A key part of getting into the graduate school of your choice is to develop a basic application strategy so you can present yourself in the best light.
When it comes to applying to graduate school, you are the product. Your application is your marketing document. Of course, marketing yourself doesn’t mean that you should lie or even embellish; it just means that you need to make a tight presentation of the facts. Everything in your application should add up to a coherent whole and underscore the fact that not only are you qualified to be in the program but you should be in it.
Many application forms have a comforting and accepting tone. Why would you like to come to our program? they ask. They do want an answer to that question, but what’s even more important—the subtext for the whole application process—is the question: Why should we accept you? This is the question that your application will answer. And with some effective marketing strategies, your answer will be clear, concise, coherent, and strong.