Avoid using such unnecessary phrases as I believe, I feel, and in my opinion. There is no need to remind your reader that what you are writing is your opinion. Such phrases add nothing of substance to your essay and make you sound insecure. Moreover, they take time to write.
On the other hand, if you describe something that happened to you—for instance, if you use an example from personal experience to illustrate a point you make in your Issue essay—then refer to yourself with first-person pronouns (I, me, my, mine). Doing so is perfectly acceptable and much more comfortable than discussing yourself in the third person (”The author had an inspirational teacher in third grade”; “One’s guilty conscience taught one never to steal again”).
Eliminate unnecessary self-reference in these sentences.
It seems to me that nuclear energy is safer and cleaner than burning fossil fuels. I think we should build more nuclear power plants.
The author, in my personal opinion, has outdated ideas.