On GRE Problem Solving questions, you may find it easier to attack algebra problems by Backsolving. To backsolve, substitute each answer choice into the equation until you find the one that satisfies the equation.
If x2 + 10x + 25 = 0, what is the value of x ?
The textbook approach to solving this problem would be to recognize the polynomial expression as the square of the binomial (x + 5) and set x + 5 = 0. That’s the fastest way to arrive at the correct answer of −5.
But you could also plug each answer choice into the equation until you found the one that makes the equation true. Backsolving can be pretty quick if the correct answer is the first choice you plug in, but here, you have to get all the way down to choice (D) before you find that (−5)2 + 10(−5) + 25 = 0.
x =
To avoid having to try all five answer choices, look at the equation and decide which choice(s), if plugged in for x, would make your calculations easiest. Since x is in the numerators of the two fractions in this equation and the denominators are 3 and 6, try plugging in a choice that is divisible by both 3 and 6. Choices (A) and (C) are divisible by both numbers, so start with one of them.
Choice (A):
This is not true, so x cannot equal 12.
Choice (C):
This is correct, so x must equal 6. Therefore, choice (C) is correct.
Backsolving may not be the fastest method for a multiple-choice algebra problem, but it’s useful if you don’t think you’ll be able to solve the problem in the conventional way.
On other types of multiple-choice algebra problems, especially where the answer choices consist of variables or algebraic expressions, you may want to pick numbers to make the problem less abstract. Evaluate the answer choices and the information in the question stem by picking a number and substituting it for the variable wherever the variable appears.
If a > 1, the ratio of 2a + 6 to a2 + 2a − 3 is
You can simplify the process by replacing the variable a with a number in each algebraic expression. Since a has to be greater than 1, why not pick 2? Then the expression 2a + 6 becomes 2(2) + 6, or 10. The expression a2 + 2a − 3 becomes 22 + 2(2) − 3 = 4 + 4 − 3 = 5.
So now the question reads, “The ratio of 10 to 5 is what?” That’s easy enough to answer: 10:5 is the same as
or 2. Now you can just eliminate any answer choice that doesn’t give a result of 2 when you substitute 2 for a. Choice (A) gives you 2(2), or 4, so discard it. Choice (B) results in 5—also not what you want. Choice (C) yields
or 2. That looks good, but you can’t stop here.
If another answer choice gives you a result of 2, you will have to pick another number for a and reevaluate the expressions in the question stem and the choices that worked when you let a = 2.
Choice (D) gives you
so eliminate choice (D).
Choice (E) gives you
so discard choice (E).
Fortunately, in this case, only choice (C) works out to equal 2, so it is the correct answer. But remember: when using the Picking Numbers strategy, always check every answer choice to make sure you haven’t chosen a number that works for more than one answer choice.
It is also possible to solve for one unknown in terms of another by picking numbers. If the first number you pick doesn’t lead to a single correct answer, be prepared to either pick a new number (and spend more time on the problem) or settle for guessing strategically among the answers that you haven’t eliminated.
and x > −2, which of the following is an expression for x in terms of y ?
Pick a value for x that will simplify your calculations. 4 would work, since 4 is greater than –2, and plugging in 4 for x in the denominator does not cause the denominator to equal 0. When x equals 4, then x2 − 16 = 42 − 16 = 0, and so the entire fraction on the left side of the equation is equal to zero.
Now, substitute 0 for y in each answer choice in turn. Each choice is an expression for x in terms of y, and since y = 0 when x = 4, the correct answer will have to give a value of 4 when y = 0. Just remember to evaluate all the answer choices, because you might find more than one that gives a result of 4.
Substituting 0 for y in choices (A), (C), and (D) yields
respectively, so none of those choices can be right. But both (B) and (E) give results of 4 when you make the substitution; choosing between them will require picking another number.
Again, pick a number that will make calculations easy. If x = 0, then y =
Therefore, y = −2 when x = 0. You don’t have to try the new value of y in all the answer choices, just in (B) and (E). When you substitute −2 for y in choice (B), you get 0. That’s what you’re looking for, but again, you have to make sure it doesn’t work in choice (E). Plugging −2 in for y in (E) yields −2 for x, so (B) is correct.