– TEN –

Crystal Grid Spells: Advanced Crystal Magic


One of the most basic concepts to grasp when working with crystal magic is that numbers are at the core. As you read in the last chapter, there is harmony in numbers—something that the mystics and scholars of ancient times recognized and explored in their quest to understand how our world works. Crystal structure is based on patterns and numbers; spells based on grids of stones use these numbers for a specific purpose, in addition to many other correspondences based on numbers and geometric shapes.

Geometry means “earth measure,” and it was one of the first areas of mathematical study. Such knowledge has always been needed for building structures, measuring land, and other basics of civilized life. Studies of geometry began with simple shapes such as the square, rectangle, circle, and triangle.

Sacred geometry is a study based on the recognition and awareness of certain patterns humans have used for centuries and which seem to occur again and again in what we make, and what we observe in nature and the universe. These patterns reveal our interconnectedness with all things and give us a glimpse into underlying systems. We’re part of a magnificent harmonious structure—the mind, our bodies, and our cosmos. Such patterns are a map of the sacred in the scientific. Some say it’s the key to understanding life itself—if not the key, at least a doorway.

Much of crystal magic is based on order and symmetry, geometry and numbers. For example, you may be familiar with the Golden Ratio (or Golden Rectangle) and the Fibonacci Sequence. Shapes are of primary importance, especially when working with grids, since they speak to us on a universal level—they are the geometry found in nature, in what we create, and in us. Crystal grids are a form of magic that involves arranging stones in a particular pattern based on a variety of correspondences that can include number, metaphysical and scientific properties of the stone, symbolism of shape, and so on.

Many grids in this chapter use clear quartz points as foundation stones. This is because of their special structure and their function in the spell. Don’t worry if your quartz points aren’t perfect, they don’t have to be. They are used to direct energy as you focus your intent and build the grid. Generally, try to use quartz points that are relatively uniform in size for a grid. This helps preserve the balance and symmetry of the layout. In addition, you may wish to incorporate quartz points with special properties (refer to chapter Seven).

The act of setting the stones in place serves a purpose—it’s meditative, is intended to help your mind reach a relaxed and meditative state and to help you focus your intent on the task. This is one reason there are often chants to accompany the placement of each stone. The overall shape, stones used, words, and placement all work together to help you focus your intent.

The foundation for your grid is important, especially if you want to keep it in place for a long period of time. Ideally, use a table or altar; make sure you have a stable setting. You can use a board, a piece of cardboard or a tray, if you’d like, in case you need to move the grid. Large plates or serving platters work well too, as do mirrors (you may wish to cover the surface of a mirror with a sheer cloth or veil to avoid scratching it). Of course, the size of the stones you’re using will determine your foundation. Don’t forget that you can even construct large grids outside and hold rituals inside them.

Diagrams are provided for these spells to help you create the desired shape. In many cases, you can simply arrange the stones in the appropriate pattern. Of course, feel free to place your stones on an outline if you like. You can use paper or a bed of sand (dry or damp), to draw outlines of the shape before adding the stones. The Flower of Life spell is the only one that requires the printed diagram to be used.

An explanation of crystal systems can be found in the Appendix.

Grid for Debt Relief


Grid for Debt Relief

Use this spell as you begin to take steps toward paying a debt or trying to solve a difficult financial problem. Sometimes a solution can be found by achieving a low interest rate for repaying a debt, finding a consolidation program, or extending payments over a longer period of time. This spell is intended to help clear the way to finding your best strategy. Work diligently toward a resolution and visualize this spell helping you reach your goal.

Perform this spell during a waning moon, when it is in Taurus (stability, money issues), Capricorn (business, money, obligations, stability), or Virgo (practicality and success), if possible.

Stones: aragonite, citrine quartz, fuchsite, grossular garnet, howlite, iolite, malachite, petrified wood, quartz with tourmaline, and vanadinate. There are specific words to recite as each stone is placed.

Adorn your altar with a black cloth and place a copy of a financial statement or bill on top of it—you will build the grid on top of the paper. Start in the upper left corner. As you place each stone on top of the paper, visualize crushing the debt, decreasing it, eliminating it. Say the phrase listed for each stone as you set the stone on the paper, moving counterclockwise, arranging them in a square—four anchor stones, one for each corner, with a total of three across the top and bottom, and four on each side. After all the stones are in place, recite the final chant.


Stones that number ten
This struggle I shall win.
With harm to none please aid
This debt that I have made.
I learned from this event
Forgive what has been spent.

Raise energy as desired. You may wish to burn a black candle in the center of your stone grid. Leave this grid in place until the moon begins to wax. Repeat as desired during each waning moon phase in an appropriate moon sign.

Note: if you have a piece of jewelry that contains one (or more) of the stones listed here, feel free to use it in the spell (rest it on top of one of the stones), and then wear it. Visualize that piece being dedicated to this goal, carrying the spell’s momentum with you. A ring or bracelet is ideal, since it will give you a frequent, visual reminder of your goal.

Grid for Peace and Quiet


Grid for Peace and Quiet

Have you ever been in a situation out of your control where others were affecting your well-being, disturbing your peace, and you couldn’t do anything about it? While we can’t control others, we may be able to influence our environment to have the atmosphere we seek. Sometimes people are rude and don’t even realize it. And sometimes we are simply stuck in an environment that we can’t control. In the case of the latter, we can only hope to influence things in a positive way. This spell falls under the realm of communication, ruled by the element of Air, so we’ll use the Air symbol.


You will need enough clear quartz points to form a triangle shape.

In Addition:

Arrange the stones in an upward pointing triangle as indicated in the drawing. The Air symbol has a line across the top; if you have enough quartz points, place stones in this area to form a line. See drawing for stone placement. If using the hemimorphite, place it in the space at the top of the triangle.

Begin at the lower right corner and place the stones working clockwise. Place the hemimorphite last. Visualize energy flowing through the points and stones, outward into your environment. Imagine air flowing and rippling outward around you, sweeping a peaceful atmosphere throughout your surroundings.

After all the stones are in place, chant:

Peaceful let this place now be
Filled with just serenity.
Now let no disruption be
Disturbing to my reverie

Those that are annoying me
May they cease their task.
I think it’s only fair
This favor that I ask.

Variation: Banishing Grid

If the situation is more than just annoying, make a slight change to the grid as follows. Begin in the lower left corner and work your way around counterclockwise.


Place these in any of the three positions and chant:

Get thee now away from me
Far from this vicinity
No more noise or bother be
Get thee now away from me
Your presence here it does me harm
So for good I cast this charm:
Bring forth the peace and calm I seek
As I will so shall it be.

Prosperity Grid


Prosperity Grid

For prosperity we use a simple square—it represents order, balance, stability, the earth and four elements, nurturing, wealth, abundance, and perfection. Perform this spell when the moon is waxing to full, in Taurus, Cancer, or Capricorn if possible.


Depending on the size of your stones, you may need to form a larger or smaller square. Simply form the square wit your stones on your desired surface. Allow this grid to stay in place for an entire moon cycle, or longer, if desired. Or, if using a candle, you can remove the grid after the candle has burned out. If you are adding this grid to a candle spell of your own, do your candle spell first, then build the grid around it.

Before you build the stone border, visualize this square as a symbol of your financial situation. This square will be built to protect your assets, and help them grow and remain stable. In the center of the square, either use a symbol or write your need (on the paper or on a separate sheet). You can use a green candle carved with a dollar sign, you can write “paid” on a bill and put that in the center, or simply write “wealth” in the center of the square.

Next, you will build the borders of the square. Begin with one of the other stones in the upper left corner. The quartz points will be placed in between the corner stones with the point following the direction of movement (right on top, then down, then to the left, then up). Work your way around the square, moving clockwise, placing one of the other stones at each corner and then two quartz points. Say this as you place each stone:

Prosperity, wealth to me.

When finished, say this twice:

Fire, Water, Earth, and Air,

With my money do take care.

Grid for Fertility


Grid for Fertility

This spell can be for any endeavor you need to help “grow.” It can be for actual fertility for yourself or another, or to help a project grow. This grid uses the elemental Earth symbol and a circle to represent the womb. Trace or draw this symbol on a sheet of paper or in sand.


Place the selenite rose in the center of the circle; the other three stones at the points. Move in a clockwise manner, beginning in the upper left corner. After building the grid, chant:

May the seed be planted in the womb,
Let it firmly hold and strongly root.
Let the need I foster grow and bloom
Nourish my desire, bearing fruit.

If that chant is too “birth-like” for your need, here’s an alternative:

May the seed in fertile soil land
Let my goal take root and firmly stand.
Give my project ample room to grow
May I harvest richly what I sow.

The Flower of Life Spell


Flower of Life

This spell has nothing to do with flowers; it’s based on an ancient symbol called the Flower of Life. This symbol is important in sacred geometry for many reasons. It has been identified as representing tones and half tones in music, the pattern of cell division, and a pattern of six “petals” or “star points” around a center—six around one being a common theme in creation myths in many cultures. Some say it’s the symbol representing the origin of life. One of the oldest known occurrences of this symbol has been found at the Temple of Osiris at Abydos in Egypt, and images even older are currently being investigated.

Many different forms can be found in the Flower of Life—the seed of life, fruit of life, tree of life, various forms of intersecting circles, and other shapes used for mystical practices. Whatever meaning you ascribe to this symbol, one thing is certain: it’s been around for a long time and seems to resonate with people of many cultures. Its symmetry and harmony can’t be denied.

For our purpose, this symbol provides a framework for a spiritually enlightening spell or ritual. Seek the connectedness of all things and your place in the universe—the mystery of life itself. However you choose to engage it, this symbol can provide a doorway. You may use the symbol printed here or create your own using a compass. This is just a series of circles that grows increasingly complex, yet we can still see the simplicity. This spell represents balance in all ways of life.

The full image consists of nineteen complete circles. The center of each circle will be a point for a stone to be placed. This will create a geometric pattern of eighteen outer stones with one in the center, for a total of nineteen stones. The numbers 18 and 19 are associated with the sun and moon. Lunar and solar eclipses repeat after eighteen years, full moon dates repeat after nineteen years. It’s also interesting to note that there are nineteen stones in the inner structure of Stonehenge. In tarot, the eighteenth card of the major arcana is the Moon, and 19 is the Sun. You will need nineteen small stones, tumbled or raw. You can use various combinations of stones.


You can use a different stone for each “ring” depending on what you have in your collection. It’s nice to start with pyrite, then use moonstone, then quartz. This represents the spark of life from the sun, then the moon, then the earth. Alternately, if you don’t have these combinations, use whatever you have to represent the sun, moon, and earth. Of course, you can use this model to come up with your own ideas. Remember, this is just a guide to get you started. You can do this alone or with a group, taking turns adding stones.

Whatever method you choose, it’s your focus that’s important. Start from the center point and add stones to each point radiating outward; moving clockwise may appeal to you.

Think of the connections that make life possible for us—we need the sun and moon. Think of them as balancing us as we live here on earth. We need the sun for life and the moon is important too—there is a theory that when the moon formed it actually hit the Earth and gave us our tilt and important cycles of seasons. It regulates the tides, and is the basis for many of our monthly cycles and measurements. And it symbolizes mystery, intuition, and dreams. We need the balance of day and night, yin and yang. Think of the very beginning of life. Imagine the universe and its mysteries. Ponder the deepest thoughts you can about origins and connections, here on Earth, in the universe, and spiritually. This spell asks us to consider our lives and to be mindful of our actions. Make this spell meaningful to you in whatever way you choose.

Chant as you place each stone:


Honor the beginning, the source that we all share,

Honor all of life, treat everything with care.

Circle of Six, Rotating Clockwise:

Mysteries of life unfold,

Myths and stories yet untold.

Circles, cycles, all connect,
For all of life I have respect.

Enlighten me with the unknown,
Sun and moon your light has shone.

Thank you for the life I/we know
In tune with spirit, let me/us glow.

In the balance, let this flower
Remind me/us daily of my/our power.

In my/our life/lives let me/us instill

love and action with goodwill.

For the Outer Circle of Twelve:

As above, so below—

give me/us light, I/we will grow.

Pentacle Grid


Pentacle Grid

If you have space, you may wish to try this layout in place of a magic circle during spell work or ritual. The pentagram is such a magically potent symbol and, since it’s associated with the number 5, it has even further cosmic significance. You can also use this grid for a protection spell—place a photo of the person in need of protection in the center of the grid.


Draw the pentacle in salt. At the five outer points, place the crystals pointing outward. At the five inner points, place the crystals pointing inward. After the stones are in place, use whatever visualization technique you prefer, and chant:

Sending out, drawing in,
Five and five, crystals ten.
Energy, flowing fast—
Aid the spell that I cast.

Add this chant if performing the spell for protection:

Salt and stone, now surround,

In this shape, safe and sound.

Spell to Stimulate the Mind


Stimulate the Mind

Use this spell for study, creativity, or whenever you need a boost of intellectual focus. This spell uses the elemental Air symbol and the number 6 for balance. Draw or trace the grid onto a sheet of paper or use a bed of sand. Using the stones, start at the bottom right and work your way around, clockwise, placing them where indicated. The order of stones doesn’t matter.


After the stones are in place, visualize as you choose, and chant:

Let the air move my mind

Take me where I can find

What I need to succeed—

With great care, take me there.

Sixth Sense Grid


Six-Pointed Star

This spell also uses the six-pointed star shape. In this case, use the grid to help boost your sixth sense—psychic awareness.


Draw or trace the star pattern on paper or in sand; choose a stone for each sense and position them on the grid as directed as follows; these are recommended for their correspondences with the senses that govern the chakras:

Visualize the stones representing your senses. Imagine each of them—what aromas do you enjoy? What are your favorite tastes, sights, and sounds? What do you find pleasing to the touch? Work your way up to your sense of intuition. Imagine yourself being aware and in touch with this sense. See yourself balanced like this star, complete and whole, your sixth sense part of your life, guiding you. When you’re ready, chant as indicated. If it helps, hold one of the sixth sense stones in your hand while you meditate.

Smell and taste, sight and sound;
touching objects all around.
Intuition and insight—

Senses all, now unite.

Alchemical Grids

Alchemy was part science, part myth, and part spiritual practice—a complex set of philosophies that evolved and changed over time and location. One tradition involved the pursuit of a mysterious substance referred to as the philosopher’s stone—a cure-all; it would turn “imperfect” elements into the noble elements like silver and gold, heal the body, and purify the soul. The alchemists saw this as a natural process that only needed to be identified and discovered. Transformation could be seen happening in the natural world constantly—minerals in the earth, such as dirt and rock, would yield fruit on vines and trees, for example. And in our bodies, we break food down into chemicals we need to live. Transmutation is the word used to describe the change of one form of matter to another. This change can be both physical and spiritual, which is why alchemy can be viewed as both scientific and allegorical. For magical practice, we turn to the metaphor of change the practice of alchemy has inspired—we seek
to create change in ourselves and our world.

The ancient Greeks professed that the entire universe was formed from what we now call the four classical elements (Earth, Air, Fire, and Water), substances (in Western alchemy) that represent the qualities of hot, wet, dry, and cold—the characteristics of which all matter is made (not literally those substances). Earth was heaviest, and located at the center; then Water; next Air, then Fire, lightest and purest of the elements—closest to the divine. This was the ideal state and order of things—the sun (gold) was the purest form. Aristotle referred to the fifth element (ether) as “quintessence”—it was found among the heavens and stars, which were purer than earthly materials. Alchemists sought to bring this fifth element down through transmutation.

The themes of these four grids are drawn from alchemical metaphors, elements, and symbols.

Squaring the Circle


Squaring the Circle

On the left is a seventeenth-century alchemical symbol representing the philosopher’s stone.

The human body has often been compared to the larger world and the universe—as above, so below. Psychologist Carl Jung compares the Western idea of the philosopher’s stone to the experience of self-realization, or individuation. Profound personal change, like the change of substances, takes time. And so, magically, we explore the use of stones that reveal this change.

A circle or sphere has been used to symbolize the heavens throughout history, while a square or cube has been used to represent the earth. The union of these is a way to symbolically unite heaven and earth, or spirit and matter.

The concept of “squaring of the circle” is a supposedly impossible mathematical formula creating a square shape with the same area as a circle (using only a compass and straight edge). Some scholars in the past came close to solving it (Archimedes, for one), but the solution remains imperfect due to the transcendental nature of the number pi. It has also been used to symbolize the elusive philosopher’s stone. We can use this symbol as a metaphor in a spell to deal with a seemingly impossible problem.

The circle is often used to represent the self (the psyche). In addition, circles also symbolize the world and the entire cosmos—continuity and connectedness. In this case, the inner circle is the self and the outer is the cosmos. Surrounding the inner circle is first a square, then a triangle. The square can be used to represent the physical earth, reality. In alchemy, the triangle is the symbol for the element of Fire. The triangle also represents the trinity of mind, body, and spirit. We can then use this symbol to represent the self, on the earth, with the fire of creativity and the trinity, reaching out to the universe. This is how you can approach a challenge. Find a practical way to deal with it, then move toward a creative response and send this intent out to the cosmos. Draw the shape on paper or a bed of sand.


Place a stone (or other object that represents you or the issue) in the center of the circle. Recommended stones for the center are Herkimer diamond, amethyst, or your personal power stone.

At the three points of the triangle, use three clear quartz points, pointed outward.

In the spaces marked with an X, use six stones from this list:

After all the stones are in place, meditate on the issue or problem. Allow your mind to expand.


The lock is lost, a paradox, enigmas wrapped
inside a box. Find the key, the mystery—solve the puzzle
haunting me. Issues begging for resolve,
riddles that I need to solve; illusions capture—
solutions fail, ideas lurk behind the veil. Open
and reveal to me—distill solution, glean from thee.

Becoming Gold—Your Best Self


Becoming Gold

Like Squaring the Circle, this spell also uses the analogy of alchemy as a metaphor for perfecting the self. No matter what your future goals are, or where you currently stand in reaching them, strive to live to your highest good and potential each day. The present is all we really have. This spell draws on the journey from Saturn to the Sun, a spiritual journey of the soul from lead to gold.

One way to utilize this spell is to meditate for guidance in discovering your true desire. Visualize yourself climbing up a pyramid, even if you don’t know what awaits at the top. If you do have a plan, personally or professionally, visualize your goal at the top and see yourself ascending, reaching it. On a spiritual level, you can simply use this spell any time you feel lost or confused, or whenever you just need a boost of spiritual energy; a chance to reboot yourself. If you ever feel like you’ve gone off track or you sense you aren’t living up to your potential, use this spell to realign yourself with your purpose and goals. It can be as simple as a desire to be your best—living a healthy lifestyle, perhaps, or helping others.

Ultimately, the process of alchemy concerns transformation. This practice can best be explained by imagining that the alchemist, in order to spiritually heal the world (and himself), must find a way to get through the seven spheres of the cosmos and reach spiritual gold. This journey begins with Saturn/lead and moves through these stages: Jupiter/tin, Mars/iron, Venus/copper, Mercury/quicksilver, Moon/silver, and finally, to the Sun/gold. Gold was considered to be perfection.


You will need the following stones or metals, associated with the planets:

Since most of us don’t have nuggets of metal lying around, you can use jewelry if necessary. For example, when I need pewter I either use pewter jewelry or a statue. In addition, if you have a special gold pendant or ring, it would be appropriate to wear it as a symbol representing this spell’s goal.

You can draw this grid on paper or create it on a bed of sand. Build this grid by adding stones from bottom to top, placing each stone/metal in its appropriate place. As you place each object, visualize a journey. Say the first four lines before you begin; for each of the seven stones there are two lines to chant (and, in keeping with the numerology of 7, each line has seven syllables).

As I reach toward the sun
On this journey I’ve begun.
Start with lead and turn to gold

Like the alchemists of old.
From this base I find my way

Seeking more and more each day.
With each step my body grows

With each thought my mind it knows
Saving iron from the rust

In myself I learn to trust.
In my soul I learn to shine

Love and light will intertwine.
In myself I see the light

My goals and dreams I will hold tight.
Like the moon your light I share

One more step will take me there.
Spirit rising turns to gold

Highest self I now behold.

Grid for Universal Love


Six-Pointed Star

Another symbol with a long history in various religious and occult traditions is the six-pointed star, a hexagram, also called the Seal of Solomon and the Star of David. A powerful magical symbol, it can be used to unite the alchemical symbols for Fire and Water. When the two are joined in the star shape, Earth and Air are symbolized as well– thus, the elements are united. This union of the four elements is another symbol of the philosopher’s stone—the fifth element. This grid also gives us the beautiful balance of the number six.

Use this grid to seek universal love and harmony in your life. You can also use this to promote intuition— you open your mind to insight by finding internal harmony.


Draw the star on a piece of paper (or in sand) and place the stones on the six points.

Visualize yourself as being in harmony with the universe and connected to all things. Quiet the chaos of your thoughts. Be still. You are open to all loving relationships; you are surrounded by beauty.


Balance, center, calming,
I am now becoming
One who knows the meaning—
Hear the silence singing.
Harmony and glory,
Happiness surrounds me.
I possess the beauty,
Love has finally found me.

Each line has six syllables—repeat the entire chant six times.

Spiral Spell for Change



Sulfur was commonly used in alchemy, and since alchemy can be used as a metaphor for change, sulfur is used in this spell. Sulfur is a lovely bright yellow crystal and it’s quite soft, so handle your specimen with care. And remember, it’s toxic, so wash your hands after working with it.

This spell calls for change when you feel stagnant or for transformation when you’re ready for a new phase of your life. Remember: the change could be sudden. Perform this spell on a Thursday, any moon phase or sign.


For this grid, we will use a spiral shape, symbolic of growth and change. Beginning in the center, work your way around the spiral placing the stones in any order. You can create the spiral on any surface, but a bed of sand is an excellent choice for building this grid. You can draw a spiral first and then add the stones. Use one line of the chant for each stone.

Circle, spiral, moving on,
Spinning, changing, look beyond.
See potential meant for me,
Promise, opportunity.
Current state cannot remain
The only constant state is change.
What I need, what’s meant for me,
For good of all
So shall it be.
