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Adams, Abigail, 16, 33, 36, 37, 47, 70, 131, 195, 224

Adams, John, 223

about, 46, 222–224, 232

admission to the bar, 44

after trials, 277–278, 286–287

Boston Massacre, during, 30–31

Boston Massacre, early work on trial defense, 74

Boston Massacre, response to, 33

Boston Massacre, responsibility of townspeople, 107, 119, 171–172, 182, 229–230

defense attorney for John Hancock, 52–53

election to General Court, 70–71

essays of, 48–49

income of, 116–117

on juror responsibilities, 248

as law student, 40–44

legal practice, growth of, 45–46, 46–47

political career of, 47–48, 51

Preston trial, and transcription of, 11, 12

Preston trial, summation, 108–111

reputation of, 36–37, 39, 62–63, 116, 286–287

Robert Treat Paine and, 86–88

self-defense as defense strategy, 73

soldiers’ trial, challenges of, 222–224

soldiers’ trial, on witness testimony, 240–248

soldiers’ trial, start of summation, 222

soldiers’ trial, summation, 224–238

soldier’s trial, on importance of, 227

on Stamp Act of 1765, 48–51

trial fees, 283–284

trial of Richardson and Wilmot, 69

Adams, John Quincy, 225

Adams, Samuel, 18–19, 22, 32, 35, 58, 116, 161, 162, 199, 285–286

as man in red cloak, 281–282

propaganda campaign and, 35, 276

on scheduling of trial, 66

soldiers’ trial, 116, 161, 275–276

Sons of Liberty and, 58

on Townshend Acts, 77

trade restrictions, response to, 18

as Vindex, 162, 168, 191, 275, 282

American colonies. see colonies, the

Ancient and Honorable Artillery, 153–154, 156

Andrew (slave of Oliver Wendell), 105–106, 195–199, 257, 275

Andrews, Benjamin, 57

appeal of felony, 115

Appleton, John, 153, 165

Appleton, Nathaniel, 153

Archibald, Edward, 25, 251

Archibald, Francis, 132

Arnold, Benedict, 19

assault, defined, 236–237


lawful, 232, 233, 234, 254, 255, 268, 270, 271

unlawful, 139, 231–232, 233, 236, 247, 254–255, 268, 271

Assize of Arms, 153

Assize of Clarendon, 66

attorneys. see lawyers

Attucks, Crispus, 16, 30, 79–81, 105–106, 188, 247, 256–257, 284–285, 285

Auchmuty, Robert, Jr., 36, 38, 52, 111

Austin, Johnathan Williams, 98, 125–126, 158


Bailey, James, 135–137, 139, 160, 213, 246, 272

bar, admission to, 44

Barrick, Joseph, 85

Bass, Henry, 209–210, 240

Bass, Jedediah, 140–141, 161

Battle of Golden Hill, 22–23

Belknap, Joseph, 99

“benefit of clergy,” 276–277

Bliss, Theodore, 96–97, 104–105, 106, 137, 207–209

bloody-backs, 78, 122, 146

Blowers, Sampson Salter, 67–69, 118

Boston, Massachusetts, 21

colonial life of, 131, 214–215

establishment of, 154–155

occupation of, 20–24, 32

public response to Boston Massacre defense lawyers, 38–39

role of church in, 218–219

Boston Massacre

about, 9–11, 15–17, 26–32

defense strategy for, 65, 71–72, 73, 213, 226–231

eyewitness depositions, 56–58

Hugh White, at start of, 25, 27–28

Incident on King Street, 25

law as response to, 35

military occupation as cause of, 32

newspaper accounts of, 55–56

propaganda of, 33–35, 55–56, 113

prosecution, challenges of, 73

public participation in, 57–58, 64, 107, 113, 119, 171–172, 182, 231

public response to, 33–34, 39

public response to defense lawyers, 38–39

scheduling and duration of trials, 64–66, 69–70, 81, 102, 111–112, 143, 215, 234, 235, 249–251, 274

severing of trials, 72

size of, 27, 177, 178, 180, 188, 200, 212, 268

tensions leading to, 19–26

Thomas Preston, at start of, 27–29

trials, transcriptions of, 9–13, 118, 281

trials of, about, 11

trials of, as entertainment, 63–64

victims of, 16, 80–81, 202–203

Boston Tea Party, 286

Bourgatte, Charles, 57, 64, 279–281

Braintree Instructions, 50, 51

branding, as punishment, 277

Brewer, James, 133–135

Bridgham, Ebenezer, 126–128, 158, 240–241

Bulkely, John, 190

Burdick, Benjamin, Jr., 97, 150–152, 163


Caldwell, James, 16, 30, 79–80

Calef, Daniel, 97

canon law, 49

Carr, Maurice, 30

Carr, Patrick, 30, 79, 253–254

Carrol, John, 78–79, 121, 139, 160, 274

Carter, James, 155–156

Chauncy, Charles, 65

chief justice, Preston trial, 89

church, role of in colonial Boston, 218–219

citizens’ trial, 259, 279–281

Clark, John, 81

Coffin, John, 105, 106

collective responsibility, 231

colonial courthouses, 88

colonial fears of Great Britain, 77–78

colonial trade, 17, 69

colonial trials

basic structure of, 157

as entertainment, 214–215

juror responsibilities, 146

objections during, 140

right to speedy trial, 65–66

scheduling and duration, 64–66, 69–70, 81, 102, 111–112, 143, 215, 234–235, 249–251, 274

colonial trials, duration. see Boston Massacre, scheduling and duration of trials

colonies, the

allegiance to the Crown, 17

Christmas and, 258–259

legal system, development of, 32, 41, 42, 115

militias in, 153–154

occupation by British soldiers, 20–22

role of church in, 218–219

self-government of, 17

tensions with Great Britain, 17–20, 23–25, 51–52

colonists, political sides of, 52

common law, 43, 44, 50, 69, 72, 227, 233, 250, 260–261

Condon, Samuel, 56

convictions pardoned by the Crown, 65

Cooper, Samuel, 296

Corbett, Michael, 54

Cornwall, Daniel, 191–192

courthouses, colonial, 88

courtrooms, early traditions of, 124

Cox, John, 95, 189

Crown, colonial allegiance to, 17

Crown Law (Foster), 217. see also Foster, Michael

Cruikshanks, Alexander, 94–95, 187

Cunningham, Peter, 94

Cushing, John, 90, 113, 271

Customs Board, 19–20


Dalrymple, William, 32

Dana, Richard, 18, 33–34

Danbrooke, John, 139, 161

Davis, Benjamin, Jr., 186

Davis, Benjamin, Sr., 102, 178–179, 244

deathbed testimony, 204–205

death penalty, 53, 88, 274

Deblois, Gilbert, 85

defense, Preston trial

prosecution interruption of, 104–105

witnesses for, 101–110

defense, soldiers’ trial

cross-examination of, 134–136, 189, 198

strategies of, 118–119, 171–172, 191–192

defense counsel, about, 84

defense lawyers, early role in, 124

defense strategy, 65, 71–72, 73, 213, 226–232

Dickinson, John, 172

A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law (Adams), 49

Dock Square, battle in, 26, 31, 102, 150–154, 177, 188, 233, 247, 252

Dodge, James, 128–129, 242

Dunmaresq, Philip, 85


Edwards, Joseph, 102, 110

Emmons, Samuel, 137

English common law, 69. see also common law

entertainment, trials as, 63–64


conflicting, 191

hearsay, 98, 139–140, 200–201

physical, 174

reliability of, 254

rules of, 74–75, 139–140, 244

spectral, 75

excusable homicide, 226, 265

eyewitness depositions, 56–58, 64–65


A Fair Account of the Late Unhappy Disturbance at Boston, 60, 75

felonious homicide, 226, 265

felony, appeal of, 115

Ferreter, Nicholas, 149–150, 157, 159, 163, 270

feudal law, 49

Field, Catherine, 202–203

Forrest, James, 35–36

Fosdick, Nathaniel, 98, 146–147, 161–162, 264, 269, 270

Foster, Michael, 217, 220, 227, 229, 233, 235, 256, 267

Franklin, Benjamin, 77, 224, 276

Freemason lodges, 126

Frost, John, 102–103, 191


Gage, Thomas, 20, 118, 274–275

Garrick, Edward, 25, 27, 93

Gifford, James, 108

Goddard, Robert, 97–98, 108–109

Goldfinch, John, 25, 93, 185–186

grand juries, about, 84

Gray, Samuel, 16, 79, 80, 129, 186

Green, Bartholomew, 27

Green, Hammond, 57, 79, 279

Greene, John, 81

Greenwood, Thomas, 57, 79, 279

Grey, Harrison, Jr., 199–200

Grey, John and ropeworks incident. see ropeworks incident

Gridley, Jeremiah, 44, 46, 48

Gridley, John, 201–202

guilt, universal, 231


Hale, Matthew, 76, 108, 225, 232, 233

Hall, Thomas, 206–207

Hancock, John, 19, 52, 66, 117, 282

Hartegan, James, 78–79, 121, 139, 161, 274

Harvard College, 41

Hawkins, William, 54–55, 229

hearsay evidence, 98, 139–140, 200–201

Helyer, Joseph, 107, 251

Hemmingway, Samuel, 147–148, 157, 158, 162–163, 242, 270

Henry, Patrick, 19

Hill, Edward, 102

Hill, John, 156

Hill, William, 85

Hilyer, Joseph, 148–149

Hinkley, Ebenezer, 93–94

Hirons, Richard, 183–185

Hitt, Robert, 10

Hodgson, John, 12, 118

homicide, definitions of, 111, 163–164, 167, 169–170, 216–217, 226–227, 261, 265

Hutchinson, Thomas, 110

on Auchmuty, 118

Boston Massacre, during, 31–32, 98–99

Boston Massacre, response to, 32–33

Pitt Packet trial and, 55

on public pressure regarding trial, 66–67

ransack of home, 19

on soldiers’ trial, 116, 274–275

testimony of troops, 58–59


Inches, Henderson, 15

Incident on King Street, 25, 55. see also Boston Massacre

innocence, presumption of, 91

Institutes of the Lawes of England (Coke), 66, 273

intent, malicious, 119, 132–133, 159


Jackson, William “Brazen Head,” 101

Jack Tarrs, 245

Jefferson, Thomas, 123, 224

Jeffries, John, 203–206

Johnson, Michael. see Attucks, Crispus


colonial role of, 41

instructions to jury, 112, 259

in Preston trial, 88–89

in soldiers’ trial, 117–118

juries, origin of, 83–84

juror responsibilities, 146, 169–170, 215

jury deliberations, Preston trial, 113–114

jury selection

about, 64

Preston trial, 84–85

soldiers’ trial, 120–121

jury system, development of, 84

justifiable homicide, 226–227, 261, 265


Killroy, Matthew

during Boston Massacre, 30

evidence against, 270

indictment of, 78–79

during soldiers’ trial, 121, 122, 129, 133, 159, 213, 242, 257, 272

verdict and, 274

King George’s War, 10

King Street, about, 154–155

King William’s War, 10

Kneeland, Bartholomew, 152

Knight, Thomas, 180–181, 213

Knox, Henry, 28, 97, 110, 189, 284

Knox’s Noble Train of Artillery, 284


Langford, Edward G., 129–131, 158, 242, 244–246

law, elements of, 176

law and religion, 219

lawful assembly, 233, 234, 235, 254, 255, 268, 270, 271

law proceedings

basic structure of trials, 156

development of in America, 32, 41, 42, 115

interruption of defense by prosecution, 104–105

rebuttal of witnesses, 94

law profession, colonial training for, 42–43


colonial public opinion toward, 41

early traditions of, 123

role of, 225

Lee, Benjamin, 190–191

legal system in the colonies, 32, 41, 42, 115

Leigh, Benjamin, 103

Lexell’s comet, 144–145

liberty movement, growth of, 53–54, 91. see also colonies, the, tensions with Great Britain

Liberty Tree, 19, 24, 25, 118, 189, 210, 243, 251

Lillie, Theophilius, 23

Lincoln’s Last Trial: The Murder Trial That Propelled Him to the Presidency (Abrams and Fisher), 11

Locke, John, 221

loyalists, about, 52

Loyal Nine, the, 209

Lynde, Benjamin Jr., 66, 89, 113, 271–272


Magna Carta, 50, 66

malice aforethought, 226, 260–261

malicious intent, 119, 132–133, 159

man in red cloak, 26, 177–178, 180–181, 268, 281, 282

Mansfield, John, 203


as capital offense, 274

defined, 216, 226–227, 235–236

Oliver on, 267–268

Manwaring, Edward, 57, 279, 280

indictment of, 79

Marshall, Thomas, 93, 153–154, 164–165, 175, 178

Masonic lodges, 126

Massachusetts Act of 1750, 214

Massachusetts Superiour Court of Judicature, 88

Mather, Cotton, 259

Maverick, Samuel, 79, 80, 146

McCauley, William, 78–79, 121, 122, 125, 274

Mein, John, 278

Merchant, William, 25

military, propaganda campaign against, 173

Military Company of Massachusetts, 153–154

militias, colonial, 153–154

Molasses Act, 18

Molineux, William, 280, 282

Monk, Christopher, 81, 133–134

Montgomery, Edmund (Hugh), 29, 78–79, 121, 137–139, 213, 230, 272, 274, 281

Morton, Dimon, 98

Munro, John, 57, 79, 279, 280


definitions of, 159, 226–227

and homicide, 111, 163–164, 167, 169–170, 226

Murray, James, 105, 195

Murray, Matthew, 105


neck verse, 277

Nemo moriturus praesumitur mentiri, 204–205

newspaper accounts of Boston Massacre, 55–56, 281–282

newspapers, Preston trial and, 114–115

Non-Importation Agreement of August 1768, 179

nonimportation agreements, 61, 77, 93, 101

North America, wars in, 10


occupation of Boston, 32

Oliver, Andrew, 19

Oliver, Peter

about, 22, 26, 65, 265–266

after trials, 283

on citizens’ trial, 280–281

instructions to jury, 113

as judge in Preston trial, 89

judge’s charge to jury, 266–271

on Samuel Adams, 285–286

Otis, James, 19, 46, 48


Paine, Robert Treat, 87

about, 39–40

after trials, 282

final arguments in Preston trial, 111

final closing of soldiers’ trial, 249–257, 259

John Adams and, 86–88

prosecution of Richardson and Wilmot, 67–69

as prosecutor in soldiers’ trial, 117

as prosecutor in soldiers’ trial, 186

role of townspeople in mob, 251–252

on self-defense vs. murder, 167, 255–256

Palmes, Richard, 29, 103–104, 110, 137–138, 160

Panton, Henry, 53

pardons of convictions by the Crown, 65

Parker, David, 81

patriots, about, 52

Patterson, Robert, 81

Payne, Edward, 81, 210

Pelham, Henry, 57–59

perjury, 92–93

perukes, 123

pettifoggers, 42, 48

physical evidence, 174

Piemont, John, 93

Pierce, Edward, 260

Pierce, Isaac, 31, 98–99

Pilgrims, jury system and, 84

Pitt, William, 17

Pitt Packet, trial and, 53–55

“praying clergy,” 276–277

preliminary arguments, Preston trial, 92

Preston, Thomas

about, 11, 35–36

acquittal of, 114

after soldiers’ trial, 275, 283–284

arrest of, 33–34

Boston Massacre, during, 27–29

defense strategy and, 71–72

deposition of, 60

entreaty to dispel mob, 199

indictment of, 78–79

public opinion of, 65

public threats to, 70

on quality of counsel, 114

Preston trial

Auchmuty and, 111

conclusion of Quincy’s case, 99–100

defense witnesses, 101–110

final arguments of Paine, 111

impact on Rex v Wemms, 115

John Adams, summation in, 108–111

judges’ instructions to jury, 112

jury deliberations, 113–114

jury selection, 84–85

justices for, 88–89

newspapers and, 114–115

preliminary arguments, 92

start of, 90–92

verdict in, 114

witnesses for prosecution, 93–101, 106

presumption of innocence, 91

Prince, Newton, 107, 192–193

propaganda campaign, 173, 267, 276

prosecution, Preston trial

challenges of, 73

conclusion of Quincy’s case, 99–100

preliminary arguments, 92

witnesses for, 93–101

prosecution, soldiers’ trial, 117–118

at start of, 124–130

strategies of, 118–119

witnesses, start of, 125

prosecutors of Boston Massacre trials, 39–40

provocation, self-defense and, 236–237

public response to Boston Massacre, 33–34, 39

public response to Boston Massacre defense lawyers, 38–39

Puritan ethics, 258–259

Putnam, James, 43


Queen Anne’s War, 10

Quincy, Josiah, Jr.

acceptance of trial cases, 36, 37–38

after trials, 283

defense of Richardson and Wilmot, 67–69

soldiers’ trial, opening defense, 169–176

summation for defense, 215–222

Quincy, Josiah, Sr., 37, 45

Quincy, Samuel, 39, 53

after trials, 282–283

closing arguments in soldiers’ trial, 157–167

opening statement for prosecution, 92

Preston trial, about, 99

prosecution of Richardson and Wilmot, 67–69

prosecution witnesses and, 93–101

as prosecutor in citizens’ trial, 279

as prosecutor in soldiers’ trial, 117

during start of soldiers’ trial, 124–130


reasonable doubt, 225–226, 249–250, 271

rebuttal of witnesses, 94

religion and law, 219

religious beliefs, 219

responsibility, collective, 231

Revenue Act, 52

Revere, Paul

Boston Massacre engraving, 59, 174–175

propaganda and, 58

Sons of Liberty and, 19

Rex v. Steadman, 111

Rex v. Wemms. see soldiers’ trial

Richardson, Ebenezer, 23, 67–69, 78, 266

Richardson verdict, delayed sentencing, 68, 78

right to speedy trial, 65–66

Riot Act, the, 105, 195, 233

rioters, defined, 233–234

ropeworks incident, 24, 80, 122, 149, 156, 159, 163, 200

Ruddock, John, 192

rules of evidence, 74–75, 139–140, 244

Rush, Benjamin, 19

Russell, Nathaniel, 188–189

Ryan, John, 66


Salem witch trials, 75, 106

Seider, Christopher, 23–24, 25, 66, 67


about, 111

as defense strategy, 65, 71–72, 73, 213, 227–231

legal boundaries of, 216

Locke on, 221

vs. murder, 167, 255–256

Paine on, 255–256

proof of, 166

prosecution denial of, 132–133, 167

provocation and, 234–237

right of, 226–227

Trowbridge on, 261

self-incrimination, rights against, 99

Selkrig, James, 179–180

Seven Year’s War, 10

Sewall, Jonathan, 39, 52, 66

Sewall, Samuel, 75

A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre in Boston, 60, 74, 75, 173, 182, 266, 280

Simpson, Josiah, 145–146, 161

slavery, about, 194–195

slaves, testimony of, 105–106

smuggling, 18


bloody-backs, 78, 122, 146

prejudice against, 173

treatment of by officers, 122–123

wages of, 122

soldiers’ trial (Rex v. Wemms)

about, 13, 121–122

Adams on witness testimony, 240–248

closing arguments, start of, 213

cross-examination during, 134–136

defense, opening of, 169–176

defense, resting of, 249

defense, summation of, 215–222, 225–238

defense, witnesses for, 207–209

importance of, 40

indictment of soldiers, 78–79

judges’ charges to jury, 259

judges in, 117–118

jury deliberations, 273

jury selection, 120–121

legal strategies in, 71–72, 118–119, 171–172, 191–192, 202–203, 228–231

prosecution, discrepancies and, 175

prosecution, final closing, 249–257

prosecution, witnesses for, 206–207, 209

Quincy’s closing arguments in, 157–167

soldiers, arrest of, 34

soldiers, public threats to, 70

start of, 121–130

transcription of, 118

verdicts in, 273–274

Sons of Liberty, 19, 22–23, 58, 67, 70, 81, 126, 131, 144, 209

spectral evidence, 75

stage performances, 214

Stamp Act of 1765, 18–19, 48–51

street theater, 214

Strong, William, 181–182

Suffolk County Bar Society, 63, 66

Sugar Act, 18, 91

summations, about, 252–253


talesmen, 85

taxation and trade restrictions, 17–20, 61, 77, 93, 101, 132

taxation without representation, 77

teagues, 245

testimony of witnesses. see witness testimony

Thayer, Nathaniel, 152–153

Thompson, James, 186–187

Townshend Acts, 19, 60–61, 172

transcription of trials, 9–13, 281

A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown (Hawkins), 54–55, 229

Treaty of Paris, 10

trial adjournment, about, 95–96

trial by ordeal, 83

trial fees, 36, 116–117, 283–284

trial juries, about, 84

trial prosecutors. see Paine, Robert Treat; Quincy, Samuel

trials, colonial

basic structure of, 157

as entertainment, 214–215

juror responsibilities, 146

objections during, 140

right to speedy trial, 65–66

scheduling and duration, 64–66, 69–70, 81, 102, 111–112, 143, 215, 234–235, 249–251, 274

trials, severing of, 72

trials, transcription of, 9–13, 281

trials as entertainment, 63, 64

Trowbridge, Edmund, 90, 112–113, 167, 259–268, 283

True Sentiments of America (Adams), 49

Tudor, John, 33

Tyler, Royall, 33


universal guilt, 231

unlawful assembly, 139, 231–232, 233, 236, 247, 254–255, 268, 271


verdicts in soldiers’ trial, 273–274

victims of Boston Massacre, 16, 80–81, 202–203. see also specific

Vindex (Samuel Adams), 162, 168, 191, 275, 282


Wallis, William Wait, 85

Warren, Joseph, 19, 66

Warren, William, 78–79, 121, 122, 274

wars in North America, 10

Wemms, William

acquittal of, 273

indictment of, 78–79

swearing in of, 121

during witness testimony, 126

Wendell, Oliver, 105–106, 195

Wheatley, Phillis, 194

White, Hugh

acquittal of, 274

in altercation, 93

indictment of, 78–79

during soldiers’ trial, 121, 129, 135, 145

at start of massacre, 25, 27

Whitehouse, Jane Crothers, 106

Whitehouse, Joseph, 106

wigs, 123

Wilkinson, Thomas, 141–142, 213, 251, 270

Williams, John, 200–201

Williams, Robert, 152

Wilmot, George, 67–68

Winston, Obadiah, 98

witch trials, Salem, 75, 106

witness testimony

about, 176

during Adams summation, Preston trial, 109

conflicting evidence of, 191

on deathbed, 204–205

for defense, soldiers’ trial, 176–181, 183–193

interruption by defendant, 108

for prosecution, 93–101, 106, 125–137, 210–212

rebuttal of, 94

of slaves, 105–106, 198

standards for evaluating, 75–76

truthfulness of, 92–93

of women, 105–106

women, testimony of, 106

Wyat, William, 95