Stones and Metals: Metaphysical Correspondences
Some sources list stones as having receptive or projective energy. I believe this depends on the type of magic you’re performing. Therefore, those correspondences are not given here. However, this information can be inferred based on the element associated with each. If a planetary or elemental association is not given, it is because there is no particular primary correspondence. This list has been compiled by cross-referencing dozens of sources, supplemented with my own experience working with the stones. An explanation of crystal systems follows this list.
Agate: general properties: grounding; protection; strength; promotes general good health and longevity; attunement with the earth; calming; personal development. Blue Lace: spiritual awareness, healing, inner peace. Moss: promotes agreeability, connection with plant kingdom. Trigonal.
Amazonite: balances emotions; “stone of hope,” harmony and universal love; eliminates aggravation; helps perfect personal expression. Triclinic. Earth element. Uranus.
Amber (resin): positive energy; healing; sun; sensual; makes wearer irresistible. Amorphous. Sun. Fire and Earth elements.
Amethyst: promotes sobriety, helps break addictions; curbs passion; encourages spiritual awakening and peace; aids sleep, transformation, and meditation; calms, balances, and clears aura; increases psychic ability. Trigonal. Jupiter and Neptune. Water element.
Apache tear (obsidian): promotes a forgiving attitude; comfort; aids in grief acceptance; removes self-limiting barriers. Amorphous. Saturn. Fire element.
Apatite: helps manifest insights, especially past life; enhances other stones; related to service professions and humanitarian pursuits; balances; heals; stimulates clairvoyance and assists with deeper meditative states, insight, clarity and peace; awakens higher self; enhances creativity. Hexagonal.
Apophyllite: aids astral travel; gazing; reflective; encourages spiritual connections; helps one find truth. Tetragonal.
Aquamarine: “stone of courage” and tolerance; protects fishermen; spiritual awareness; psychic abilities; enhances creativity. Hexagonal. Moon. Water element.
Aragonite: centering; meditation; helps relieve stress and anger; fosters patience, reliability and practicality; helps one accept responsibilities. Orthorhombic.
Aventurine: increases prosperity, “gambler’s talisman”; balances male/female energies; general healing stone (especially for pain); increases opportunity and motivation; independence—“new horizons,” luck; creativity/individuality; stress-relief. Trigonal. Mercury. Air element.
Azurite: awakens psychic ability and third-eye; eliminates indecision and worry; enhances self-confidence; dissolves blockages; promotes relaxation and awareness—good for use during meditation; enhances creativity and communication with spirit guides; helps verbalize psychic experiences. Monoclinic. Venus. Water element.
Barite (desert rose): encourages one to pursue dreams—“all things are possible,” encourages independence in relationships; aids detox/recovery from addictions. Orthorhombic.
Bloodstone: (also called heliotrope; a green variety of chalcedony with red hematite [iron oxide] or jasper spots) purification; promotes courage, grounding, and a “be here now” attitude; balances body; improves talents; enhances decision making. Trigonal. Mars. Fire element.
Bornite (peacock ore): freshens and renews; stimulates spirit; relieves stress and grief; a “stone of happiness”; protection from negative energy; removes barriers to goals; healing. Orthorhombic.
Brass: (a mixture of copper and zinc) healing; prosperity; protection. Sun. Fire element.
Bronzite: (magnesium and iron) “stone of courtesy” and focused action; attainment and assistance. Promotes peace; helps relieve stress and heal emotional trauma. Orthorhombic. Venus. Earth element.
Calcite: energy amplifier; aids memory; excellent for studying arts and sciences; healing (see also Onyx). Trigonal. (Iceland Spar is a popular formation.)
Carnelian: sexuality; personal power; physical energy; stimulates analytical capabilities and precision, concentration; compassion; present moment awareness; focus, motivation, stimulation. Trigonal. Sun. Fire element.
Celestite: revitalizing; excellent healing stone; aids pursuit of delicate arts, mental activities and problem solving; “a stone of balance”; aids astral travel and dream recall; brings calmness and harmony; eases worry; promotes communication and spiritual wisdom; clears chakras; helps distinguish between need/want. Orthorhombic. Venus, Neptune. Water element.
Chiastolite: (“cross-stone”) assists with change, death and rebirth, transitions, astral travel, problem solving, creativity, practicality,
and maintenance of spirituality during illness.
Chrysocolla: (a copper mineral) helps one attune to the Earth; eliminates fear; increases understanding and capacity to love; purifies home environment; aids communication; a “feminine” stone. Amorphous. Venus. Water element.
Citrine: (a variety of quartz ranging in color from pale yellow to brown) a stone of optimism and abundance; never needs cleansing—does not hold negative energy but dissipates and transmutes it; often called “the merchant’s stone,” use for success in education and business; aids mental clarity; teaches prosperity; good for community; dispels fear; opens communication/positive influence. Trigonal. Sun. Fire element.
Copper: energy conductor; promotes self-esteem; aid for exhaustion and sexual imbalance. Cubic. Venus. Water element.
Creedite: provides clarity of expression in the spiritual realm; helps to remove obstacles toward goal. Meditation. Monoclinic.
Cymophane (cat’s eye): a variety of chrysoberyl that displays chatoyant properties (needle-like inclusions that create the “eye” effect). The gemstone careity of chrysoberyl is called alexandrite. Stimulates the intellect and awareness; stabilizing; protective. Strengthens one’s approach to problems, and helps one see a situation clearly before taking action. Promotes unconditional love. Orthorhombic.
Diamond: promotes courage, purity and innocence; inspires creativity and imagination; abundance. Cubic. Sun. Fire element.
Dolomite: relieves sorrow; helps one understand that “everything happens for a reason”; removes blockages; encourages charity. Trigonal.
Emerald: “stone of successful love,” associated with Venus, also encourages prosperity, legal matters, and success in business; enhances memory. Hexagonal. Venus. Earth element.
Fluorite: general properties: promotes order and reason, concentration, and meditation; “stone of discernment and aptitude”; stabilizing; helps one reach height of mental achievement—“the genius stone.” Blue: calming energy; orderly communication; Clear: use for crown chrakra; aligns/cleanses aura; Green: clears negativity from a room—tidying, “minty fresh”; Purple: opens third eye; increases psychic/spiritual growth and intuition; Yellow: enhances creativity and intellectual pursuits. Cubic.
Fossil: promotes quality and excellence in one’s environment.
Fuchsite: (green variety of muscovite/mica group) helps one bounce back; balancing; use for meditation for insight on practical matters; assists one in adapting to a situation. Monoclinic. Air element.
Galena: grounding and centering; “stone of harmony.” Cubic. Earth element.
Garnet: “stone of health”; commitment; self-confidence; sexuality; vigor; patience; protects against thieves; sleep to remember dreams; Grossular variety: strengthens stability in lawsuits and legal matters/challenges; enhances service, fertility. Cubic. Mars. Fire element.
Geode: Earth Mother, womb; helps one see total picture. Water element.
Gold: purifies and energizes physical body, solar/male energy. Cubic. Sun. Fire element.
Granite: primarily quartz and orthoclase feldspar. Enables one to “see the big picture” and aids balance in relationships. Prosperity.
Gypsum: (selenite) lucky; ends stagnation; strengthens progress, fertility. Types include alabaster, satin spar, and selenite “rose” (crystallized): promotes awareness of self and surroundings. Monoclinic.
Hematite: purifies and balances; a “stone of the mind”; promotes self-control; grounding; psychic awareness; transforms negativity; carry to relieve stress; aids manual dexterity; helps one achieve goals. Trigonal. Saturn. Fire element.
Hemimorphite: helps one “know thyself”; decreases self-centeredness with growth toward self-respect and reaching highest potential; promotes creativity; relieves hostility. Orthorhombic.
Herkimer Diamond: (exceptionally clear quartz crystals, named for locality where first discovered, Herkimer County, NY) harmony and attunement; helps one to “be” and know you already are what you seek to become; aids relaxation and expansion of life energy; stimulates clairvoyant abilities; helps retain information/remember dreams; healing; cleansing. Trigonal.
Howlite: calms communication; helps one take action toward goals; encourages subtlety and tact; improves character; eliminates pain, stress, and rage. Monoclinic.
Iolite: (blue shades/gem quality cordierite) a third-eye stone, use for spiritual growth; stimulates shamanic visions; balances, awakens inner knowledge; can aid one in eliminating debts and accepting responsibilities; good for attaining a healthy constitution; brings harmony to self and relationships; strengthens aura. Orthorhombic.
Iron: protection, strength, grounding, healing. Cubic. Mars. Fire element.
Jade: (nephrite and jadeite, metamorphic rocks) a “dream stone”; also called the “gardener’s stone”; increases vitality, harmony, inspiration, perspective, and wisdom; longevity; protective; good fortune. Venus. Water element.
Jasper: general qualities: “supreme nurturer”; healing; beauty; courage; good fortune and financial success; creativity; harmony; “an Earth Stone”; stabilizing and reduces insecurity; good for grounding after ritual. Trigonal.
Jet: (a form of fossilized wood, similar to coal) protection—dispels fearful thoughts and protects one during the pursuit of business and enhances financial stability. Amorphous. Saturn. Earth element.
Kyanite: never needs cleansing; promotes “attunement” and aligns charkas immediately; tranquility; psychic awareness and clarity; enhances creative expression; dispels anger and frustration. Triclinic.
Labradorite: protects and balances aura; aids in understanding one’s destiny; enhances patience, perseverance, and inner knowing; reduces anxiety and stress; discernment in direction—“know right time”; wisdom. Triclinic. Moon. Water element.
Lapis lazuli: (lapis is actually a rock consisting mostly of the mineral lazurite, commonly containing pyrite and calcite, among other minerals) a “stone of total awareness”; amplifies spiritual and psychic awareness; promotes good judgment in practical world—wisdom; cheerful; stimulates creativity, mental clarity, and speech; sincerity; self-acceptance; boosts immune system. Cubic. Venus. Water element.
Lepidolite: reduces stress; “stone of transition” and self-love; calms environment; soothes emotions; dispels anger; a dream stone—protects against nightmares; gently induces change to “get to heart of the problem.” Monoclinic. Jupiter, Neptune. Water element.
Lodestone (magnetite): balances and enhances receptivity to male/female energies; encourages one to “hold fast” to purpose; motivation; guidance. Cubic. Venus. Water element.
Malachite: transformation; clears path to goal; protection (esp. aviation); business prosperity; soothing; calming; anti-depressant; amplifies mood. Monoclinic. Venus. Earth element.
Marcasite: (a polymorph of pyrite—same chemicals, different symmetry; marcasite sold in the jewelry industry is actually pyrite) promotes insight and stimulates the intellect; promotes spiritual development; guards against impatience. Orthorhombic.
Mica: self-reflection; aids sleep. Monoclinic. Mercury. Air element.
Moonstone: feminine; lunar energy; “the traveler’s stone”; helps with cycles/changes; new beginnings; intuition; insight; healing for women; heightens psychic sensitivity; calming; balancing; introspective and reflective; allows one to distinguish between needs and desires. Monoclinic. Moon. Water element.
Obsidian: protective (esp. from psychic vamps); grounding; scrying; absorbs negativity; goddess mysteries; detachment but with wisdom and love. Snowflake Obsidian: sharpens external and internal vision; reveals contrasts of life to realize unnecessary patterns; serenity in isolation and meditation; “stone of purity”; (see also Apache Tear). Amorphous. Saturn. Fire element.
Onyx: centering; banishes grief; enhances decision-making; relieves stress; balances male/female energy; aids detachment and self-control; heightens instinct. Trigonal. Mars. Saturn. Fire element.
Opal: releases inhibitions; awakens mystic qualities; beauty; heals spirit; contains all colors, represents all elements; aids visions and psychic journeying; affirms purpose; can be used to grant wishes and aid magical practice; allows one to fade into background when desired (“invisibility”). Amorphous.
Peacock ore: See Bornite.
Pearl: faith and spiritual guidance; purity; charity; innocence; sincerity. Amorphous. Moon. Water element.
Peridot: (gem quality variety of olivine—olivine can be used instead) warm; friendly; furthers understanding of change; heart and solar plexus charkas; acceptance regarding relationships; recover lost items; healing; visionary stone; frees one from envy; regulates cycles. Orthorhombic. Venus. Earth element.
Petrified wood: “change what you can and don’t worry about the rest”; strength; grounding; past life meditations; support in times of crisis; transformation; prevents work stress.
Pewter: (a mixture of tin and copper, and some other metals) divination, luck, prosperity. Jupiter. Air element.
Platinum: balancing, centering; emotionally cleansing; enhances intuition. Cubic. Neptune. Water element.
Pyrite: shields from negative energy; protective; encourages health; enhances memory and understanding; practicality; strengthens will and positive outlook. Cubic. Mars. Fire element.
Quartz: Clear quartz is often called the “Master Crystal”; corresponds to all elements and astrological signs; promotes balance, purity, meditation, amplifies energy and thoughts; promotes clarity; harmony; a “stone of power”; aids communication on all levels; a magnifier, all around healer and amplifier; aids focus and transmission of energy. Trigonal. Rose: Promotes self-love, clarity of emotions, teaches forgiveness, love of others, universal love, compassion; beautifies skin; fertility; sex; cools temper. Smoky: transforms negativity; removes emotional blocks and mental barriers; adds clarity to meditation; balances; grounds; “stone of cooperation;” enhances personal pride and joy in life; enables one to let go; increases love of physical body; activates base charkas. Milky: stimulates hopes; stabilizes dreams; helps one to know self; clarity of mind; love of truth. (See also Citrine and Amethyst.) Rutilated: insight; “clears the way;” astral travel; helps to get to root of problem; stimulates brain function; facilitates inspiration; communication with higher self; more intense than clear quartz. Tourmalinated: creates a “solving” atmosphere; protective; polarity of energy; natural balance.
Rhodochrosite: a “stone of love and balance” aids meditation; earth healing; removes tendency toward denial and avoidance; promotes health; aids acceptance and interpretation; can bring new love into one’s life; emotional balance; unites conscious and subconscious. Trigonal. Mars. Fire element.
Rhondonite: a “stone of love,” balances yin-yang energy, attunement with the spirituality of the universe; helps one to achieve greatest potential; activates and energizes the heart chakra while grounding; fosters unconditional love; dispels anxiety, promotes coherence during chaotic encounters; provides calm assurance. Triclinic. Mars. Fire element.
Rhyolite: (a volcanic rock made up of mainly quartz with other minerals, feldspar is commonly included. Color combinations are usually a mixture of white, gray, green, red, and brown; sometimes it resembles granite.) “Stone of resolution”; use for change, variety and progress; meditation.
Ruby: (red corundum) “stone of nobility”; fosters prosperity and financial stability. Trigonal. Fire element.
Rutile: works to eliminate circumstances of interference. Tetragonal.
Sapphire (blue corundum): brings peace and joy; a “stone of prosperity.” Black variety: centering and protection; employment opportunities; Star Sapphire (contains rutile): centering; wisdom; good fortune. Trigonal. Moon. Water element.
Serpentine: (a group of rocks that display a greenish, scale-like appearance, usually containing magnesium and iron) enhances meditative state; clears charkas; assists disorders in body and emotion with conscious direction to problem. Saturn. Fire element.
Silver: enhances mental function; soothes anger; aids circulation; relieves stress; emotional balance; improves speech; excellent energy conductor; associated with moon; female energies; receptive. Cubic. Moon. Water element.
Sodalite: logic, clarity; encourages objectivity; aids sleep; eliminates confusion; promotes fellowship; self-esteem; trust; helps one to verbalize true feelings; clears mind; helps to reach logical conclusions; helps you “lighten up.” Cubic. Venus. Water element.
Sulfur: promotes an abundance of energy, flashes of inspiration, and stimulates the application of devotion toward realization of the perfection of the self; helps to gently “melt” barriers blocking progress. Orthorhombic. Sun. Fire element.
Tiger Eye: (a variety of quartz) focus and concentration; perception, understanding; grounding; wealth and money talisman; protection; psychic sight and insight; courage and strength; optimism—helps one to see things in the best light; slight masculine energy; balances; enhances creativity, integrity, and personal power; helps one manifest ideas into reality. Blue: this variety is often referred to as Falcon’s Eye; promotes peace and healing; Red: protection (red is usually heat-treated for color). Trigonal. Sun. Fire element.
Tin: promotes new beginnings; divination; good fortune; prosperity. Tetragonal. Jupiter. Air element.
Topaz: (general qualities) helps to conquer fears; a “stone of true love and success in all endeavors”; promotes individuality and creativity; helps one trust decisions and see “big picture”; wealth and health; trust; strength; protection; increases abstract thought. Orthorhombic. Sun. Fire element.
Tourmaline: Black: protects against negative energy—energy deflector; enhances physical vitality; practicality; creativity; grounding; reflects negative spells. Watermelon: super activator of heart charka; allows for experience of beauty of nature; treats nervousness and emotional disorders; enhances cooperative efforts; balance; helps one to recover from heartache. Trigonal.
Turquoise: encourages spiritual attunement; use as a guide during vision quests (protection); grounding; wisdom; kindness; promotes clarity in communication; eases anxiety; aids self-awareness; helps one find “true purpose.” Triclinic. Venus, Neptune. Earth element.
Unakite: heart charka and healing; emotional balance; more grounding than rose quartz; awakens love within. Monoclinic.
Vanadinite: facilitates mental processes; bridges thought and intelligence; can provide for a deep meditative state; promotes order and thrift in spending. Hexagonal.
Wulfenite: facilitates magical practice; allows for one to continue despite potential roadblocks or limitations; provides transition to psychic and astral planes. Tetragonal.
Zebra Rock (quartz and basalt): stamina; endurance (especially for athletes); gives strength in difficult times; dismisses anger; brings compassion and understanding; “look beneath the surface”; activate during full or new moon cycle.
Zircon: (not to be confused with cubic zirconia, which is synthetic) “stone of virtue”; a spiritual stone, innocence and purity; can help align chakras. Tetragonal.
Crystal Systems
There are seven basic crystal systems and these can be further divided into thirty-two classes based on various combinations of this structure. For our purposes, we’ll only consider the seven basic systems. Crystal habit is the term used to describe the crystal’s outward appearance. Think of it this way—system or structure in internal, a habit is external—like a habit a person exhibits.
These seven systems of crystal structure are important because in magic, numerology and shapes carry meaning. For example, the cube is often used as a symbol for the Earth element and a pyramid is used to represent Fire. Crystals with this particular type of structure can be used for magic related to these elements.
Remember, these systems describe the internal structure that may or may not be apparent in the actual shape of the crystal. In addition, these specific shapes offer particular characteristics we can incorporate into crystal magic.
Isometric System
Cubic (also called isometric)—Basically, this is a cube; a three-dimensional square. Six square faces at 90 degree angles to each other. This form is also called hexahedron (fancy way of saying six sides). This structure can actually have fifteen different forms—more than any of the other crystal systems. This structure has the highest degree of crystalline symmetry. This group includes diamond, halite (rock salt), sodalite, garnet, fluorite, gold, silver, copper, platinum, and pyrite. Lapis lazuli also has this structure, but this mineral rarely crystallizes (lapis is more accurately classified as a rock). Sometimes these minerals really do form cube shapes—think of pieces of pyrite or fluorite you’ve seen. The ultimate form of stability and firm foundation, this form, no matter what stone it is, can provide a grounding effect or be used in spells and grids for practical purposes, reality, and structure.
Note: An octahedron is a shape that falls into this category. I mention this because fluorite octahedron crystals are common among collectors. Here’s the confusing part—even though you may have an eight-sided fluorite octahedron, it has a cubic atomic structure inside. The symmetry of the atoms determines what kind of shape the crystal will take, but this arrangement has many possibilities.
Tetragonal System
Tetragonal—Imagine a cube being stretched at top and bottom.
This is a system of three axes that meet at right angles; two are of equal length and the third is either longer or shorter. This system is based on a rectangular structure and includes shapes such as four-sided prisms and pyramids, eight-sided and double pyramids. Crystals that display this structure are zircon, apophyllite, wulfenite, and rutile. The characteristics of this form can help with balancing or uniting opposing forces.
Orthorhombic System
Orthorhombic—The orthorhombic system of crystals is similar to the tetragonal system in that there are three axes that are perpendicular to each other; however, the three axes are all unequal in length. These axes of different lengths meet at right angles and are based on a diamond-shaped inner structure. Shapes include rhombic prism and pyramid. Crystals in this group include barite, sulfur, topaz, celestite, iolite, hemimorphite, aragonite, and peridot. This form helps with focus and perspective in a situation.
Monoclinic System
Monoclinic—This system has three axes of different lengths. Two are at right angles and the third is inclined. This structure is based on the parallelogram. Crystals in this group are azurite, malachite, howlite, moonstone, serpentine, chrysocolla, gypsum, mica (muscovite), lazulite, staurolite, gypsum, talc, jadite, selenite, lepdiolite, and kunzite. This form is stabilizing, encouraging, and often used to obtain clarity.
Triclinic System
Triclinic—This system contains three axes of different lengths that form a pair of faces parallel to the axes and is based on a structure of three inclined angles. Crystals in this group include turquoise, amazonite, labradorite, rhodonite, and kyanite. This is the least symmetric of the group, often producing tabular style crystals. This form can assist with balance in one’s personal life, perceptions, and attitudes.
Hexagonal System
Hexagonal—A system of four axes, one of which is shorter than the other three. These three are the same length and meet at right angles of 60 degrees. This arrangement is based on a six-sided internal structure and has seven planes of symmetry, seven axes, and a center. Some common crystal shapes are six-sided points, plus four-sided pyramids and prisms, twelve-sided pyramids, and double pyramids. Many varieties of crystals can be produced by this structure. Examples of hexagonal minerals are: emerald, aquamarine, apatite, and vanadinite. This form aids with vitality, growth, and intuition.
Trigonal System
Trigonal—This system is similar to the hexagonal and is often listed as a subset of hexagonal. This system is based on a triangular structure and shapes include three-sided prisms and pyramids and rhombohedra. Crystals in this group include all varieties of quartz, sapphire, agate, calcite, carnelian, dolomite, hematite, ruby, tourmaline, onyx, bloodstone, and rhodochrosite. This form helps stimulate a balancing type of energy and is similar to hexagonal, but with a more powerful force. Trigonal has two lattice systems—hexagonal and rhombohedral.
Speaking of symmetry, only a sphere has perfect symmetry, and this form is not naturally found in crystals. If we want one, we have to carve a stone into that shape.
Amorphous materials lack symmetrical atomic structure (some of these are organic substances rather than minerals). They include amber, chrysocolla, jet, obsidian, opal, and pearl.
Platonic Solids
Plato’s studies about the universe were not based on an actual study of science, but he proposed the idea that the qualities of things in the physical world reflected pure and perfect ideas. This is how he came to his philosophy of these five “perfect” geometric shapes. He claimed these shapes made up the entire structure of the world—the elements and the universe. Of course, we now understand this is not scientifically true, but Plato’s idea of these shapes did, in fact, touch upon crystal structure. In fact, these forms were not actually discovered by Plato—they were actually known thousands of years prior to his “discovery”—stone models of these shapes have been found in the British Isles and appear to be almost four thousand years old!
These shapes are unique because they have certain characteristics: they have the same shape on each side, every line is the same length, every internal angle is the same, and each fits perfectly within a sphere. They also have duality.
Platonic Solids
They are regular polyhedra (many faces) or many “seats” and they are the five regular, convex, three-dimensional solids. In crystal structure, only three of the five Platonic Solids occur naturally—the tetrahedron, cube, and octahedron (Remember, this is internal structure, not necessarily the outward appearance of the stone. However, some stones do display this outward shape.) When working with the metaphysical properties of stones, it’s useful to consider these crystalline forms.
Here are the characteristics attributed to each of the Platonic Solids:
Don’t confuse tetrahedron with tetragronal. Tetra comes from Greek and means “four” but these are different things: a tetrahedron has four triangular faces; the tetragonal crystal system has two internal lattice systems—one is a stretched cube and the other is a prism. The word “tetra” is used because there are four points on the lattice. Think of a square shape (not cube) which has four points. Repeating points on an invisible lattice create the symmetry.
Correspondences for Days of the Week:
Stones, Incense, and Oils
Sunday: Sun/Success, Healing, Protection, Energy
Stones: amber, carnelian, citrine, diamond, gold, sulfur, tiger eye, topaz
Incense/Oils: benzoin, cinnamon, copal, frankincense, rosemary
Monday: Moon/Spirituality, Intuition, Emotions, Dreams, Peace, Meditation
Stones: aquamarine, labradorite, moonstone, pearl, sapphire, selenite (gypsum), silver
Incense/Oils: eucalyptus, jasmine, lemon, myrrh, sandalwood
Tuesday: Mars/Protection, Strength, Courage, Sexual Energy, Healing
Stones: bloodstone, garnet, iron, pyrite, rhodochrosite, rhodonite
Incense/Oils: dragon’s blood, pine
Wednesday: Mercury/Communication, Travel, Study
Stones: aventurine, mica
Incense/Oils: lavender, lemongrass, peppermint
Thursday: Jupiter/Posperity, Expansion
Stones: amethyst, lepidolite
Incense/Oils: star anise
Friday: Venus/Love, Abundance, Nurturing, Beauty, Happiness, Friendship
Stones: azurite, chrysocolla, celestite, copper, emerald, jade, lapis lazuli, lodestone, malachite, peridot, sodalite, turquoise Incense/Oils: rose, spearmint, spikenard, vanilla
Saturday: Saturn/Longevity, Grounding, Wisdom, Purification
Stones: Apache tear, hematite, jet, obisidan, onyx, serpentine
Incense/Oils: patchouli
Planetary Associations
Sun: amber, brass, carnelian, citrine, diamond, gold, sulfur, tiger eye, topaz, zircon
Moon: aquamarine, celestite, labradorite, moonstone, pearl, sapphire, selenite, silver
Mercury: agate, aventurine, citrine, mica
Venus: azurite, chrysocolla, chrysoprase, calcite (blue, pink, green), copper, emerald, jade, lapis lazuli, lodestone, malachite, olivine (peridot), sodalite, tourmaline (blue, green, pink, and watermelon), turquoise
Mars: bloodstone, flint, garnet, iron, pyrite, red jasper, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, ruby
Jupiter: amethyst, lepidolite, pewter, tin
Saturn: Apache tear, galena, hematite, jet, obsidian, onyx, salt, serpentine, tourmaline (black)
Uranus: amazonite
Neptune: amethyst, lepidolite, platinum, turquoise
Chakra Stones
Root Chakra
Color: Red
Stones: agate, bloodstone, garnet, hematite, onyx, red jasper, rhodonite, ruby, tiger eye, tourmaline (black)
Stimulates life force; energy, vitality. Work with this chakra if you need assistance with addiction, diminished sexuality, digestive disorders. This area fosters a connection with nature. Linked to reproductive glands. Grounding. Earth element. Resting place of the life force. Associated with the sense of smell.
Sacral Chakra
Color: Orange
Stones: carnelian, citrine, jasper, moonstone, tiger eye
Governs the body’s liquid elements—work with this chakra if you have problems with sex, nourishment, circulation, or balance. Linked to adrenaline—fight or flight (stress). Creativity, sexuality, authority, and power. Water element. Associated with the sense of taste.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Color: Yellow
Stones: aventurine quartz, citrine, malachite, rose quartz,
tiger eye, topaz
Treat discontent, restlessness and discouragement; fosters inner peace. Fire element. Pancreas, liver, stomach—individuality, personal power, link between mind and emotion. Digestive system and autonomic nervous system. Associated with sense of sight.
Heart Chakra
Color: Green (sometimes pink)
Stones: aventurine, emerald, green tourmaline, jade, moss agate, olivine, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, rose quartz, watermelon tourmaline
Empathy, joy, friendship, heart, compassion, circulation, thymus gland, immune system. Air element. “Higher” emotions: tenderness, compassion, unconditional love, universal truth. Rules the heart, lungs, upper chest, back and bronchial tubes. Associated with sense of touch.
Throat Chakra
Color: Blue
Stones: aquamarine, blue topaz, celestite, chrysocolla, lapis lazuli, moonstone, opal, pearl, turquoise
Helps one open to new experiences and self-expression; governs the thyroid, hunger, thirst, eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs, voice, and speech. Ether element. Communication—writing, speech, and art. Associated with the sense of hearing.
Third Eye/Brow Chakra
Color: Indigo
Stones: amethyst, clear quartz, fluorite, lapis lazuli, sapphire, sodalite
Understanding and insight, intuition, self-knowledge, perception; eyes, nose, face, senses; mysticism; telepathic energy. Associated with the sixth sense—insight and wisdom.
Crown Chakra
Color: Violet
Stones: amethyst, celestite, clear quartz, diamond, gold, violet fluorite
Inner development, spirituality, enlightenment; seat of the soul—perfection of body, mind, and spirit—cosmic energy. Transmutation.
Elemental Associations
Earth: agate, amazonite, amber, bronzite, emerald, fossils of plants
and land animals, galena, granite, green jasper, jet, malachite, olivine (peridot), petrified wood, salt, tourmaline (green and black), turquoise
Air: aventurine, fluorite, fuchsite, mica, pewter, pumice, tin
Fire: amber, bloodstone, brass, carnelian, citrine, diamond, garnet, gold, hematite, iron, obsidian (Apache tear), onyx, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, ruby, sulfur, tiger eye, topaz, zircon
Water: amethyst, aquamarine, azurite, blue lace agate, blue tourmaline, celestite, chryscolla, copper, fossils of sea animals and shells, geodes, jade, labradorite, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, lodestone, moonstone, pearl, platinum, sapphire, silver, sodalite
Seasonal Associations
Spring: amethyst, emerald, peridot, pink topaz
Summer: fire opal, garnet, ruby
Autumn: sapphire, topaz, tourmaline
Winter: clear quartz, diamond, labradorite, moonstone, pearl, turquoise
Stones by Use
Here is a listing of groups of stones commonly used for a purpose. Keep in mind that each stone has subtle differences—I have noted some of the more important distinctions here. Start here for quick reference by topic, then examine the properties of each stone to fine-tune your choice.
Attraction/Lust: amber, carnelian
Balancing: apatite, aventurine, bloodstone, bornite, celestite, clear quartz, dolomite, hematite, labradorite (aura), lodestone, moonstone, onyx, platinum, rhodochrosite, silver, smoky quartz, tiger eye, tourmalinated quartz, turquoise, unakite, watermelon tourmaline
Cleaning/Purification: blue fluorite (aura), chrysocolla (home), citrine, clear quartz, gold, green fluorite, Herkimer diamond, kyanite
Creativity: apatite, aquamarine, aventurine, azurite, blue topaz, celestite, diamond, jade (nephrite), kyanite, lapis lazuli, sodalite, stillbite, tiger eye, turquoise, yellow fluorite
Communication: creedite (in spirit realm), howlite, sodalite
Dispel negativity, dissolve blockages, increase positive energy and happiness: amber, apatite, black tourmaline, bornite (“stone of happiness”), calcite, celestite, clear quartz, copper (conductor), dolomite, green fluorite, gypsum, hematite, malachite, obsidian, peridot, pyrite, silver (conductor), smoky quartz, sulfur, tiger eye, topaz, turquoise, zebra rock
Fertility: grossular garnet, gypsum, rose quartz
Good fortune: aventurine, gypsum, jasper, pewter, topaz
Grounding, centering, focus: agate, black tourmaline, bloodstone (“be here now”), carnelian, fluorite, galena, hematite, iron, jasper, lodestone (direction/guidance), obsidian, smoky quartz, tiger eye
Healing (general): amber, bloodstone (blood), bronzite (emotional) calcite, celestite, clear quartz, gold, Herkimer diamond, iron, jasper (supreme nurturer), moonstone (women), peridot, unakite
Health/Longevity: agate, brass, garnet, jade, lapis lazuli (immune system), pyrite, rhodochrosite, tiger eye, topaz
Love, harmony, peace, beauty, hope: clear quartz, emerald, galena, Herkimer diamond, jasper (beauty), opal, peridot, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, rose quartz (universal/gentle love), stillbite, unakite (more grounding than rose quartz), watermelon tourmaline
Note: Rhodochrosite (manganese ore) and rhodonite are often confused with one another. Both can be used for love—both are ruled by Mars and the element of Fire, so they’re stronger in love spells than rose quartz—more passion-oriented. Both are used for balanced love. Rhodonite is more directed at self-love and unconditional love; rhodochrosite brings new love into one’s life, can help facilitate earth healing and aids acceptance—an excellent stone for balancing. The rhodo- in both names refers to the rose color. Rhodochrosite is generally prettier, often streaked with white calcite, and can form crystals. Rhodonite is more grounding and harder, often associated with pyrite or display veins of black manganese; crystals are rare.
Meditation: amethyst, azurite, clear quartz, fluorite, petrified wood (past lives), rhodochrosite, serpentine, smoky quartz, snowflake obsidian, vanadinate
Mental acuity, intellect, wisdom: apatite, aquamarine, bloodstone (decisions), calcite, carnelian, celestite, citrine, clear quartz, fluorite, hematite, Herkimer diamond, jade, lapis lazuli, milky quartz, pyrite (memory), rutilated quartz, silver, sodalite, tiger eye, topaz, tourmalinated quartz, vanadinite, zebra rock
Prosperity/Success: aventurine, brass, citrine, diamond, emerald, gold, malachite, pewter, rhodonite (reach potential), tiger eye
Protection: agate, black tourmaline, brass, clear quartz, garnet, iron, jade, lepidolite (nightmares), malachite (air travel), moonstone (travel), obsidian, tiger eye, turquoise
Psychic ability, awareness, insight, intuition: apatite, apophyllite, azurite, calcite, celestite, hematite, Herkimer diamond, kyanite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, moonstone, opal, pewter (divination), purple fluorite, silver, tiger eye. Third eye stimulation: amethyst, apatite, apophyllite, azurite, clear quartz, fluorite (purple), Herkimer diamond, iolite, kyanite, lapis lazuli, moonstone, opal, wulfenite
Recover lost objects: peridot
Sleep/Dreams: amethyst, celestite, garnet, jade, lepidolite (guard against nightmares), mica, milky quartz, sodalite, topaz
Spirituality: amethyst, apophyllite, aquamarine, celestite, chiastolite (during illness), clear quartz, creedite (communication in spirit realm), diamond, opal, turquoise (vison quests/journey)
Strength, courage, confidence, self-esteem: agate, aquamarine (“stone of courage”), azurite, barite rose, citrine, copper (self-esteem), garnet, iron, jasper (courage), lapis lazuli, sodalite, topaz, zebra rock (physical endurance)
Stress/Anxiety relief, ease of emotional disorders, relaxation, calming: agate, amazonite, amethyst, aventurine, azurite, blue fluorite, bornite, copper, diamond, jasper, Herkimer diamond, kyanite, labradorite, malachite, moonstone, onyx, petrified wood (work environments), platinum, rhodonite, rose quartz, silver, turquoise, unakite, watermelon tourmaline
Transitions/Transformation, comfort, self-reflection: amethyst, Apache tear, chiastolite, ledpidolite, malachite, mica, petrified wood, rhodochrosite, sulfur, tin (new beginnings)
Travel: apophyllite (astral), chiastolite (astral), moonstone, turquoise (shamanic journeying/vision quests)
This list includes the basic information about color use in magic, as well as some correspondences for numerology and a bit of folklore. The color of a stone often indicates its type of use in magic.
Red has always been associated with passion, probably because our blood is red. It has also been used to denote royalty, power, and leadership and has been used to symbolize war and vengeance. Red has been linked to the number 9 in numerology, and is associated with the god Mars. The rays of the color red are heat-giving, so it’s no wonder red, a “warm” color, has these meanings assigned to it. Other traits associated with red are: physical energy, stamina, sexuality, activity, survival, and passion.
Orange is a color that can be used to dissolve blockages and barriers to a goal—it is essentially red tempered with yellow and is often an effective healing color because it contains the strength of red with the softness of the sunny shade of yellow. Characteristics of orange are: vitality, ambition, fertility, creativity, and stress reduction. It does not have a numerical association.
Yellow and gold have long been associated with the sun and the positive attributes of its life-giving rays. Other key words: optimism, success, satisfaction, generosity, organization, and order. It does not have a numerical association.
Green has often been thought to be the most pleasing color to the eye—the lush green of forests and plants symbolize fertility, and green is often considered to represent hope, happiness, and change. Associated with the number 5, and the god Mercury (and some sources say the goddess Venus as well). Green is often used to represent nature and, because this color is lovely to look at, it was believed to cure ailments pertaining to eyesight. Also characteristic of friendship, freedom, harmony, peace, empathy, renewal, and adaptation.
Blue has long been symbolic of the heavens, due to the color of the sky. It’s associated with beauty, the goddess Venus, and the number 6. Blue is also associated with wisdom and spirituality, faithfulness, loyalty, responsibility, respect, understanding, and the smooth flow of communication (due to its relationship with the throat chakra); sometimes used to stimulate inspiration. A soothing, cool, and calming color.
Violet is sometimes linked to justice and judgment, also a color of royalty and industry. It’s associated with age and wisdom, the god Jupiter, and the number 3. In addition, shades of purple and violet represent spirituality, insight, transformation, determination, and devotion. Think of this color, especially in its darker shades, containing the qualities of its combination of red and blue. This means purple contains the coolness of blue with the heat and energy of red.
White or colorless stones (and pearls) always seem to be linked to the moon. Sometimes, however, the diamond, due to its radiant sparkle, was associated with the sun. White also represents purity and friendship. In some cultures, white is a mourning color. White is linked to the number 7. White also represents purity, sincerity, clarity, truth, innocence, perfection, and immortality. White contains potential since it’s the complete spectrum of all colors. Also often used to represent spirituality.
Black is a color of gravity and wisdom—a somber color, and also a color of mourning in some societies. It is usually associated with Saturn, and the number 8. Other characteristics are: elegance, security, detachment, and seclusion. Black and white are true opposites, yet similar in some ways: black contains all colors and absorbs them and so since black, like white, contains all colors, they have this trait in common. Yet black holds all the colors in while white sends them out. Black represents rest and repose, the inward journey, the soul—as opposed to the pure white light of spirit, an uplifting and outward expression. Black and white are most commonly seen together in the yin-yang symbol. Black also represents things hidden, a time of dormancy, and preparation for growth—it’s also a good grounding and protective color.
Square: order, stability, four directions
Circle: continuity, spirituality, connectedness, cycles
Triangle: trinity, body-mind-spirit,
Spiral: growth and movement (our DNA forms in spirals; the DNA spiral is a golden section)