Two days later, when the harvest was all gathered in and they’d burned the stubble in the fields, the first rains began. Anne stood at the door to the stable, Morganne’s reins in her fingers, and watched the puddles forming in the inner ward. This was perfect timing. The country was parched and the rain would soften the soil. Some of the strips they’d just harvested would be left fallow to rest, but a third of them would need plowing so that the winter grain could be planted. At last, at last, things were going well.
She squinted up at the sky. The rain was setting in, and she would need her hooded cloak today to ride to the village. There was planning to be done for the Harvest Home feast she would shortly hold in the threshing barn. She stroked Morganne’s nose and the horse whickered, tossing her head.
“Yes, we’ll go very soon. I’ll just get my other cloak.”
Ducking her head, Anne set out from the stable to run across the inner ward, but a voice called out to her, a man’s voice. “Anne de Bohun!”
She turned, the rain blinding her for a moment… “Moss!”
The gate to the Hall had been left open and, as if to mock her earlier happy mood, Brother Agonistes—the former Dr. Moss—had ridden through, surrounded by a group of armed men. With the exception of the monk, they were all dressed in the York livery of murrey and blue. Agonistes held an ivory cross high, flourishing it as he rode toward Anne, his red eyes burning with unnerving fervor.
“You know that is not my name. I am God’s servant now. And you are a witch who has been found out.” His voice was very cold.
Anger brought energy to Anne’s tired body. She stood straighter and stared back at him, unblinking. “And this is deluded nonsense. You are not welcome in my house. But, plainly, you must be very frightened of me—or yourself—to need so many men about you.” She turned her back on him and strode toward the door of her Hall. Nearer, nearer, if she could just get to the door…
Agonistes spurred his horse forward across her path. “Stop! I have authorization to take you from this place.”
The monk pulled a small scroll from the sleeve of his habit. Anne turned and looked at the man, wiping the rain from her eyes. The monk waved the scroll as he danced his horse forward.
“Oh, I assure you, all is in order, witnessed and signed. You have broken the terms of your exile from this country. The king himself has given me this task.” He was riding around her now, circling, taunting her.
Anne’s heart jumped behind her ribs. “Let me see this thing.”
Deborah had been collecting eggs from the hens in the orchard and chose that moment to enter the inner ward on her way to the kitchen. She nearly dropped her basket as she hurried toward her daughter. “Anne?”
The monk ignored the interruption. His horse curvetted closer to Anne de Bohun. “Ah, so you can read, Lady Anne? Too much education in a woman is a useless thing. Except today. Read what is written here. If you really can.” He sneered as he offered her the document. Anne saw the dangling seal. The king’s seal.
There was triumph in the man’s eyes but Anne ignored it, twitching the scroll from his hands. Turning her back, she unfurled it; the rain fell on the parchment and the letters began to run, but she grasped the sense. All of it.
“We, Edward, by the Grace of God, Sovereign Lord of the Kingdom of England, France, Ireland and Wales, Duke of …decree that the woman known as Anne de Bohun, of Herrard Great Hall in the county of… having broken the terms of exile… shall be banished from our Kingdom, never to return… In this matter, my agent, the Dominican monk known as Brother Agonistes… shall remove the said Anne de Bohun from our Kingdom at his pleasure and escort her to a place of his choosing so that she may be placed in the hands of the Church to answer certain other charges.”
Above the dependent seals there was a signature at the foot of the little scroll: E. Rex. The ink trickled mournfully, staining her fingers. Anne rolled the scroll tightly. “This is a fraud. This is not the king’s signature.” She faced Agonistes squarely but heard the tremor in her voice. So did he.
Agonistes held up his crucifix once more, waving it in her face, back and forth, back and forth. He spoke very softly; he had no need to shout. “I am the servant of the Lord and also of the king. Willing or unwilling, you will come with me. Now!” The last word was a bellow as men sprang down from their horses.
“No!” Anne turned to run toward the Hall, toward Deborah, but rough hands caught her, hauled her up, and threw her in front of a waiting soldier on his horse.
“Anne!” Deborah’s wail was terrified. Dropping the eggs, she ran forward, fighting to get to Anne, hitting out and running between the men, the horses, but they were too fast. They wheeled as a disciplined group and were gone, cantering over the drawbridge, gathering speed as the rain blotted out the sky.
Deborah ran toward the Hall. “Leif, Leif! Where are you? Help me! Help Anne!”
It was a blur, a nightmare. What was she doing here?
Anne sat up in the box bed and regretted it immediately. Her vision was partly obscured—one eye was swollen almost shut—and her head was ringing with an intensity that made her want to vomit.
Now she remembered. She’d fought them, slashed at the eyes of the man who’d held her on the horse. They’d stopped the cavalcade and then she’d tried to hit Moss. They’d beaten her for that. Painfully, she closed her eyes and swallowed. There was blood in her mouth. It was so tempting to slide down into the dark…
No! She would count to three, and then…
It was the dress that claimed her attention first in this shadowed, wavering world. Earth-colored and clumsily made from coarse wool, it was a penitent’s garment, draped over a coffer placed directly in front of the bed. She couldn’t avoid seeing that dress.
And then she saw that she was naked. And cold. Shivering, half closing her one open eye against the pain, she groped for something to cover herself. There was only a sheet.
“I’m over here, witch.”
Where was he? Where was the voice coming from?
Anne swallowed as she tried to speak; even her throat was painful. “I can’t see you.”
He laughed. An unpleasant sound. “Open your eyes. Both of them.” That was cruel. And bracing. Anne forced herself to focus.
“Ah yes, there you are, Moss. Hiding in the shadows as usual. What are you frightened of? It can’t be me, surely, after what you had them do.” Her tone held the flick of a whip.
He stood at the end of the bed, the crucifix held up before him like a weapon. “A woman should be reverently silent when a servant of the Lord, or any man, indeed, is pleased to give instruction.”
“Silent reverence?” Anne shook her head. “I suppose you call this”—she indicated the bruises and the blood—“instruction?”
The monk signed the cross over the bed. “The Lord guides me. By mortifying the flesh you will be brought to salvation.” Momentarily, his face twisted as he looked at her: the shape of her body was clear beneath the sheet. He threw her the penitent’s robe. “Your worldly clothes have been stripped away. Cover yourself. We have lost time waiting for your… recovery. If we are to catch the tide, we must ride fast.”
It hurt Anne to laugh. “So it’s no easier if I’m unconscious? What are you worried about? People talking?”
“Dress. You offend God with your nakedness.”
“It won’t work, Moss. You can’t do this.”
He looked at her with his head on one side, eyes jackdaw bright. “The man you call Moss is dead. You killed him. Dress and veil yourself. Men will never see your face again, not as long as you live.”
There was a cold, dark chasm opening. “No. I will not go with you. I will go to my home.” Her voice wobbled.
Agonistes smiled; he had broken her spirit at last. “But I have the signature of the king, your sometime adulterous lover, on the deed of exile. You saw it. You are bound for France. And burning.”
Anne shook her head. “Why are you doing this, Moss? You betrayed me all those years ago. From the very first. Ambition and lust were your downfall; they were your sins, not mine.”
“Silence!” Concentrated venom. He thrust the crucifix toward Anne’s face but his eyes dropped further down her body. A moment, a frozen moment, and he’d ripped the sheet away from Anne. Her eyes locked on his. She made no move to cover herself.
“Face the truth, Moss. Here it is. My body is the truth. You want to kill what I would not give you.”
She saw shame in his eyes for an instant, and then he slapped her. Her eyes blurred with agonized tears as he whispered, “Try to tempt the servant of the Lord again and I promise you such suffering that the stake will be a relief.”
There were two roads now: defeat or rage. Anne chose rage. She threw the penitent’s gown across the room. “I will not wear that thing. I am not a witch or a penitent.” She reared up and the crown of her head connected with his jaw, stunning them both.
But Moss, the self-serving courtier, stood before her now; the monk had disappeared. He jerked Anne up by the hair and his face was so close to hers she could smell old wine and the rancid breath of broken teeth. “You are lost and will do as I say.”
“I think that’s unlikely.”
Leif Molnar. He’d arrived so quietly on buckskin boots that neither had heard him open the door. Leaning on the haft of his axe—double-bladed, a battle-axe—he filled the door frame.
Moss turned, one hand entangled in Anne’s hair. “You have no business with this woman.”
Leif snorted, picked up the axe, and settled his grip. “A bad choice, monk, and a worse one. That’s all you’ve got for certain.”
Moss’s eyes were suddenly wide and blank. He smiled broadly and released Anne’s hair, wiping his bloodied fingers against the skirts of his robe. “Foolish man.”
He launched himself from the balls of his feet, a bright dagger in the fist of one hand. He had courage when he thought the odds were on his side. But they weren’t. He was out of practice.
Leif, the servant of Thor, seasoned by much fighting, stepped neatly to one side as Moss closed the gap. Revealed behind him was a silent party of men from Wincanton the Less. Anne’s people. Armed with billhooks sharp from harvesting.
There was no need for the battle-axe. The billhooks did their work and Anne did not try to stop them, though she turned her head away and, closing her eyes, tried to stop up her ears.
Perhaps she would do penance for this killing at another time, but not now. By the grace of a different God, she was free to go home.