Pacing Strategy

You’ll have a limited amount of time to show the essay graders that you can analyze the stimulus critically, put together your own thoughts logically, and express yourself clearly. Consequently, you’ll need to know ahead of time how you’re going to approach each essay.

Analyze an Issue Analyze an Argument
Number of Questions 1 1
Time per Question 30 minutes 30 minutes

The Kaplan Method for Analytical Writing will help you plan and execute a clear, organized essay in the amount of time allotted. Note that the timing guidelines below are suggestions for how you should most effectively divide the 30 minutes you’ll have for each of the essays. Different writers go through the different steps at their own pace, so don’t feel chained to the breakdown below. As you practice, you will get a better sense of the amount of time you need to spend on each step to produce the best essay possible.

  1. » STEP 1 Take the Issue/Argument Apart: 2 minutes
  2. » STEP 2 Select the Points You’ll Make: 5 minutes
  3. » STEP 3 Organize Your Thoughts: 1 minute
  4. » STEP 4 Write Your Essay: 20 minutes
  5. » STEP 5 Proofread: 2 minutes

Keep these guidelines in mind as you prepare for the test. If you use them as you write practice essays, you will be comfortable working within the 30-minute time frame on Test Day.