles, I fall apart. I am split like a willow wand.”
The building pleasure was intense and she dissolved into it. Molten, it gathered, hot and dark and urgent. He moved fast, faster, pinning her arms apart, bracing himself against her wrists, his full weight behind his pelvis. He felt himself harder than oak inside her, and she was so soft, so buttery soft.
She keened as she stared into his eyes, her own open and wild, holding her hips up to his, higher and higher, moving them to match his rhythm. For him, the intensity between them was teasingly unbearable and, as she called out, he smothered her mouth with his, ate her scream, taking the sound deep into his body, his chest, down into his groin… and that was his release. And hers.
As deep as tears, rich and sweet, the joy they gave each other on that cold night would stay with them both as long as each had breath. They lay before the fire, naked as children, he curled protectively around her body, and for a little time both drowsed.
But the fire reduced to embers, and the chill lapped inward from the walls to find them. Shivering, Charles stirred and kissed Margaret’s shoulder. “Come, little heart of mine. Time for bed or we shall both freeze!”
Margaret yawned as she struggled to sit up, her whole body relaxed and loose. For modesty’s sake, she scooped up the silk bed robe and held it against her body. It made Charles laugh as he tossed logs onto the embers to revive the fire.
“Charles, do you think we will have made a child tonight?”
He heard the courage in her deliberately light tone and he reached down to help her stand. “Well now, if we have not, it will not be for want of trying, wife.”
They both laughed as he pulled her to him, kissing her on the brow; then he found her hand and led her to the tented bed that stood against one wall. “There, climb up, my love. Perhaps the sheets will still be warm.”
Margaret’s grimace said otherwise as she clambered up and wriggled beneath the counterpane. Shivering, she pulled the sheets and blankets high around her chin, trying to stop the chattering of her teeth. “Not even a ghost of the warming pan, I’m afraid. Perhaps I should have worn the bed dress after all.”
Charles quickly scuttled to the foot of the bed, then jumped up and vigorously burrowed into the bedclothes, tunneling across the vast acreage of the mattress to seek the warmth of his wife’s body. Finding it, he clamped himself against her, belly to spine. “We will warm ourselves, never fear, my darling.”
Margaret laughed. Her rump against his belly, she could feel him stir against her. “And how does Your Grace intend that blessed state to occur?”
She was demure and that piqued his lust again, though he was tired, so tired. He could not stop himself. He yawned. “Ah wife, I fear I must sleep.” She smiled in the darkness as he snuggled against her, one hand on her breast, the other gripping her by the waist.
She was close to sleep herself but then she remembered what she needed to ask him. “Charles, have you heard anything of Edward? Charles?”
She was too late. Deep, even breathing said the duke of Burgundy had been claimed by Morpheus. The duchess sighed, and closed her eyes. But not before praying, briefly, that her brother and Anne might have found each other. And that each of them was well and safe.
Soon Margaret of Burgundy, the former Lady Margaret of England, slept. But her husband, the duke, did not. He had heard her question and he had an answer to it. But it must wait for the morning.
Terrified, he forced himself to wake, but there was no comfort when he did, only fresh despair. He had dreamed again, had seen her face covered in blood, the gaping wound in her head. Had seen her go down once more, screaming, beneath the horse’s iron-shod hooves. Every night, again and again, he was too late to save her. She died because it was his fault. He had not guarded her well enough.
Slowly, the jolting of his heart settled and faint shapes emerged from the noisome dark, black against charcoal gray. He was thirsty, and so cold that every joint in his body ached. They had left him water—if he chose to reach out his arm, stretch his fingers and feel for the edge of the wooden bucket—but, as always, he would not drink. He would wait for the small beer of morning. Drink the water in this foul place and he would die of gaol fever, nothing was more sure.
Anne. Was she alive still, or had she truly died after they brought her to this place?
Metal scraped against metal. The Dane sat up. Someone was turning the key in the lock!
“Oy! You in there?” It was a voice Leif knew, the only human sound he’d heard in many days.
“Do you come to torment me, gaoler?”
The other man laughed and hauled open the cell door. The light was dazzling after all this time in the dark. “If going to a better place is torment to you, then yes, I’m your man.”
Leif struggled to stand, pain fizzing as the blood moved through his cramped limbs. “A better place? Heaven—is that what you mean?” He swallowed his fear. Perhaps his time had come. He hoped his death would be quick.
The other man laughed again as he unlocked the manacles around Leif’s ankles, the iron rings that chained him to the wall. “Man, you’re a fool. Come.” He poked Leif into a stumbling walk in front of him, up the steps and out of the cell.
“Tell me, does she live?” the captain pleaded. “Did my wife survive? Tell me.”
“Keep walking, my friend. Just keep walking. You’ll hear soon enough. Soon enough.”
And that was all the answer Leif Molnar obtained that night as he followed his gaoler through the groaning, freezing darkness beneath the Binnenhof.