De La Beckwith, Byron, 283, 284
Delahoussaye, Eddie, 618
Delaney, Beauford, 223–224
influence on James Baldwin, 42
at Salon of Contemporary Negro Art, 748
Delano, Jack, 654
Delany, Annie Elizabeth “Bessie,” 224–225
Delany, Martin Robison, 226, 226–228
and African Aid Society, 219
on Elizabeth Greenfield, 354
on Patrick Henry Reason, 703
Delany, Sarah Louis “Sadie,” 224–225
de Lavallade, Carmen, 10, 444
Della Vos, Victor, 192
Dellums, Ron, 175
DeLoach, Nora, 404
Delta Sigma Theta sorority, 391
Demby, Edward T., 228–229
De Mille, Agnes, 444
Demme, Jonathan, 605
Democratic National Committee
Coleman Young vice chairman of, 924
Crystal Bird Fauset director of colored women’s activities, 292
Earl Graves and, 349
Ron Brown and, 117
Sharon Kelly on, 496
Democratic National Convention
Barbara Jordan speaker at, 483, 484
Bobby Seale arrested in 1968, 760
Fannie Lou Hamer’s speech in 1964, 369
Jesse Jackson’s alternate delegation in 1972, 434
Julian Bond’s delegation in 1968, 90
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party delegates in 1964, 80
Unita Blackwell’s address in 1984, 80
Democratic Party, 3, 39, 80, 90, 94, 117, 137, 138, 167, 168, 219, 229, 230, 232, 233, 254, 275, 293, 304, 334, 335, 349, 369, 370, 376, 381, 390, 433, 434, 456, 465, 483, 484, 485, 503, 532, 554, 571, 587, 588, 589, 607, 608, 611, 629, 633, 634, 643, 661, 670, 682, 701, 702, 742, 760, 764, 776, 785, 808, 809, 853, 854, 872, 879, 882, 885, 903, 924
Archibald Grimké and, 361
Chicago Democratic machine, 854
Crystal Bird Fauset and, 292
Sharon Kelly and, 496
Democratic Socialists of America
Cornel West spokesperson for, 868
William Julius Wilson and, 903
E. Franklin Frazier in, 316
William H. Johnson in, 467
Dennis, John, 598
Dennison, Jack, 206
dentistry. See Delany, Annie Elizabeth “Bessie”; Lynk, Miles Vandahurst
Denton, Daniel, 371
Denton, Martha, 497
Denver Labor Enquirer, 659
Depression. See Great Depression
De Priest, Oscar, Jr., 230
De Priest, Oscar Stanton, 229–230
Benjamin O. Davis Jr., and, 209
role of the Moorish Science Temple of America in election of, 20
Derham, James. See Durham, James
Desdoumes, Mamie, 609
desegregation. See also school desegregation; sit-in movement
armed forces, 50
armed forces by Executive Order 9981, 210, 700
public transportation, 624, 657, 864
desegregation of restaurants. See sit-in movement
Despiau, Charles, 747
“Destined Superiority of the Negro, The” (Crummell), 199
Detective, The (film), 727
Coleman Young mayor of, 924
Liberty Association, 77
New Bethel Baptist Church, 313
riots in 1967, 107
Detroit Free Press, 453
Detroit Red. See Malcolm X
Devil Finds Work, The (Baldwin), 44
Devine, Annie, 80
Dewey, John, 869
Dewey, Thomas, 144, 292–293
DeWitt Wallace Fund, 179
Claude McKay, 581
June Jordan, 485
Paul Laurence Dunbar, 251–252, 253
Suzan-Lori Parks, 658
Victoria Matthews, 569
Diallo, Amadou, 764
Dialogue, A: James Baldwin and Nikki Giovanni, 343
“Dialogue, Entitled, the Kind Master and the Dutiful Servant, A” (Hammon), 372
Dialogue between A Virginian and An African Minister, A (Coker), 177
Dial Records, 650
Diamond, John, 510
Diamond, Liz, 657, 658
Diana! (television), 347
Diana and Marvin (album), 332
Diaz, Al, 54
Dick Cavett Show, 409
Dickens, Charles
influence on Paule Marshall, 562
on William Henry Lane, 510
Dickerson, Elnora, 212
Dickerson, Ernest, 525, 761
Dickinson, Emmet, 446
Dictionary Catalog of the Schomburg Collection of Negro Literature and History, The, 428
Dictionary of American Negro Biography (Logan and Winston, eds.), 541
Diddley, Bo, 230–232, 231
Big Willie Dixon recording with, 234
Marvin Gaye and, 331
Didrikson, Babe, 794
Die Nigger Die! (Brown), 106
Different Kind of Christmas, A (Haley), 367
Different World, A (television), 73, 179, 195
Diggs, Charles, 701, 725
Digital Underground, 761
Dillard, Bill, 340
Dilworth, Paxson, Kalish, Levy & Coleman, 186
Dilworth, Richardson, 399
DiMaggio, Joe, 573
Dime Savings, 660
Dinah Shore Show, The, 436
Ella Fitzgerald on, 296
Dinkins, David N., 232–233
Carl T. Rowan ambassador to Finland, 732
James Weldon Johnson in Consular Service, 456
Richard Greener as U.S. consul to Vladivostok, 351
Diplomatic Relations of the United States with Haiti, 1776–1891, The (Logan), 541
diplomats. See Blyden, Edward Wilmot; Bunche, Ralph Johnson; Greener, Richard Theodore; Young, Andrew Jackson, Jr.
“Dipper Mouth Blues” (Oliver), 638
directors. See Theater and Film in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Dirty Dozen, The (film), 116
Disgrace of Democracy, The: An Open Letter to President Woodrow Wilson (Miller), 595
Dissent (magazine), 867
Ditson, Oliver, 85
“Divine One, The.” See Vaughan, Sarah
Divine One, The (television documentary), 836
Divining (ballet; Jamison), 445
Dixiana (film), 718
Dixie Duo, 81, 772
Dixie Hummingbirds, 313
Dixie Steppers, 40
Dixie Syncopators, 637
Dixie to Broadway (musical), 596
Dixon, “Big” Willie James, 233–234
performing with Muddy Waters, 861
Dixon, James. See Dixon, “Big” Willie James
Dixon, Randy, 857
Dixwell Community House, 612
D’Lugoff, Burt, 373
D-Man in the Waters (performance), 471
Documenta 7, 10, 55, 561
Dodds, Baby. See Dodds, Warren “Baby”
Dodds, Harold D., 78
Dodds, Johnny, 29, 30, 609, 637
Dodds, Warren “Baby,” 29, 609, 637
Dodge, Grace Hoadley, 570
Dodge, William C., 144
“doll test” of racial self-identity, 170
Domestic Medicine (Buchan), 154
Domingo, W. A., 699
Dominican Republic, 68, 338
Donahue, Jack, 717
Donaldson, John, 897
Donegan, Dorothy, 311
Don Killuminati, The: Seven Day Theory (album; Shakur), 762
Don Kirschner’s Rock Concert, 409
Donlin, Mike, 897
“Donna Lee” (Parker), 651
Donohue, Jack, 4
“Don’t buy where you can’t work” movement, 381, 681, 797
Don’t Look Back (album), 409
Don’t You Want to Be Free? (Hughes), 421
Doob, Joseph L., 78
Dooto Records, 310
doo-wop, 331
Dorantes, Andrés, 280
Dore, David, 569
Dorham, Kenny, 83, 598, 650
Dorothy I. Height Leadership Institute, 391
Dorsey, Thomas Andrew, 234–236
Mahalia Jackson’s work with, 436
on Ma Rainey, 698
singing blues under name of Railroad Bill, 695
Willie May Ford Smith and, 783
D’Orso, Michael, 532
Dossen, James, 748
Dostoyevski, Fyodor
influence on Amiri Baraka, 48
influence on Dorothy West, 870
Do the Right Thing (film; Spike Lee), 221, 525
Double Exposure (ballet; Jamison), 445
Doughface Baked, The; or, How to Give a Northern Man a Backbone (Brown), 120
Douglas, Aaron, 236–237
and foundation of Vanguard, 747
a founder of Fire!!, 426
Jean Toomer and, 818
in The New Negro, 539
Song of the Towers, The, 236
Douglas, Louis, 40
Douglas, Tommy, 649
Douglass, Frederick, 237–241, 238
biography by
Benjamin Quarles, 692
Booker T. Washington, 850
Charles W. Chesnutt, 161
Charles Lenox Remond touring with, 708
on Edmonia Lewis, 531
on Harriet Tubman, 824
influence on Robert Abbott, 3
John Mercer Langston compared to, 513
marriage to Helen Pitts defended by T. Thomas Fortune, 307
Martin R. Delany’s impression on, 226
Mifflin Gibbs and, 334
opposed to “Exoduster” migration, 771
Paul Laurence Dunbar clerk to, 251
Richard Greener’s disagreement with, 351
Douglass, Joseph, 281
Douglass, Sarah Mapps, 241–242
Douglas Specialty Company, 49
Dove, Arthur, 223
Dove, Rita Frances, 242, 242–243
Dove, The (Bearden), 61
Dove, Ulysses, 445
Dow, Robert, 259
Down and Out in Beverly Hills (film), 538
Down Beat (magazine)
epitaph for Nat King Cole, 181
on A Love Supreme, 188
poll won by Sarah Vaughan, 835
Down Beat Jazz Hall of Fame, 83, 185
Downing, Henry Francis, 591
Downs, Hugh, 310
Down to Earth (album; Wonder), 907
Doyle, Jimmy, 727
Doyle, Mabel. See Staupers, Mabel Doyle Keaton
Dozens, The, 106, 243
Dozier, Lamont, 346, 731
Dr. Strangelove (film), 474
Drake, John Gibbs St. Clair, Jr. See Drake, St. Clair, Jr.
Drake, St. Clair, Jr., 243–245
Dra Mu Opera Company, 444
“Dreaming Emmett” (unpublished play; Morrison), 605
Dream Keeper, The (Hughes), 421
Dreamland Syncopators, 28, 30
Dream on Monkey Mountain (Walcott), 839
Dreams of Life (Fortune), 307
“Dream Variation” (Hughes), 420
Dred Scott v. Emerson. See legal cases
Dred Scott v. Sanford. See legal cases
Dreer, Herman, 450
“Drenched in Light” (Hurston), 426
dressmakers. See Keckly, Elizabeth Hobbs
Drew, Bonnie Bell, 551
Drew, Charles Richard, 245, 245–246
Drew, Timothy. See Ali, Nobel Drew
Drew Medical School, 745
Drinking Gourd, The (Hansberry), 373
Driving Home the Cows (Bannister), 47
Drugstore Cat, The (Petry), 669
Drumgo, Fleeta, 207
Drums and Colors (Walcott), 839
Drury, Doreen, 620
Dryden, Nat, 785
Du Bois, Nina Yolande, 203, 428
Du Bois, W. E. B., 88, 246–251, 247, 315
Aaron Douglas and, 236
on Alexander Crummell, 199
and Anna Arnold Hedgeman, 389
backed by Richard Greener, 352
biography by David Levering Lewis, 528–529
bust by Augusta Savage, 746
Charles W. Chesnutt respect for, 162
classmate of Margaret Murray Washington, 855
critical of Booker T. Washington, 851
critical of Roy Wilkins’s editorship of the Crisis, 885
encouraging Langston Hughes, 420
Floyd McKissick and, 582
influence on Hubert Henry Harrison, 379
John Hope and, 411
Lorraine Hansberry’s studies with, 373
member of the American Negro Academy, 191
Meta Fuller and, 319
in The New Negro, 539
opposition to Marcus Garvey, 330
Pan-Africanism, 201, 248–249
in the Socialist Party, 699
Du Bois, Yolande. See Du Bois, Nina Yolande
Ducongé, Peter, 99
Dude, The (album), 479
Duff, John, 47
Duhamel, Marcel, 404
Duhé, Lawrence, 27
Duke, David, 586
Duke, Doris, 99
Duke Ellington . . . We Love You Madly (television), 478
Duke Is Tops, The, 413
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 251–253, 252
Hallie Quinn Brown’s recitations of work of, 108
influence on Paule Marshall, 562
member of the American Negro Academy, 191
poetry set to music by John Rosamond Johnson, 458
verses added to Still’s Afro-American Symphony, 792
Will Marion Cook and, 189
Dunbar Housewives’ League, 38
Dunbar-Nelson, Alice, 253–254
marriage to Paul Laurence Dunbar, 252
published in the Messenger, 699
and White Rose Home and Industrial Association for Working Girls, 570
Dunbar Speaker and Entertainer, The: The Poet and His Song (Dunbar-Nelson), 253
Duncan, John Hemenway, 351
Duncanson, Robert S., 254–256
Dundee, Angelo, 16
Dunham, Katherine Mary, 256, 256–258
Arthur Mitchell and, 599
of Cabin in the Sky, 859
of O, Sing a New Song, 773
Eartha Mae Kitt offered a scholarship by, 505
influence on Alvin Ailey, 9
in Stormy Weather, 136, 718, 847
Dunjee, Roscoe, 258–259
on Scottsboro Boys, 757
Dunn, Angus, 127
Durante, Jimmy, 93
Durham, Eddie, 52
playing with Count Basie, 53
Durham, James, 154, 182, 259–260
Durham, NC, 764
Business and Profession Chain, 582
Committee on Negro Affairs, 765
Mechanics and Farmers Bank, 587, 764
National Religious Training School and Chautauqua for the Colored Race, 765
National Training School, 765
in nineteenth century, 586
State Normal School, 765
Textile Mill, 587
Durham Negro Observer (newspaper), 587
Durkee, J. Stanley, 595
Durocher, Leo, 573
Du Sable, Jean Baptiste Point, 260–261
Martin Puryear’s admiration for, 691
Du Sable Museum of African American History, 261
Dusk of Dawn: An Essay toward an Autobiography of a Race Concept (Du Bois), 249
Dust Tracks on the Road (Hurston), 427
Dutchman (Baraka), 48
Dutrey, Honore, 29, 637
Dutton, Charles, 900
Dvorak, Antonin
Harry Burleigh and, 128
Madame Sissieretta Jones performing with, 477
Will Marion Cook’s training under, 189
Dyer federal anti-lynching bill (1922)
Alice Dunbar-Nelson and, 254
Hallie Quinn Brown’s lobbying for, 109
James Weldon Johnson lobbying for, 456
opposed by Perry Howard, 418
Dylan, Bob
influence on Jimi Hendrix, 393
song about Emmett Till, 816
Dyson, Michael Eric, 74
E. F. Albee’s Palm Beach Week show, 772
Eagle (newspaper). See Brooklyn Eagle; California Eagle
“Eagle Stirreth Her Nest, The” (Franklin), 313
Eakins, Thomas, 799
Earley, Charity Adams, 263, 263–264
Early, Gerald, 202
Early, John, 389
Early Jazz (Schuller), 30
Eartha Quake (album), 506
Earth We Share, The, 449
Eastern Music Festival (1977), 558
Eastern Sociology Society, 316
Eastman, George, 849
Eastman, Max, 581
East St. Louis
East St. Louis Massacre (1918), 865
Performing Arts Training Center (PATC), 257
“East St. Louis Toodle-Oo” (Ellington), 272
East Village Other, 704
Eaton, Annette, 191
Eaton, Henry S. Van, 547
Eaton, Hubert A., 335
Ebert, Roger, 73
Ebony (magazine)
Alice Dunbar-Nelson published in, 254
on Augustus White, 878
beginning of, 458
Era Bell Thompson co-managing editor, 811
on Eunice Carter, 144
John Alfred Williams with, 892
on John C. Robinson, 724
Moneta Sleet staff photographer for, 774
profile of Paul Revere Williams, 894
on Toni Stone, 796
“Ebony and Ivory” (Wonder and McCartney), 908
“Echoes of Harlem” (Ellington), 273
Eckstine, Billy, 341. See also Billy Eckstine’s Orchestra
Sarah Vaughan and, 834, 835
urging Count Basie to assemble a new orchestra, 53
“Economic Contribution by the Negro to America, The” (Schomburg), 749
Edelin, Kenneth, 447
Edelman, Marian Wright, 178, 264–266, 265
Edgefield Real Estate and Homestead Association, 770–771
Edison Electric Light Company, 516
Edison Pioneers, 516
editors. See Journalism and Writing in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Ed Sullivan Show
Marian Anderson on, 24
Moms Mabley passing up appearance on, 552
education. See also school desegregation
African American school strikes, 845
Daniel Alexander Payne’s improvement of religious education, 663
desegregation of, Constance Motley and, 613
Francis Cardozo’s commitment to universal, 140
on health issues, Sarah Douglass and, 241
James McCune Smith’s writings on, 780
John Hope’s disagreement with Washington on, 411
models of black higher education, 411
National of Islam and, 616
P. B. S. Pinchback and African American education, 672
Philip Alexander Bell and equal education, 70
Prince Hall’s petition for free African American schools, 368
public education, Roscoe Dunjee and, 258
Shirley Chisholm advocate of, 167
Education, Department of, 808
Education, Office of, 134
“Education and the Elevation of the Colored Race, The” (Harper), 375
Education Broadcasting Corporation, 277
Education of the Negro in the American Social Order, The (Bond), 89
Education of the Negro prior to 1861 (Woodson), 913
educators. See Education in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Edwards, Harry (sociologist), 782
inspired by Muhammad Ali, 17
Edwards, Harry Thomas (federal judge), 266–268, 267
Edwards, Paul, 365
Edward Thomas’s singing quartet, 771
“Effects of Collegiality on Judicial Decision Making, The” (Edwards), 267–268
Egan, Pierce, 600, 601
EG and G Idaho Inc., 884
“Ego Tripping” (Giovanni), 342
Ehrenfels, C. F. von, 538
Ehrlich, Paul, 320
Eighty-six Years of Eubie Blake (album), 82, 773
Eikerenkoetter, Frederick J. See Reverend Ike
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 50, 186, 212, 390, 452, 585, 606–607, 623, 644, 654, 685, 751, 872, 885
E. Frederic Morrow in campaign of, 606
Lightfoot Solomon Michaux’s support for, 590
national anthem sung by Marian Anderson at inauguration of, 25
supported by Adam Clayton Powell, 681
Elaw, Zilpha, 268–269
“El Beso” (Grimké), 359
Elder, Lee, 911
Elder, William Henry, 733
Elders, M. Joycelyn, 270–271
Mildred Fay Jefferson’s opposition to nomination of, 448
Eldridge, Roy
Billie Holiday’s recordings with, 406
influence on
Charlie Parker, 650
Dizzy Gillespie, 340
“Eldridge Cleaver Crusades,” 174
Electric Ladyland (album), 393
Electric Lady Studios, 394
“Elegiac Blues” (Lambert), 597
“Elements of Pulpit Eloquence, The” (Tanner), 799
Elevator (newspaper), 70
Elevator (Philadelphia; newspaper), 70
El Greco, 800
el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz. See Malcolm X
Elijah McCoy Manufacturing Company, 576
Eliot, Charles W., 106
Eliot, T. S.
on Bricktop, 98–99
influence on Derek Walcott, 839
praise of Krazy Kat, 399
Elizabeth Catlett: Prints and Sculpture (Cleveland Museum of Art), 153
Elizabeth Russell Plantation (Macon County) school, 856
“Eliza Harris” (Harper), 375
Ella. See Douglass, Sarah Mapps
Ella Fitzgerald and Her Famous Orchestra, 296
Ellen’s Isle, Loch Katrine (Duncanson), 255
Ellicott, Andrew, 45
Ellicott, George, 45
Ellington, Duke, 271, 271–274
Albert Murray’s friendship with, 618
as bandleader, compared to Count Basie, 53
Dandridge Sisters and, 205
Ethel Waters singing with the Duke Ellington band, 859
featuring Mahalia Jackson in recording, 437
influence on Charles Mingus, 598
John Coltrane’s sessions with, 188
Katherine Dunham and, 257
on Mahalia Jackson, 437
Moms Mabley appearing with, 552
sacred music performed by Jessye Norman, 630
Ellington, Edward Kennedy. See Ellington, Duke
Ellington, Maria Hawkins, 181
Elliott, Robert Brown, 274–275
Ellis, Pee Wee, 113
Ellison, Ralph Waldo, 275, 275–278
Albert Murray’s relationship with, 618–619
on Amiri Baraka, 48
Angelo Herndon’s help with Negro Quarterly, 398
influence on Paule Marshall, 562
reading the Black Dispatch, 258
Richard Wright mentor to, 917
Ellsworth, Scott, 584
Elocution and Physical Culture (Brown), 109
El-Shabazz, El’Hajj Malik. See Malcolm X
Elsie (musical), 773
advocated by Claude Paschal Maistre, 133
Archibald and Francis Grimké after, 360
Charles Harris Wesley’s study of slave emancipation within the British Empire, 866
Charles Lenox Remond and, 707
Frederick Douglass and, 239, 240
gradual emancipation contemplated by Virginia legislature in 1831–1832, 829
John Brown Russwurm and, 740
Jupiter Hammon’s call for gradual, 372
Liberty Party and, 780
Lucy Craft Laney and, 511
New York 1799 gradual emancipation statute, 787
1817 New York State law, 662
1827 New York State Law, 780, 820
offered by John Murray, Lord Dunmore, 333
Philadelphia 1780 law for gradual, 469
post-emancipation life described by Louis Hughes, 424
rising expectations inspired by, 140
“Emancipation” (Bell), 69
Emancipation Proclamation
Bell’s “The Progress of Liberty” written for third anniversary of, 69
and enlistment of African Americans in Union army, 826
fiftieth anniversary
James Weldon Johnson’s “Fifty Years,” 345
Masterpieces of Negro Eloquence, 253
Spirit of Emancipation commissioned for, 319
and Henry Ossawa Tanner’s themes, 801
and prospect of full citizenship for African Americans, 227
Sam Lacy on, 507
seventy-fifth anniversary of, 320
Thomas Morris Chester and, 163
William Cooper Nell and, 625
Emancipator and Journal of Public Morals
Bryant’s poem on Cinqué, 169
David Ruggles and, 736
EmArcy label, 835
Embree, Edwin
on Charles S. Johnson, 451
Horace Mann Bond and, 88
Emerson, A. D., 794
Emerson, Roy, 32
emigration. See also Back-to-Africa movement; Nova Scotia
opposed by Richard Allen, 21
opposed by Samuel Cornish, 193
Peter Williams Jr. on, 896
Emmalyn II Productions Company, 216, 221
Emperor Jones, The (film)
John Rosamond Johnson musical director for, 459
Moms Mabley in, 552
Paul Robeson in, 715
Emperor Jones, The (O’Neill), 715
Empire Star (newspaper; Buffalo), 704
Encore (magazine), 343
Endlich Theological Seminary, 580
End of a Primitive, The (Himes), 404
End of the War, The: Starting Home (Pippin), 673
End of the World, The (Steward), 788
End of White World Supremacy, The: Four Speeches (Malcolm X), 555
endorsements, marketing
by Alice Coachman, 176
by Michael Jordan, 487
by Tiger Woods, 911
by Venus and Serena Williams, 899
Energy, Department of, 636
engineers. See Invention and Science in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
England. See Britain
entertainers. See Music and Theater and Film in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
entrepreneurs. See Business in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown; businesswomen
Barbara Harris, 378
Conference for Colored Church Workers (1944), 127
Conference of Church Workers among the Colored People, 228
Independent Episcopal Church, 580
John M. Burgess first black elected diocesan bishop, 127
Joint Commission on Negro Work, 229
Lambeth Conference, 378–379, 409
ordination of women in, 378
Peter Williams’s inferior status, 896
proposals on black domestic bishops, 579
racism of, 580
Episcopal Church Publishing Company, 378
“Epistrophy” (Monk), 601
Epitaph (Mingus), 598
Epitaph for the Young: A Poem in XII Cantos (Walcott), 839
Epton, Bernard, 854
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Clarence Thomas chair of, 808
Eleanor Norton chair of, 633–634
Equal Justice under Law (Motley), 612, 613
equal opportunity
Louis Armstrong’s belief in, 31
William Henry Hastie and, 381
equal pay for black teachers, 381
Ella Baker and, 38
equal rights activists. See Activism in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Equiano, Olaudah, 278, 278–279
Equity News (magazine), 639
Ertugen, Armet, 156
Erving, Julius, 430
Esbjornson, David, 658
Escape, The; or, A Leap for Freedom (W. W. Brown), 120
Escoe, Ernest, 722
Espy, Albert Michael (Mike), 588
Esquire (magazine), 403, 484
Essay on the Ten Virgins, An (Hammon), 371
Essence (magazine), 179, 655
Essentials (Toomer), 819
Essex County Anti-Slavery Society, 708
Esteban, 279–281
and rise of Chakwaina, 280
Estes, Clarissa Pinkola, 630
“Ethical Dimensions of Marxist Thought, The” (West), 868
Arnold J. Ford in, 302–303
John C. Robinson and air force in, 724
“Ethiopia” (Ford), 302
Ethiopia Awakening (Fuller), 318, 319
Ethiopian, campaign to replace term Negro by, 302
Ethiopian Church of Jesus Christ, 122
Ethiopian Hebrew Rabbinical College, 568
Ethiopian Minstrels, 510
Ethiopian Serenaders, 510
Eubie! (musical), 82
Eubie Blake Music, 82
Eulenspiegl (magazine), Oliver W. Harrington’s cartoons in, 377
Europe. See also Britain; Denmark; France; Germany; Italy; London; Paris
Big Bill Broonzy in, 105
Blind Tom’s tour of, 85
Duke Ellington’s band in, 273
Ernest Everett Just’s research in, 492
Francis Johnson in, 453
Hallie Quinn Brown in, 108
Ira Aldridge’s tours in, 13
Julian Abele in, 6
Mahalia Jackson’s tours, 436
Marian Edelman in, 265
Noble Sissle and Eubie Blake touring, 773
Robert S. Duncanson’s grand tour, 255
Sidney Bechet in, 63
Will Marion Cook in, 189
Europe, James Reese, 281–282, 282
member of The Frogs, 887
Sidney Bechet playing for, 62
Evangelical Association of Negro Ministers, 325
evangelical writers. See Stewart, Maria W.
evangelism of Henry McNeal Turner, 826
evangelists. See Religion in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Evans, Bill, 188, 598
Evans, Gil
Louis Armstrong role model for, 31
Miles Davis and, 213, 214
Evans, Herschel, 53
Evans, Matilda Arabella, 182
“Eva’s Farewell” (Harper), 375
Evening Gazette (newspaper), 803
Evening’s Improvement, An (Hammon), 371–372
“Evening Thought, An” (Hammon), 371, 806
“Evening with Pearl, An,” 38
Evergreen Review (periodical), 48
Evers, Medgar, 283, 283–284
and James Meredith, 585, 586
Evers-Williams, Myrlie, 284, 284–285
portrayed by Whoopi Goldberg, 345
“Everybody’s Protest Novel” (Baldwin), 43
“everything’s copasetic,” 717
Evidence of Things Not Seen, The (Baldwin), 44
“Evils of Intemperance and Their Remedy, The” (Hopkins), 411
“Evolution of the Negro Baptist Church, The (Brooks), 103
Evolution of the Vertebrates and Their Kin, The (Patten), 491
Ewry, Ray, 527
Executive Decision (film), 73
Executive Leadership Council, 661
Executive Order 8806, banning racial discrimination in defense industries, 541, 700
Executive Order 9981, integrating the armed forces, 210, 213, 700
Exile, The (film), 591
“Exoduster” movement
Frederick Douglass opposed to, 771
to Kansas, 821
Blanche K. Bruce opposed to, 120
promoted by Benjamin Singleton, 770–771
supported by John Mercer Langston, 514
Experiments in Organic Chemistry (Hill), 402
explorers. See Exploration in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Extinguisher, Extinguished . . . or David M. Reese, M.D. “Used Up” (Ruggles), 736
Eybanks, Jonathan, 655
Eyer, Ronald, 686
Eyes on the Prize (documentary), 90
Ezell, Will, 446
Fables of Faubus (Mingus), 598
“Facts from the Field” (W. H. Brooks), 103
Facts of Reconstruction, The (Lynch), 548
Fagan, Eleanora. See Holiday, Billie
Faggs, Mae, 175
fair employment, Charles Hamilton Houston and, 417
Fair Employment Practices Commission. See Fair Employment Practices Committee
Fair Employment Practices Committee
Anna Arnold Hedgman executive director of, 390
call for a permanent, 381, 681
Charles Hamilton Houston on, 417
created by Executive Order 8806, 700
Harold Washington and, 854
Fairfax, Frankie, 339
fair housing. See housing
Fair Housing Act (1968), 863
Edward Brooke work on, 101
Roy Wilkins and, 885
Faithful, Emily, 709
“Faith of the American Negro, The” (Johnson), 463
Falcon Drum and Bugle Corps, 588
Fall, Albert, 298
Families in Peril: An Agenda for Social Change (Edelman), 266
Family Story Paper (periodical), 569
Family Upstairs, The (Herriman), 398
Famous St. John Gospel Singers, 497
Fanatics, The (Dunbar), 252
Fancy Portrait (painting; Duncanson), 255
Fannie Mae, 697
Fanon, Frantz, 626, 759, 760
Fantasy in C-Major, 471
Fard, Wallace D., 20, 289, 615
“Far East Suite, The” (Ellington), 273
Farenthold, Sissy, 370
Farm and City Club, 450
Farmer, J. Leonard, 389
Farmer, James, 167, 287, 287–288, 532, 582
Farrakhan, Louis Abdul, 288–290, 290, 554, 616, 617
Fast and Furious: A Colored Revue in 37 Scenes, 552
Fastest Bicycle Rider in the World, The: The Story of a Colored Boy’s Indomitable Courage and Success against Great Odds (Taylor), 803
Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids (television), 194
Father Divine, 290–292, 348
Fatherhood (film), 73
Father of the Blues (Handy), 373
Fats Waller and His Rhythm, 847
Faubus, Orval, 564
Faulkner, William, 618
Fauntroy, Walter E.
1984 protest at the South African Embassy, 634
Robert L. Johnson press secretary of, 465
Fauset, Arthur Huff, 292
Fauset, Crystal Bird, 292–293
Fauset, Jessie Redmon, 293–294, 420, 421
Faust (stage production), 505
Feast of Ashes (ballet), 10
Feather, Leonard, 478, 859
February 1965: The Final Speeches (Malcolm X), 555
federal anti-lynching law. See Dyer federal anti-lynching bill (1922)
Federal Arts Project
Augusta Savage assistant supervisor, 747
Jacob Lawrence and, 518
William H. Johnson and, 467
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Al Sharpton’s
ties to, 764
efforts to damage Martin Luther King’s reputation, 503
harassment of the Panthers, 174
and Paul Robeson, 716
Federal Council of Churches. See also National Council of Churches
Benjamin E. Mays and, 572
Federal Energy Administration, 635
federal judges. See Law in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Federal Trade Commission, 399
Federal Writers’ Project
Claude McKay in, 581
Ralph Waldo Ellison and, 276
Richard Wright and, 917
Robert Hayden working for, 382
Sterling Brown Editor on Negro Affairs, 118
Federation of Afro-American Women, 307, 824
Feenberg, Eugene, 566
Feldman, Al, 296
Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), 287, 502, 741
Felson, Harold, 729, 730
of Alice Walker, 841
of Anna Julia Haywood Cooper, 190
of Betye Saar, 744
David Ruggles’s appeal to the northern feminist movement, 736
of Fanny Jackson Coppin, 191
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper and, 375
and Jessie Redmon Fauset, 294
of Lucy Diggs Slowe, 774, 776
Mildred Fay Jefferson speaking out against, 448
of Pauli Murray, 620
and reprinting of Nella Larsen’s novels, 515
of Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander, 15
of Sarah Parker Remond, 708
of Sojourner Truth, 821
of Whoopi Goldberg, 344
of Zora Neal Hurston, 841
feminists. See Activism in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Fences (play; Wilson), 474, 900
Feral Benga (sculpture; Barthé), 51
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, 441
Festival of Two Worlds (Spoleto, Italy), 600
Festive Overture (Still), 792
Fetchit, Stepin, 294–295, 295, 552
influence on Sammy Davis Jr., 217
Fetiches, Les (painting; Jones), 475
Fielding, Henry, 562
Field of Dreams (film), 474
Fields of Wonder (Hughes), 422
Fighters for Freedom series (Johnson), 467
Figure of Time (Hayden), 382
Fillmore, Charles, 290
filmmakers. See Theater and Film in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Bessie Coleman in documentary news films, 183
Bill “Bojangles” Robinson in, 718
Bill Cosby in, 195
“blaxploitation” films, 116
Buck and Bubbles in, 123
Count Basie band in, 53
directed by Ossie Davis, 216
Fats Waller in, 847
Frederick Douglass O’Neal in, 638–639
Little Richard in, 537
Louis Armstrong in, 30
made by Gordon Parks Sr., 655
Nat King Cole in, 181
O. J. Simpson in, 769
Paul Robeson in, 715
Quincy Jones music for, 478
Ray Charles’s record themes for, 157
Redd Foxx in, 310
Ruby Dee, appearances in, 221
Ruby Dee in, 221
Sugar Ray Robinson in, 727
Final Call (newspaper), 289
Finding a Way Out (Moton), 614
Findings of the First Annual Conference on Adult Education and the Negro, 539
Finding the Trail of Life (Jones), 813
Find Where the Wind Goes (Jemison), 449
Fine Clothes to the Jew (Hughes), 419, 421
Fink, Helen, 137
Fink, Henry, 137
Finley, Charles O., 648
Fire!! (journal)
attacks on, 421
Langston Hughes and, 419
Wallace Thurman and, 814
Zora Neale Hurston founder of, 426
Fire in the Flint, The (White), 880
“Fire Next Time, The” (essay; Baldwin), 42, 43
First Annual Convention of the People of Colour (Philadelphia, 1831)
Austin Steward vice president of, 787
Philip Alexander Bell at, 69
Richard Allen and, 21
First Artists, 678
First Cities, The (Lorde), 543
First Conference of African Women and Women of African Descent (Ghana, 1960), 390
First International Convention of Negro Peoples of the World (1920), 302
First Lessons in Public Speaking (Brown), 109
First Negro Priest on Southern Soil, The (Bragg), 95
First World Festival of Negro Arts (Dakar, Senegal, 1966), 10, 382
Fisher, J. B., 35
Fisher, J. T., 78
Fisher, Marshall, 835
Fisher, Rudolph, 815
Fisher King, The (Marshall), 563
Fisk Herald (newspaper), 855
Fisk Jubilee Singers, 866
Fisk University
Ambrose Caliver
among first black faculty members, 133
first African American dean, 134
Arthur Schomburg invited to build the Negro Collection at, 749
Black Writers Conference’s effect on Gwendolyn Brooks, 102
Charles S. Johnson
and Department of Social Sciences, 452
president of, 452
Early Entrants Program
David Levering Lewis in, 452, 528
Hazel R. O’Leary and, 452
under Fayette A. McKenzie, 133
mural by Aaron Douglas in Cravath Hall, 237
race relations institute, 452
Fitzgerald, Ella, 295–297, 296
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 99
Fitzpatrick, Daniel, 376
Fitzpatrick, John Bernard, 385, 388
Fitzpatrick, Thomas, 730
Five Blind Boys of Mississippi, 234
Five Breezes, 234
Five Spot Café (New York), 185, 187, 602
Flake, Floyd, 588
Flames, 111
Flanner, Janet, 40
Flashbacks (Williams), 892
Flash Photography (Parks), 654
Fleet, Bill “Biddy,” 649
Fleming, Elvis, 628
Flesh and Blood (television film), 852
Fletcher, Arthur, 926
Fletcher Henderson Orchestra
Art Blakey and, 83
Billie Holiday with, 406
Clarence Holiday member of, 405
Ethel Waters singing with, 859
Louis Armstrong with, 28, 29
Pete Suggs and, 82
recording Fats Waller’s compositions, 846–847
Flight (White), 880
Flight into Egypt: Palais de Justice, Tangier (Tanner), 801
Flight to Canada (Reed), 705
Flintstones, The (film), 73
Flipper, Henry Ossian, 211, 297, 297–298
Flipper, Joseph, 298
Flood, Curt, 298–300, 299
Florence (Childress), 164
Florence Eagle Base Ball Club, 34
Flower, Desmond, 63
Flowers, Bertha, 26
Floyd, John, 829
Flying Ace, The, 183
Flying Back Doctors, 75
“Flying High” (Fitzgerald), 297
“Flying Home” (Ellison), 276
Flying Home and Other Stories (Ellison), 277
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, 379
Foley, Margaret, 530
Folk Musicians (Bearden), 60
Folk Singer (album; Muddy Waters), 861
folk singers. See Music in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Follies (Ziegfeld), 887
football. See also NFL Hall of Fame
Akron Pros, 715
Buffalo Bills, 769
Chicago Bears, 666
Cincinnati Bengals, 782
Cleveland Browns, 115
Honolulu Bears, 720
Jackie Robinson playing, 719
Los Angeles Bulldogs, 720
Milwaukee Badgers, 715
Paul Robeson playing, 715
football players. See Sports in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Foote, Julia A. J., 300–301
Footsteps of a Dream (Thurman), 814
Forbes (magazine), 762, 906
Forbes, George, 819
“Forbidden to Ride on the Street Cars” (Horton), 415
Ford, Arnold Josiah, 301–303
and Mordecai Herman, 568
and Wentworth Matthew, 568
Ford, Gerald R. 15, 80, 90, 186, 222, 267, 399, 476, 483, 489, 494, 527, 532, 544, 578, 611, 633, 635, 636, 645, 660, 681, 687, 696, 885, 923, 924
Ford, James W., 421
Ford, John, 577
Ford, William, 631
Ford, Willie Mae. See Smith, Willie Mae Ford
Ford Sisters, 783
Foreign Service officers. See Wharton, Clifton Reginald
Foreman, Clark, 862
Foreman, George, 17
Foreman, Richard, 658
Forest Leaves (Harper), 374
Forever Free (sculpture; Lewis), 530
Forged Note, The: A Romance of the Darker Races (novel; Micheaux), 591
For Love of Imabelle (Himes), 404
“For Malcolm X and Others” (Wilson), 900
Forman, James, 303, 303–305
on Baker, 39
influence on Fannie Lou Hamer, 369
Forstall, Edmund, 714
Forsyne, Ida, 477
Forten, James, 21, 305–306
Forten, Sarah, 453
Fortune (magazine), 160, 350, 519
Fortune, T. Thomas, 247, 306, 306–308
and Amy Jacques Garvey, 328
Booker T. Washington’s clandestine relationship with, 850
editor of the New York Age, 361
Fort-Whitman, Lovett, 699
Forty Acres and a Mule Filmworks Production Company, 525
Forty Years a Guinea Pig (Morrow), 607
“Forty Years” Memoirs from the Pages of a Newspaper” (Bass), 57
Forum (journal), 316, 515
For Us, the Living (Evers-Williams and Peters), 284
Foster, Abigail Kelley, 708
Foster, Andrew. See Foster, Rube
Foster, Frances Smith, 374
Foster, Frank, 53
Foster, George “Pops,” 29
Foster, Isaac, 80
Foster, Rube, 308, 308–309, 897
Foster, Stephen, 110, 708
Fountaine, Lil, 857
4 Little Girls (documentary; Spike Lee), 526
Four Marys (ballet), 444
Fournier, Grace, 339
“Four Problems in the History of Negro Art” (Porter), 679
Four Saints in Three Acts (Stein and Thomson)
Arthur Mitchell performing with, 599
Leontyne Price in, 686
Four Tops, 347
Fowler, Wyche, 532
Fox and the Hound, The (film), 38
Foxx, Redd, 309–310
collaboration with Richard Pryor, 690
influence on Sammy Davis Jr., 217
as Sanford in Sanford and Son, 310
France. See also Paris
Clifton Reginald Wharton in Marseilles, 872
Eldridge Cleaver in, 174
Norbert Rillieux educated in, 714
Francis, Bill, 461
Francis, Sam, 828
Frank, Ludwig, 475
Frank, Waldo, 818
Frankfurter, Felix, 268
William T. Coleman Supreme Court clerk to, 186
Franklin, Aretha, 310–312, 311
in choir of father’s church, 313
Ray Charles’s influence on, 157
father of Aretha Franklin, 310
Franklin, Jack T., 655
Franklin, John Hope, 314, 314–315
editor of Lynch’s Reminiscences of an Active Life, 548
on James Madison Bell, 69
Franklin, Joseph Paul, 489
Franklin, V. P., 693
Franklin Institute, 91
Franz Jackson’s band, 29
fraternal organizations, Charles Harris Wesley’s history of, 866
Frazier, Calvin, 464
Frazier, E. Franklin, 88, 315–316
Benjamin E. Mays and, 571
condemnation of Daddy Grace’s church, 348
on Durham as capital of the black middle class, 587
at Howard, 79
Howard Thurman’s studies with, 813
influence on William Julius Wilson, 903
in The New Negro, 539
teaching at Howard, 170
Frazier, Joe, 17
Frederick, O. W., 230
Frederick Douglass (Quarles), 692
“Frederick Douglass and the Woman’s Rights Movement” (Quarles), 692
Frederick Douglass Club, 865
Frederick Douglass’ Paper, 239, 780
Free African Society, 21, 469
Free and Easy (blues opera; Arlen), 478
Freed, Alan, 72
Freed, D. J. Alan, 537
Freedman’s Pickaninnies, 124
Freedman’s Savings Bank, 240
“Freedman’s Story, The. In Two Parts” (Parker), 652
Freedmen’s Bureau, 227
Freedmen’s Hospital (Washington, DC)
Charles Drew at, 246
Daniel Hale Williams at, 890
Hildrus Poindexter at, 676
nursing school, 890
refuge for Civil War veterans, 790
Freedom (newspaper)
Alice Childress’s column in, 165
Lorraine Hansberry writing for, 373
Oliver W. Harrington art editor of, 376, 377
Freedom, A Revolutionary Anarchist—Communist Monthly, 659
Freedom Association, 624
Freedom Cabaret, 27
Freedom Farm Cooperative, 370
Freedom for Angela Davis (Catlett), 152
Freedom Rides (1961)
John Lewis and, 531
launched by James Farmer, 288
Stokely Carmichael part of, 141
“Freedom’s Fearful Foe: Poverty” (Parks), 654
Freedom’s Journal (newspaper), 193
Austin Steward agent for, 787
on Betsey Stockton, 794
David Walker agent in Boston, 842
George Moses Horton published in, 414
James Varick’s help in publishing, 834
Peter Williams cofounder of, 896
Richard Allen on colonization as mistake, 21
started by Samuel Cornish and John Brown Russwurm, 739
Freedom’s People (radio series), 134
Freedom’s Plow (Hughes), 422
Freedom Summer (1964). See Mississippi Summer Project
Freed Woman and Her Child, The (sculpture; Lewis), 530
“Free Huey” campaign, 174
Free Jazz (album), 185
Freelance Pallbearers, The (Reed), 704
Freeman, Bee, 592
Freeman, Elizabeth, 316–318
portrait by Susan Sedgwick, 317
Freeman, Robert Tanner, 862
Freeman, Theophilus, 631
African Lodge
James Varick’s role in creation of, 834
John Marrant member of, 556
African Lodge No. 459, 368
Arthur Schomburg and, 748, 749
influence of black Masonic tradition on Noble Drew Ali, 19–20
James E. Shepard and, 765
Patrick Henry Reason active in, 703
Prince Hall Masons, 368
David Walker initiated into, 842
original El Sol de Cuba, 748
Royal Order of Aethiopian Hebrews the Sons and Daughters of Culture, 568
Scottish Rite Masons, Arnold J. Ford part of, 301
Free Negro in North Carolina, 1790–1860, The (Franklin), 314
free people of color
André Cailloux and, 132
Norbert Rillieux as, 714
status of, 836
Freeport-McMoRan Copper and Gold Inc., 579
Free Soil Convention (Buffalo, 1848), 239
Free Speech and Headlight (newspaper), 864
Free University of Brussels, 267
Frelinghuysen, Theodorus Jacobus, 364
French Foreign Legion, 124
Freneau, Philip, 873
Fresh Prince of Bel Air, The (television series), 479
Freud, Sigmund, 320
Frey, John, 626
Freylinghuysen University, 191
Friendly, Henry, 564
Friendly Society of Sierra Leone, 201
Friendship Club, 150
Frisby, Edgar, 594
Frogs, The (charitable organization), 887
From a Land Where Other People Live (Lorde), 543
From Dover Street To Dixie, 596
Fromm, Erich, 257
From Rags to Riches (album), 123
From Slavery to Freedom (Franklin), 69, 315
From Spirituals to Swing programs, 104
From the Land of Dreams (Still), 792
From the Virginia Plantation to the National Capitol (Langston), 514
From 1864 to 1914: Fifty Years in the Gospel Ministry (Steward), 789
Frost, Robert, 818
Fruit of Islam, 616
Fucking A (Parks), 658
Fugard, Athol, 220
Fugitive Slave Act (1850), 239
Fulfillingness’ First Finale (album; Wonder), 908
Fuller, Buckminster, 484
Fuller, Charles, 852
Fuller, Curtis, 83
Fuller, Meta Warrick, 318–320, 320
Ethiopia Awakening, 318
influence on Loïs Mailou Jones, 475
at Salon of Contemporary Negro Art, 748
Fuller, Solomon Carter, 319, 320–321
Fuller, William, 601
Fullmer, Gene, 727
Fulson, Lowell, 156
Fund for Education and Legal Defense, 39
“Funeral” (West), 870
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, A (film), 345
Fuqua, Antoine, 853
Fuqua, Harvey, 331
Furman, Abraham L., 815
Future of Africa, The (Crummell), 199
Future of the American Negro, The (Washington), 850
G. A. Morgan Hair Refining Company, 603
G. A. Morgan Safety System, 603
Gabriel, 323–324
Gabriel’s Fire (television series), 474
Gadhafi, Mu’ammar, 289
Gagosian, Larry, 55
Gainford, George, 726
Galphin, George, 333
games theory, David Blackwell and, 79
Gamin (sculpture; Savage), 747
Gandhi, Mohandas K.
influence on Howard Thurman, 813
influence on James Farmer, 287
influence on James Forman, 303
influence on Bayard Rustin, 741
Gans, Joe, 81
Gantt, Harvey, 613
Gap Gang, 651
Gardner, Nancy. See Prince, Nancy
Garfield, James A., 240
Garland, Red, 214
Garner, Horace, 1
Garner, Margaret, 605
Garnet, Henry Highland, 198, 219, 324, 324–326, 707, 736
Garretson, Freeborn, 20
Boston King and, 499
Garrett, Thomas, 824
Garrison, Ed “Snapper,” 617
Garrison, Jimmy, 188
Garrison, William Lloyd
biography by Archibald Grimké, 361
Edmonia Lewis and, 529
influence on Charles Lenox Remond, 707
James Forten’s relationship with, 305, 362
Martin R. Delany’s impression on, 226
Nancy Prince and, 688
Nathaniel Paul and, 662
and William and Ellen Craft, 197
William Nell’s close relationship to, 624
Garrison Literary and Benevolent Association, 736
Garrott, James, 893
Garry, Charles R., 626
Garth, Fagan, 559
Garvey, Amy Ashwood, 326, 326–327
Marcus Garvey’s marriage to, 330
Garvey, Amy Euphemia Jacques, 328–329
Marcus Garvey’s marriage to, 330
Garvey, Marcus, 329–331, 330
body returned to Jamaica for burial, 327
bust by Augusta Savage, 746
Father Divine compared to, 291–292
Hubert Henry Harrison’s influence on, 380
influence on
Elijah Muhammad, 615
George McGuire, 580
Pan-Africanism of, 201
W. E. B. Du Bois and, 249
Garvey and Garveyism (Amy Jacques Garvey), 329
“Garvey Must Go” campaign, 700
Gates, Daryl, 94
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.
on August Wilson, 900
on George Schuyler, 750
on Ishmael Reed, 704
and Our Nig, 901–902
on relationship of literacy and freedom, 365
research of Harriet Wilson’s life, 900–901
Gates Millennium Scholars Advisory Council, 567
Gatewood, Bill, 67
Gather Together in My Name (Angelou), 26
Gauguin, Paul, 800
Gault, Charlayne Hunter, 613
Gauntlett, Hughenna L., 447
“Gay Chaps at the Bar” (Brooks), 101
Gaye, Marvin, 331–333, 332, 347
Gedney, Thomas, 168–169
Gee, Lottie, 773
Geer, John, 397
Geismar, Maxwell, 174
Gell, Monday, 837
Gemini: An Extended Autobiographical Statement on My First Twenty-Five Years of Being A Black Poet (Giovanni), 342
Gem of the Ocean (Wilson), 901
gender discrimination
and Elizabeth Pauline Hopkins’ difficulty in obtaining steady work, 412
Julia Foote on, 301
gender equality
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper’s concern with, 375
in international sports, 222
Mary Church Terrell advocate for, 805
Gender Talk: Sexism, Power and Politics in the African American Community (Cole and Guy-Sheftall), 179
General College Chemistry (Hill and Towns), 402
General Electric Company
G.A. Morgan Safety System sold to, 603
Lewis Howard Latimer working for, 516
General Federation of Women’s Clubs, 736
General Hospital (television series), 498
General Motors, Stanley O’Neal at, 640
General Motors Institute, 639
Genesis Re’read (Steward), 788
Genius of Freedom (magazine), 737
Genius of Ray Charles, The (album), 157
Genius of Universal Emancipation (journal), 241
Gennett label, 637
George, David, 122, 333–334, 534
George Moses Horton Society for the Study of African America Poetry, 415
Georgetown University, Patrick Healy president of, 389
George Washington Carver School, 152
Georgia. See also Atlanta; Savannah, Georgia
Democratic primaries in 1970, 923
Julian Bond in legislature, 90
Sports Hall of Fame, Alice Coachman in, 176
state legislature, Henry McNeal Turner elected to, 826
State Teachers’ Association, 918
Lucy Craft Lane founding member of, 512
University of, desegregation of, 488
Ware High School as first public high school for blacks, 918
Georgia Champion Minstrels, 510
“Georgia on My Mind” (Carmichael), 157
Geraghty, Ben, 1
Gerima, Haile, 561
Angela Davis in Frankfurt, 207
Oliver W. Harrington in East Berlin, 377
Rita Dove at University of Tübingen, 242
Solomon Fuller at University of Munich, 320
W. E. B. Du Bois in, 247
Germany Unified and Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft (Rice and Zelikow), 713
Gerould, John H., 491
Gershwin, George, 282
Gershwin Lives (album; Vaughan), 835
Get on the Bus (film; Spike Lee), 526
Getting Mother’s Body (novel; Parks), 658
Geyer, Henry S., 752
GGG Photo Studio, 831
Academy of Sciences, 250
independence celebration photographed by Moneta Sleet, 774
Jean Blackwell Hutson at University of, 429
Maya Angelou living in, 27
Pauli Murray at Ghana Law School, 621
St. Clair Drake in, 244
Ghanaian Broadcasting Company, 27
Ghanaian Times (newspaper), 27
Ghana Publishing Company, 234
Ghost (film), 345
Ghost of the Blues (album; Bechet), 63
Ghosts of Mississippi (film), 345
Giant Steps (Abdul-Jabbar), 5
Giant Steps (album; Coltrane), 188
Gibbons, Harold, 137
Gibbs, Jonathan C., 334
Gibbs, Mifflin Wistar, 334, 334–335
on Philip Alexander Bell, 71
Giblins, Dolores, 63
Gibson, Althea, 335–337, 336, 857
first African American in the Ladies Professional Golfers Association, 910
Gibson, Bob, 299
Gibson, John William, 512
Gibson, Josh, 337–339, 338, 461, 647, 648, 898
Gibson, Kenneth, 49
Giddins, Gary, 31, 608, 609
Gifford, Andrew, 364, 365
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story (Carson), 143
Gift of Chaos, The (Hedgeman), 390
“Gift of Laughter, The” (essay; Fauset), 293
Gilbert, Olive, 821
Gillespie, Dizzy, 213, 273, 339–342, 340.
Art Blakey’s association with, 83
Cab Calloway and, 136
and Charlie Parker, 650
in Earl “Fatha” Hines’s band, 834
Ella Fitzgerald with big band of, 297
John Coltrane playing with, 187
Quincy Jones performing with, 478
Thelonious Monk compared to, 602
on Thelonious Monk’s role in the development of bebop, 601
Gillespie, John Birks. See Gillespie, Dizzy
Gilmore, P. S., 452
Gimber, Stephen Henry, 702
Gingertown (McKay), 581
Ginnings, Dorus, 21
Ginsberg, Allen
Audre Lorde and, 543
mentor to Amiri Baraka, 48
Giovanni, Nikki, 342–343
Giovanni’s Room (Baldwin), 43
Girl 6 (film; Lee), 526, 658
Girshick, Abe, 79
Giuliani, Rudolph, 232, 233
Richard Dean Parsons supporting, 660
Give Us Each Day: The Diary of Alice Dunbar-Nelson, 254
Glamour (magazine), 654
Glaser, Joe, 30, 406
Glasgow, University of
Francis Cardozo at, 139
James McCune Smith at, 780
Glass, Hugh, 730
Glenn, Harvey “Hard Rock,” 464
Glidden Company, 489–490
“Global Sullivan Principles of Social Responsibility,” 798
Glory (film), 853
Gloucester, John, 193
Glover, Danny
in Beloved, 605, 905
in The Color Purple, 905
Glover, Rebecca M., 523
Glowchild and Other Poems (Dee), 221
Godfather, The (film), 652
Godowsky, Leopold, 846
Godreau, Miguel, 445
God Sends Sunday (Bontemps), 203
God’s Trombone (play), 639
God’s Trombones: Seven Negro Sermons in Verse (Johnson), 456, 457
Aaron Douglas’s artwork in, 237
Going to the Territory (Ellison), 277
Gold, Eddie, 345
Goldberg, Arthur, 299
Goldberg, Jack, 590
Goldberg, Whoopi, 343–345, 344, 905
Gold Bug, The (operetta: Herbert), 886
Golden Boy (musical), 218
“Goldie” (short story; Grimké), 359
Goldman, Ronald, 770
Goldstein, Richard, 43
Gold through the Tress (play; Childress), 165
first African American woman as professional, 337
Tiger Woods in U.S. Junior Amateur Championships, 911
Golf Digest (magazine), 910
golfers. See Sports in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Golson, Benny, 83
Golub, Harvey, 159
Gompers, Samuel, and anti-lynching campaign, 865
Gonder, Jesse, 298
Gone Are the Days (film), 216
Gone with the Wind (film; Selznick), 577
Gonsalves, Paul, 53, 273
Gonzalez, Pancho, 32
“Goodbye Christ” (poem; Hughes), 421
Good Fight, The (autobiography; Chisholm), 168
“Good For Nothing Joe” (song; Home and Barnett), 413
Goodman, Andrew, murder of, 288, 611
Goodman, Benny
Billie Holiday’s recordings with, 406
Moms Mabley appearing with, 552
Goodman, Robert O., 289
Good Morning Blues: The Autobiography of Count Basie as Told to Albert Murray (Murray), 618
Goodness of St. Rocque and Other Stories, The (Dunbar-Nelson), 253
“Goodnight, Irene” (song; Lead Belly), 521
Good Shepherd (sculpture; Fuller), 320
Goodwill Games (Moscow 1986), 593–594
Goodwin, Ruby Berkley, 294
“Goophered Grapevine, The” (short story; Chesnutt), 161
Gordon, Dexter, 83
Gordon, Eugene, 870
Gordon, James, 642
Gordon, Jeanne, 691
Gordon, Taylor, 459
Gordon Parks: Moments without Proper Names (film), 655
Gordy, Anna, 331
Gordy, Berry, Jr., 346–347. See also Motown
Aretha Franklin and, 311
Marvin Gaye and, 331
and Michael Jackson, 437
Stevie Wonder and, 907
and the Supremes, 730–731
Gore, Al, 905
Gore, Altovise, 218
gospel music
influence on Berry Gordy, 346
Little Richard and, 537
Thomas A. Dorsey and, 235
Willie May Ford Smith teaching, 784
gospel singers. See Music in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Gospel Spreading Tabernacle Association, 589
Gospel Starlighters, 111
Gossett, Lou, 473
Go Tell It on the Mountain (Baldwin), 42, 43
Go Up for Glory (Russell), 738
governors. See Politics and Government in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Graca, Marceline Manoel de. See Grace, Charles Emmanuel
Grace, Charles Emmanuel, 347–349, 348
Father Divine compared to, 291–292
Grace, Jennie, 348
Grace Magazine, 348
Grace Notes (poems; Dove), 243
graffiti artists, 54
Graham, Bill (saxophonist), 341
Graham, Bill, Ethel Waters tours with crusade, 860
Graham, Martha
Alvin Ailey’s classes with, 10
influence on Bill T. Jones, 471
use of “Maple Leaf Rag,” 481
Graham, Stedman, 906
Graham-Bell, Alexander
telephone patent application drafted by Lewis Howard Latimer, 516
Graham-Du Bois, Shirley, 528
Gramble State University, 719
Gramsci, Antonio, 869
Grand Council of Union Leagues, 140
Grand United Order of Saint Luke, 845
Granger, Lester B., 472
Whitney Young succeeding, 926
Granholm, Jennifer, 495
Grant, Anita, 857
Grant, Carolyn, 630
Grant, George, 910
Grant, Ulysses S., 69, 92, 351, 513, 531
Granz, Norman, 297, 341, 650
“Grave in the Corner, The” (poem; Grimké), 359
“Grave of the Slave, The” (Forten) poem put to music by Francis Johnson, 453
Graves, Earl, 349–350
Gray, Fred D., 657, 723
Gray, Frizzell. See Mfume, Kweisi
Gray, Thomas R., 828
Gray, Wardell, 53
Greased Lightning (film), 689, 755
Great Depression
Adam Clayton Powell Jr. during, 681
effect on Crystal Bird Fauset, 292
effect on Hattie McDaniel’s singing career, 576
effect on Jean Blackwell Hutson career, 428
effect on UNIA, 331
Gwendolyn Brooks and, 101
Ma Rainey and, 698
Negro National League and, 67
Newark during, 145
New Deal and, 208
Oscar Michaux’s radio evangelism during, 590
Ralph Abernathy spared most of the hardships of, 7
Ralph Waldo Ellison during, 276
Richard Robert Wright’s banking operations during, 919
skulls used to study poor from, 176
W. E. B. Du Bois and, 249
Greatest, The (film), 17
Great Migration, 457, 615
effect on Harlem population, 785
Go Tell It on the Mountain on, 43
increasing black population in midwestern cities, 698
Richard Wright and, 917
struggles in urban environment, 544
Greatness of Christ and Other Sermons, The (Crummell), 199
“Great Pax Whitie, The” (poem; Giovanni), 342
Great White Hope, The (film), 454, 473
Green, Cora, 596
Green, Freddie, 53
Green, Jerome, 230
Green, John E., 211
Green, Lil, 104
Green, Paul, 574, 917
Green, Silas, 185, 860
Greenberg, Jack, 145
Greene, Belle da Costa, 352
Greene, Lorenzo J., 912
Greene, Roger, 351
Greene, Sheik Claude, murder of, 20
Greener, Richard Theodore, 350–352
Greenfield, Elizabeth Taylor, 352–354, 353
Greenlee, Gus, 68, 338, 461, 608
Green Pastures, The (film), 639
Green Pastures: The Walls of Jericho (sculpture; Barthé), 51
Greenwich Street Corporate Growth Fund, 350
Greenwich Village Follies of 1923 (musical), 596
Greer, Sonny, 271, 272
Gregorian chant influence on Billie Holiday, 406
Gregory, Wilton, 354, 354–355
Greif, Michael, 658
Gresham, Walter Q., 889
Grew, Joseph, 871
Gridiron Club, 732
Griffin, Merv, 552
Griffith, Clark, 338, 507
Griffith, Michael, 763
Griffith-Joyner, Florence, 355–357, 356, 727
Grimes, Lloyd “Tiny,” 650
Grimes, William, 357–358
Grimké, Angelina Emily, 359, 363
aunt of Francis Grimké, 363
Grimké, Angelina Weld, 358–360, 359
in The New Negro, 539
partly raised by Charlotte Forten Grimké, 363
published in Colored American, 412
and Sarah Douglass, 241
use of David Ruggles arguments, 736–737
Grimké, Archibald Henry, 360, 360–362
Grimké, Charlotte Forten, 361, 362–363
marriage to Francis Grimké, 363
Grimké, Francis James, 360, 361, 363–364
eulogy of Harriet Jacobs, 442
marriage to Charlotte L. Forten Grimké, 362
member of the American Negro Academy, 191
Grimké, Sarah Moore, 363
aunt of Archibald Henry Grimké, 360
aunt of Francis Grimké, 363
and Sarah Douglass, 241
Grimké, Sarah Stanley, 360
Gronniosaw, James Albert Ukawsaw, 364–365
Gross, Tabbs, 85
Grosz, George, 60
“Growing Disjunction between Legal Education and the Legal Profession, The” (Edwards), 267
Guarantee Photo Studio, 831
Guardian, 820
Guess, Raymond, 868
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? (film), 678
Guevara, Ernesto Che, 626
Guillén, Nicolás, 421
Guinea, People’s Revolutionary Republic of Guinea, 142
guitarists. See Music in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Guitar Playing (magazine), 232
Gulf War, Colin Powell and, 684–685
“Gully Low Blues” and scat singing, 30
Gunsulus Mystery, The (film; Micheaux), 591
Guralnick, Peter, 465
Gurdjieff, George Ivanovich, 818
Gurney, Henry, 365
Gustat, Joseph, 213
Guthrie, Woody, 522
Guy Mannering, 13
Guyot, Lawrence, 633
Guy-Sheftall, Beverly, 179
Gwendolyn B. Gordy Fund, 347
Gwynn, Bessie Taylor, 731
Hackett, Bobby, 30, 31
Hagan, Thomas, 554
Hagar (sculpture; Lewis), 530
Hagar’s Daughters: A Story of Southern Caste Prejudice (Hopkins), 412
Haggart, Bob, 30
Haggins, Robert, 655
Hagood, Kenny, 341
Haig, Al, 650
Hailey, George, 368
Haines Normal and Industrial Institute (Augusta, Georgia), 512
Hairston, Jacob C., 548
James T. Holly’s advocating emigration to, 408
John Mercer Langston consul general to, 514
Katherine Dunham in, 257
Lois Mailou Jones in, 475
Peter Williams Jr. in, 896
Richmond Barthé’s commission for the General Dessalines monument, 52
Haiti (Du Bois), 518
Haiti: A Study of the Educational System and Guide to US Placement (Simmons), 768
Halen, Eddie Van, 438
Haley, Alex, 367–368. See also Roots
influence of the Schomburg Collection on, 429
Haley, J. Evetts, 627
Half Past Autumn (film; Parks), 652, 655
Hall, Adelaide, 81, 772
Hall, George Cleveland, 889
Hall, Philmore “Shorty,” 339
Hallé, Charles, 85
Halpert, Edith, 519
Hamelle, Paul, 802
Hamer, Fannie Lou Townsend, 369, 369–370, 885
biography by June Jordan, 485
Eleanor Norton and, 633
friend of Unita Blackwell, 80
invitation to OAAU meeting, 554
Marian Edelman and, 265
and Mississippi Action for Community Education Inc., 80
and Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 611
portrait by Childress, 165
Hamilton, Charles V., 142
Hamilton, William, 834
Hammon, Briton, 370–371
Hammon, Jupiter, 371–372, 806
Hammond, John, 406
and Aretha Franklin, 311
and Billie Holiday, 406
giving Count Basie’s band national exposure, 53
and Mahalia Jackson, 436
Hampton, Fred, 760
Hampton, Lionel
Charles Mingus as sideman for, 597
on Ma Rainey, 698
Quincy Jones with band of, 478
Sidney Bechet’s influence on, 63
Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute (Hampton, Virginia)
Booker T. Washington at, 848
Robert Moton and, 613
William H. Sheppard enrolled at, 766
Hancock, Harris, 96
Hancock, Herbie
on The Dude album, 479
Miles Davis and, 214
Wynton Marsalis and, 558
“Handful of Keys” (Waller), 847
Handy, W. C, 282, 372–373
bust by Augusta Savage, 747
introduced as creator of jazz, 609
William Grant Still performing with, 791
Hanes, Bailey C., 671
Hankins, Frank, 316
“Hannah Byde” (West), 870
Hannegan, Robert E., 292
Hann’s Jubilee Singers, 771
Hanoi, Stokely Carmichael in, 142
Hansberry, Lorraine Vivian, 220, 373, 373–374. See also Raisin in the Sun, A
working with Lena Home on civil rights, 414
Hansberry, William Leo, 373
Hard, Darlene, 337
hard bop, Miles Davis and, 213
Hardin, Lillian. See Armstrong, Lil
Harding, Warren G., 109, 254, 418, 614
Hardman, Bill, 83
Hard Road to Glory, A (Ashe), 33
Hardwick, Otto “Toby,” 271
Harkness, Rebekah, 10
Harkness Ballet, 10
Harlan, John Marshall, 676
Harlan, Louis, 855
Harlem. See also Apollo Theatre; Cotton Club; Harlem Hospital; Harlem Renaissance
Abyssinian Baptist Church, base of Adam Clayton Powell, 680
Black Arts Repertory Theater-School, 48
Committee on Conditions in Harlem, 144
Edmond’s Cellar, Ethel Waters singing at, 858
Florence Mills in, 597
Harlem Artists Guild, 747
Harlem Art Workshop, Jacob Lawrence studying at, 518
Harlem Community Art Center, 747
Harlem Cultural Council
Jean Blackwell Hutson first president of, 429
Romare Bearden director of, 61
Harlem Experimental Theatre, 575
Harlem Newspaper Club, 376
“Harlem People’s Forum,” 379
Harlem School of the Arts Dance Department organized by Arthur Mitchell, 600
Harlem’s Own Cooperative, 38
Harlem Suitcase Theatre, 421
Harlem Youth Action Project, 4
Harlem Youth Council, 391
Harlem Youth Opportunities Unlimited (HARYOU), 171
Hoofers Club and Bill “Bojangles” Robinson, 718
June Jordan’s architectural redesign plan for, 484
Marcus Garvey’s move to, 329
Negro People’s Theatre, 575
Northside Center for Child Development, 170
People’s Committee led by Adam Clayton Powell, 681
riots of 1935, 391
Salon of Contemporary Negro Art, 747–748
street corner oratory of Hubert Henry
Harrison, 379
Studio Museum, 833
Elizabeth Catlett’s first solo exhibition, 152
Writers Guild, 27
Audre Lorde member of, 543
“Harlem (A Tone Parallel to Harlem)” (Ellington), 273
Harlem (journal), 814
Harlem (play, Thurman and Rapp), 814
Harlem: Negro Metropolis (McKay), 581, 596
“Harlem Air Shaft” (Ellington), 273
Harlem Book of the Dead (VanDerZee), 832
“Harlem Dancer, The” (McKay), 581
Harlem Hospital
Development Psychiatry Clinic, 521
improvements at, 138
Louis Tompkins Wright and, 915
Peter M. Murray’s staff privileges at, 621
Harlem Hospital Cancer Research Foundation, 915
Harlem Is Heaven (film), 718
Harlem Liberator (journal), 208
Harlem Nights (film), 690
Harlem on My Mind (1969 exhibition at Metropolitan Museum of Art), 833
Harlem Renaissance
Aaron Douglas illustrator of, 237
Alain Locke and, 539
Claude McKay inspirational force in, 581
Elmer Imes and, 431
photographs of James VanDerZee, 832
Rose McClendon and, 575
writers discovered by Jessie Redmon Fauset, 293
Harlem Shadows (McKay), 581
Harlem Song (musical), 345
Harlem-stride piano style, 52, 601
Eubie Blake’s influence on, 82
Harling, Frank, 574
Harmolodic Inc., 185
Harmon Foundation, 51, 162, 319, 421, 467, 475, 515, 679, 747, 792
Harmonia, Sojourner Truth living in, 821
Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 353, 374, 374–376
Harper, Michael S., 119
Harpers Ferry Raid. See also Brown, John
Frederick Douglass involved in preparation for, 239
James Madison Bell’s help with, 68
William Howard Day involved in preparations for, 219
Harper’s Weekly (magazine), 252
on Bill Pickett, 671
Harper’s Young People and Henry Ossawa
Tanner’s illustrations, 800
Harpo Productions, 905
Harriet Tubman, Conductor on the Underground Railroad (Petry), 669
Harriet Tubman Home for Aged and Indigent Colored People, 824
Harrington, Oliver W., 376–377
Bootsie cartoon, 376
Harris, Abram, 699
Harris, Barbara, 128, 377–379
Harris, Charlie, 181
Harris, Frank, 581
Harris, Ira, 71
Harris, James, 719
Harrison, Benjamin, 240
report on the Congo, 891–892
Harrison, Hubert Henry, 379, 379–380
mentor of Garvey and Randolph, 700
in the Socialist Party, 699
Harry Belafonte—Calypso, 65
Hart, Albert Bushnell
Carter G. Woodson studies with, 912
influence on W. E. B. Du Bois, 247
Hartack, Bill, 618
Hartford, Huntington, 99
Hartman, Johnny, 188
Harvard Crimson, 876
Harvard University
first African American to enter directly in graduate program, 314
Harold Amos at, 22
Harry T. Edwards at Harvard Law School, 267
William A. Hinton instructor at Harvard Medical School, 405
Haskins, Jim, 99
Haskins, Rosa, 628
Hastie, William Henry, 212, 380–382
noticing Robert L. Carter, 145
teaching at Howard, 170
Hastings, Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, 365
John Marrant ordained in chapel of, 556
Phillis Wheatley and, 872
Hatch, Gary, 313
Hate That Hate Produced, The (television documentary), 553
Hatza’ad Harishon (The First Step), 568
Hauling Rails (painting; Bannister), 47
“Haunted Town” (Home and Barnett), 413
Havens, Richie, 908
Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters’ First 100 Years (Delany and Delany), 224
Betsey Stockton in, 793
John Roy Lynch in, 548
Hawkins, Coleman
Duke Ellington and, 273
influence on Charlie Parker, 650
Louis Armstrong playing with, 29
Miles Davis and, 213
recording with Ma Rainey, 698
Sidney Bechet’s influence on, 63
Hawkins, Lottie. See Brown, Charlotte Eugenia Hawkins
Hawthorne, Charles, 466
Hayden, Palmer
Aaron Douglas and, 237
at Harlem Community Art Center with Augusta Savage, 747
Hayden, Robert Earl, 382–383
and William and Ellen Craft, 196
Hayden, Scott, 481
Hayes, Arthur Garfield, 456
Hayes, Catherine, 352
Hayes, Edgar, 340
Hayes, George E., 418
Hayes, Roland, 866
Hayes, Rutherford B., 240
Haygatherers (painting; Bannister), 47
Haynes, George Edmund, 705
Haynes, Lemuel, 383, 383–384
Haynes, Roy, 650
Haynsworth, Clement, 101
Hayton, Lennie, 414
Haywood, Anna Julia. See Cooper, Anna Julia Haywood
Haywood, “Big Bill,” 379
Hazard, Isaac, 454
Hazard, S., 556
Hazy Morning at Narragansett (painting; Tanner), 800
Healer, The (album), 409
of African Americans in the rural South, 676
Monroe Nathan Work’s interest in black health issues, 914
Robert Moton and improvement of African Americans’, 614
Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of, 288
Anna Arnold Hedgeman assistant director of Federal Security Agency, 390
Healy, Eliza, 384–385, 385, 387, 389
Healy, Hugh, 385
Healy, James Augustine, 384, 385–387, 386, 387, 389
Healy, (Amanda) Josephine, 387
Healy, Michael, 384, 385, 387, 387–388, 389
Healy, Patrick Francis, 384, 385, 387, 388, 388–389
Healy, (Alexander) Sherwood, 384, 387, 389
Hearst, William Randolph, 398
Hearth, Amy Hill, 225
Heart of a Women, The (Angelou), 27
Heart-Shape in the Dust (Hayden), 382
Hearts in Dixie (film), 294
Heath, Jimmy, 598
Heath, Percy, 83, 598
Heaven’s Christmas Tree (Tindley), 816–817
Hedgeman, Anna Arnold, 389–390
“Heebie Jeebies” and scat singing, 30
Hefti, Neal, 53
He Got Game (film; Spike Lee), 526
Height, Dorothy, 390–392, 532
Heilbut, Anthony, 437
Heir of Slaves (Pickens), 670
He Is Arisen (Bearden), 60
Held, Al, 690
Hellman, Lillian, 165
Hello, Dolly!, all-black version of
Cab Calloway in, 136
Pearl Bailey in, 37, 136
“Hello Dolly” (Armstrong), 30
Hello Paris (revue), 459
Helms, Jesse, 586
Hemings, Sally, 392–393
Hemingway, Ernest
at Bricktop’s nightclub, 99
influence on Albert Murray, 618
influence on Amiri Baraka, 48
Hemmenway, James, 454
Henderson, Fletcher. See also Fletcher Henderson Orchestra
Louis Armstrong’s influence on, 29
recording with Bessie Smith, 779
Henderson, Harry, 61
Henderson, Loy, 872
Hendrix, Jimi, 393–394
influence of Little Richard on, 537
Henning (Haley), 368
Henry, Andrew, 63, 729
Henry, Derrick, 630
Henry, Robert, 497
Henry, Warren, 401
Henry McDaniel Minstrel Show, 576
Henson, Josiah, 394–395
Henson, Matthew Alexander, 395–396, 691
Hentz, Caroline Lee, 414
Herbie Hancock Quartet (album), 558
Here, My Dear (album), 333
Here I Stand (Robeson), 716
HERE. . . . NOW (ballet; Jamison), 445
Herman, Mordecai, 302, 568
Hermit in America, The (Wain), 453
Herndon, Angelo, 396–398
Hero Ain’t Nothin’ but a Sandwich, A (Childress), 165
Hero and the Blues, The (Murray), 618
Heroes of the Eastern Shore (Bragg), 95
Heroic Slave, The (Douglass), 239
Herrick, Clarence Luther, 825
Herriman, George Joseph, 398–399
Krazy Kat comic strip, 398
Herskovits, Melville J.
Katherine Dunham and, 178, 257
in The New Negro, 539
tutor to Johnnetta Cole, 178
Heward, Hugh, 261
“Hey Joe” (song; Hendrix), 393
Hickerson, John, 291
Hickman, Louis C., 6
Hicks, John J., 137
“Hidden Race of Successful Blacks, The” (Whitaker and Cose), 876
Higginbotham, A. Leon, Jr., 399–400, 400
Eleanor Norton as clerk for, 633
support of Robert Weaver, 863
Higginbotham, J. C., 28
Higgins, Billy, 185
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 824
Higher Education and the Law (Edwards), 267
Highlander Folk School (Monteagle, Tennessee)
relocation of, 173
Rosa Parks at, 656
Septima Clark and, 172
High Point Community Band, 187
“High Wage of Prosperity, The” (Weaver), 862
“High Water Everywhere” (Patton), 661, 662
Highway 1, USA (Still), 792
Hill, Abram, 220, 638
Hill, Anita, 808–809
Hill, Arthur G., 34
Hill, Henry Aaron, 401–402
Hill, James, 120
John Roy Lynch and, 547
Hill, Lauryn, 312
Hill, Mary Elliott, 402–403
Hill, Oliver
student of Charles Hamilton Houston, 416
student of William Henry Hastie, 381
Hill, Thomas, 350
Hilltop (periodical), 170
Himes, Chester Bomar, 403, 403–404
on Oliver W. Harrington, 377
Richard Wright and, 917
Hindsman, Corrie M., 235
Hine, Darlene Clark, 786–787
Hines, Earl “Fatha”
and Dizzy Gillespie, 340
Earl Hines band, 650
influence on Nat King Cole, 180
Louis Armstrong and, 30
Sarah Vaughan in band of, 834
Hines, Gregory, 218
Hines, John, 444
Hingis, Martina, 898
Hinton, Charles L., 376
Hinton, William Augustus, 404–405
Hirt, Al, 558
His Own Where (Jordan), 485
HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I (album; Jackson), 438
History of Afro-American Artists from 1792 to the Present, A (Bearden and Henderson), 61
History of Colored Base Ball, The (White), 309
History of Photography (Newhall), 833
History of Rock and Roll (Quincy Jones), 479
History of the Afro-American Group of the Episcopal Church (Bragg), 96
History of the National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs, The: A Legacy of Service (Wesley), 867
History of the Negro Race in American from 1619 to 1880: Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens (Williams), 890
History of the Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion, 1861–1865, A (Williams), 890
History of the New York African Free-Schools (Andrews), 702
History of Western Massachusetts (Holland), 806
“Hitch Hike” (Gaye), 331
“Hit the Road Jack” (Mayfield), 157
Hobart, Henry, 895, 896
Hobbs, Elizabeth. See Keckly, Elizabeth Hobbs
Hobby, Oveta Culp, 264
Hobby, Oveta Gulp, 264
“Hobohemia” (Schuyler), 750
Hobson, Henry, 127
Hodges, Johnny, 273
and Duke Ellington, 272
John Coltrane playing with, 187
Sidney Bechet’s influence on, 63
Hoffman, Frederick L., 595
Hoffman, Lizzie, 888
Hoffman, Malvina, 52
Hogan, Carl, 72
Hogan, Ernest, 189
Holden, Steven, 526
Holder, Geoffrey, 506
Holder, Wesley McD. “Mac,” 167
Hold My Hand: Prayers for Building a Movement to Leave No Child Behind (Edelman), 266
Holiday, Billie, 405, 405–407
Bessie Smith’s influence on, 779
Ella Fitzgerald compared to, 296
Maya Angelou and, 27
Miles Davis and, 213
portrayed by Diana Ross, 347
singing with Count Basie, 53
Holiday, Clarence, 405
Holiness movement, Amanda Smith and, 777
Holland, Brian, 731
Berry Gordy and, 346
Holland, Eddie, 346, 731
Holland, Josiah Gilbert, 806
Holland, Marie, 23
Hollins, Jess, 258
Hollins, Tony, 408
Hollister, Alonzo G., 440
Hollowell, Donald, 488
Holly, James Theodore, 78, 407–408
Hollywood. See Film in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Hollywood Squares, 345
Hollywood Ten, Charlotta Bass support of, 56
Holmes, Eleanor Katherine. See Norton, Eleanor Holmes
Holmes, Hamilton, 488, 613
Holmes, John Haynes, 913
Holmes, Larry, 18
Holmes, Ruben, 730
Holty, Carl, 61
Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple, The (Ali), 20
Holy Mountain (painting; Pippin), 674
Holzer, Jenny, 55
Homage to My Young Black Sisters (Catlett), 153
Home (Baraka), 49
Homecoming, The (Wilson), 900
Homespun Heroines and Other Women of Distinction (Brown), 109
Homesteader, The (film; Micheaux), 591
Homesteader, The (novel; Micheaux), 591
“Homing of Ants, The: An Experimental Study of Ant Behavior” (Turner), 825
homosexuality. See also bisexuality
Amiri Baraka and, 48
of Audre Lorde, 543
of Bill T. Jones, 470
of James Baldwin, 42
of Lorraine Hansberry, 373
of Bayard Rustin, 742
of Wallace Thurman, 814
Honey and Rue (Morrison and Previn), 605
Hood, James, 613
Hook, Sidney, 539
Hooker, John Lee, 408–410
Hooks, Bell, 776
Hooks, Benjamin
Augustus Aaron White III and, 877
replacing Roy Wilkins as head of NAACP, 886
Hoover, Herbert, 3, 76, 174, 209, 418, 503, 590, 614, 880, 895
appointment of Nannie Helen Burroughs as chair of committee reporting on African American housing, 130
commission on educational problems in Haiti, 614
eviction of the Bonus Army, 590
Mary Jane McLeod Bethune involved in national government under, 76
opposed by the Defender, 3
Perry Wilbon Howard forced by administration to resign, 418
Hoover Institution, Condoleezza Rice and, 713
Hope, John, 249, 410, 410–411
influence on Howard Thurman, 813
John Hope Franklin named after, 314
recruiting Samuel M. Nabrit to teach at Morehouse, 623
Hope, Lugenia, 541
Hope of Liberty, The (Horton), 414
Hopkins, Arthur, 574
Hopkins, Claude, 40
Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 839
Hopkins, Pauline Elizabeth, 411–412
Hopkins Colored Troubadours, 411
Hopper, Isaac T., 737
Horizon (magazine)
edited by W. E. B. Du Bois, 248
first chapter of Invisible Man published in, 276
Hornaday, William, 642
Home, Frank, 880
Home, Lena, 412–414, 413, 577, 717
in Cabin in the Sky, 413, 859
in Stormy Weather, 136, 414, 718, 847
touring with Noble Sissle, 773
in The Wiz, 731
Horner, James, 158
Horn Players (mixed media; Basquiat), 55
Horse, John, 131
Horsefly (sculpture; Puryear), 691
horse racing. See also Sports in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown.
Cab Calloway and, 134
Horse Soldiers, The (film), 337
Horton, George Moses, 414–416
Horton, James, 757
Horton, Lester, 9, 10
Hosier, Harry, 21
Hosmer, Frank, 247
Hosmer, Harriet, 530
hospitals. See also Freedmen’s Hospital (Washington, DC); Harlem Hospital
difficulties of black physicians obtaining privileges at, 138
first black hospital in Columbia, S.C., 182
Louis Tompkins Wright opposed to black hospitals, 915
Hot Chocolates (musical), 30
Cab Calloway in, 135
Fats Waller’s score, 847
Lil Armstrong soloist in, 28
Louis Armstrong in, 30
moved from Connie’s Inn to Broadway, 847
Hotel Messenger (journal), 699
Hot Five recordings, 30
Hot Mikado, The (musical), 718
Hot Seven recordings, 30
Hot Spot, The (film), 409
Hotter than July (album; Wonder), 908
House, Eddie “Son,” Jr., 464
influence on Muddy Waters, 860
recording with Charley Patton, 662
House, Tom, 1
House behind the Cedars, The (film), 591
House behind the Cedars, The (novel; Chesnutt), 161, 591
household ministry
of Julia Foote, 301
of Zilpha Elaw, 269
House of Bondage, The (Albert), 11
House of Connelly (Green), 574–575
House of Flowers (musical)
Alvin Ailey in, 10
Arthur Mitchell in, 600
Carmen de Lavallade in, 10
Frederick Douglass O’Neal in, 639
Pearl Bailey in, 37, 37
black home ownership emphasized by the Saint Luke Penny Savings Bank, 845
discrimination and segregation
Charles Hamilton Houston and, 417
Home Protective Association founded by Charlotta Bass, 56
in Oklahoma, 258
Douglas Wilder’s fight for fair housing, 882
Executive Order banning racial
discrimination in federal housing programs, 863
fair housing movement
Robert Weaver leader of, 862
Shirley Chisholm and, 167
Low Income Housing Tax Credit (1986), 702
Paul Revere Williams and, 894
Robert Weaver and, 862
University Homes as first public housing for black people, 488
role of Robert L. Carter in legal cases, 145
Housing Act (1968), 863
Housing and Home Finance Agency (HHFA), 863
Housing and Urban Development, Department of (HUD), 863
Housing Authority, United States (USHA) Robert Weaver director of the office of race relations, 862
Houston, Charles Hamilton, 416–417, 565
mentor to Thurgood Marshall, 562
teaching at Howard, 170
William Henry Hastie joining law firm of, 381
work with the NAACP, 881
Houston, University of, 527
Houston, William L., 381
Houston Post (newspaper), 753
Hovenden, Thomas, 799
Howard, Edwin C. J. T., 447
Howard, Hayes, and Davis, 418
Howard, Hiram, 352
Howard, Michael, 297
Howard, Oliver Otis, 353, 918
Howard, Perry Wilbon, 417–419
Howard, Ronald, 761
Howard, Rosetta, 28
“Howard at Atlanta” (Whittier), 918
Howard Thurman Education Trust, 814
Howard University
Alain Locke on faculty of, 538
David Blackwell at, 79
Emmett Jay Scott top administrator at, 753
federal appropriations to, 463
Herman Branson commitment to improving science education, 96
Hildrus Poindexter teaching at, 676
J. Ernest Wilkins teaching at, 884
James A. Porter Gallery of African American Art, 680
James A. Porter head of Department of Art, 679–680
John Mercer Langston rejected as president of, 513
Kelly Miller dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, 594
Law Department founded by John Mercer Langston, 513
Law School, 416
Lucy Diggs Slowe dean of women, 775
Mordecai Johnson president of, 463
Toni Morrison in Howard University Players, 604
Women’s Student League, 775
How Come (show; Donald Heywood), 62
Howe, Darcus, 142
Howe, John Dicks, 671
Howe, Julia Ward, 736
Howells, William Dean, 161, 251–252
“How High the Moon” (Fitzgerald), 297
“How It Feels to Be Black” (essay; Parks), 655
Howlin’ Wolf. See Burnett, Chester
How to Eat to Live (Muhammad), 616
How to Succeed in Business without Being White (Graves), 350
Hub (newspaper), 361
Hubbard, Freddie, 83
Hubbard, William DeHart, 419
Hubbell, Webster, 489
Hucko, “Peanuts,” 30
Hudgins, Johnny, 773
Hudlin, Richard, 31
Huey P. Newton Story, The (Smith), 526
Huggins, Erika, 760
Huggins, Nathan, 814
Hughes, Charles Evans, 871
Hughes, James Langston. See Hughes, Langston
Hughes, John, 197
Hughes, Langston, 419–423, 420, 428
Aaron Douglas’s artwork for, 237
Alice Walker encouraged by, 840
Angelina Weld Grimké and, 360
Chester Himes’s friendship with, 403
on Claude McKay, 581
encouraging Amiri Baraka, 48
a founder of Fire!!, 426
Gwendolyn Brooks’s friendship with, 101
influence on
August Wilson, 899
Ossie Davis, 215
James Weldon Johnson mentor to, 456
Jean Blackwell Hutson’s meeting with, 428
and libretto of Troubled Island, 792
on Ma Rainey, 698
Moms Mabley and, 552
in The New Negro, 539
poem on Scottsboro Boys, 757
published in Challenge Magazine, 870
Ralph Waldo Ellison’s friendship with, 276
reaction to Jean Toomer’s Cane, 818
St. Clair Drake’s appreciation of, 244
Hughes, Louis, 423, 423–424
Hughes, Sarah Ann, 827
Hughes, Spike, 597
Hulei, Enrico, 281
Hull, Agrippa, 424–425
Humes, Helen, 53
Humphrey, Doris, 10
Hunt, Charles S., 359
Hunt, Ida Gibbs, 335
Hunt, Richard, 52
Hunt, William Henry, 335
Hunt, Wilson Price, 729
Hunter, Alberta, 235
accompanied by Fats Waller, 846
Lil Armstrong accompanying, 28
Hunter, Harold, 583
Hunter-Gault, Charlene, 488
Huntington, Collis P., 890
Huntley, Chet, 75
Hurnard, Robert, 59
Hurok, Sol, 23
Hurricane, The (film; Jewison), 853
Hurst, E. H., 611
Hurst, Fannie, 426
Hurston, Zora Neale, 256, 425–428, 426
advising Frederick Douglass O’Neal, 638
critical of Alain Locke, 539
Fast and Furious: A Colored Revue in 37 Scenes, 552
influence on Alice Walker, 840–841
Langston Hughes and, 421
Mule Bone, 421, 426
published in Challenge Magazine, 870
reaction to Jean Toomer’s Cane, 818
reading tour with Langston Hughes, 419
Sterling Brown compared to, 118
Hurt, James, Jr., 137
Hurt, John, 785
Hutson, Jean Blackwell, 428, 428–429
Hutton, Barbara, 99
Hutton, Bobby, 174, 760
Huzman, Walter, 145
Hyde Amendment (1976), 448
Hylan, John F., 608
Hyman, Flora “Flo,” 430–431
testimony in support of strengthening Title IX, 593
Hyman, Stanley Edgar, 277
Hymn (ballet; Jamison), 445
Iacocca, Lee, 755
I Always Wanted to Be Somebody (Gibson), 337
“I Am a Negro” (Williams), 895
I Am the Blues (Dixon), 234
Ibn Buhaina, Abdullah. See Blakey, Art
“I Can Put My Trust in Jesus,” 436
Ice Station Zebra (film), 116
Ickes, Harold
and Marian Anderson, 25
and Robert Weaver, 862
I Come for to Sing (Terkel’s program), 104
Idiocy and Its Treatment by the Physiological Method (Seguin), 85
I Dream a World: Portraits of Black Women Who Changed America (Lanker), 784
If Beale Street Could Talk (Baldwin), 44
If He Hollers Let Him Go (Himes), 404
“If We Must Die” (McKay), 581
“If You Just Keep Still” (W. M. F. Smith), 783
“If You See My Savior, Tell Him That You Saw Me,” 235
“I Have a Rendezvous with Life” (Cullen), 202
I Have Changed (Owens and Neimark), 645
“I Have Seen Black Hands” (Wright), 917
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (Angelou), 26
Cook County League of Women’s Clubs, 865
Cook County Physicians Association, 75
Gwendolyn Brooks poet laureate of, 102
Harold Washington state representative, 854
Legislative Black Caucus, 854
senate, Harold Washington elected to, 854
illustrations. See also cartoons
by Aaron Douglas, 236
by Lois Mailou Jones, 475
I Love Men (album; Kitt), 506
I Love Myself When I Am Laughing: A Zora Neale Hurston Reader, 841
Images of Dignity: The Drawings of Charles White, 560
“I Mean You” (Monk), 601
Imes, Elmer Samuel, 431–432
Nella Larsen’s marriage to, 514
Imhotep National Conference on Hospital Integration, 176
“I’m Just Wild about Harry” (Blake), 81
Imperceptible Mutabilities in the Third Kingdom (Parks), 657
Impulse Records, 188
In Abraham’s Bosom (Green), 574
In a Green Light (Walcott), 839
In a Minor Key: Negro Youth in Story and Fact (Reid), 706
In a Silent Way (album), 215
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: Written by Herself (Jacobs), 441, 442
In Dahomey (musical; Cook), 189, 887
Independence (newspaper), 316
Independent Order of Saint Luke, 845
Amanda Smith in, 777
Anna Arnold Hedgeman in, 390
Indianapolis Freeman, 789
Indian Shops, Gay Head (painting; Jones), 475
Indochina, Hildrus Poindexter in, 677
industrial arts
Ambrose Caliver believer in, 133
industrial education ascendance limiting to Edward Bouchet’s opportunities, 91
Industrial Business Council, 56
Industrial Cotton Centennial Exposition (New Orleans, 1884–1885)
exhibits, 120
industrial schools
Amanda Smith Industrial School for Girls (Harvey, Illinois), 777
Berean Manual Training and Industrial School, 182
Christ Church Parochial and Industrial School (Forrest City, AR), 229
Daytona Normal and Industrial Institute for Training Negro Girls founded by Mary McLeod Bethune, 76
Industrial School for Colored Girls, 845
Industrial School for Colored Girls (Marshalltown, DE), 254
Industrial School for Colored Girls (Norfolk, VA), 95
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
Hubert Henry Harrison and, 379
Lucy Parsons and, 659
I Never Had It Made (Robinson), 721
Infants of Spring, The (Thurman), 815
Ingram, James, 479
Ingredients in a Recipe for Soul (album), 157
Innervisions (album; Wonder), 908
Innis, Mignon, 302
In Old Kentucky (film), 294
In Old Kentucky (traveling minstrel show), 81
In Search of Buddy Bolden (Marquis), 87
In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens: Womanist Prose (Walker), 840
Inside Washington (television show), 733
“In Spirit and Truth: Black Catholic Reflections on the Order of the Mass” (Gregory), 355
Institute for Black American Music, 479
Institute for Man’s Harmonious Development, 818
Institute for Rural Preachers of Virginia, 450
Institute for Social Religious Research, 572
Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 79
Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences
Harold Amos in, 23
Herman Branson elected to, 97
Institute of the Nuclear Power Operations, 441
insurance for African Americans, 178, 283, 587, 764
“intercommunalism,” 626–627
Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African, The (Equiano), 278
Interior, Department of, Office of Negro Affairs, 862
International African Friends of Abyssinia (IAFA), 327
International African Service Bureau, 327
International Association for Statistics in Physical Sciences and the Bernouilli Society, 79
International Colored Unity League (ICUL), 380
International Conference on Non-Governmental Organizations of the United Nations, 144
International Congress of Women (London, 1899), 108
International Congress on African Art and Culture (1962), 680
International Convention of the Negro Peoples of the World (1920), 580
International Council of Women (Berlin, 1904), 805
International Council of Women of the Darker Races (ICWDR)
Maggie Lena Walker member of, 845
Margaret Murray Washington and, 856
Nannie Burroughs and, 130
International Criminal Court (ICC), 579
International Foundation for Education and Self-Help (IFESH), 798
International Labor Defense (ILD)
and Angelo Herndon’s case, 397
Lucy Parsons and, 659
International Library of Negro Life and History, The (Wesley), 867
International Migration Society, 827
International Motorsports Hall of Fame, 755
International Nuclear Regulators Association, 441
International Olympic Committee (IOC), 222
International Peace Congress (Paris, 1849), 120
International Print Society, 52
International Statistical Institute, 79
International Sunday School Association, 764
International Tennis Hall of Fame, 32
International Travelers Association, 448
International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), 578–579
international war crimes jurist. See McDonald, Gabrielle Kirk
Interracial Commission of Augusta, 512
Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization, 304
Inter State Tatler, 597
Interstellar Space (album; Coltrane), 188
In the Blood (Parks), 658
In the Matter of Color: Race and the American Legal Process, The Colonial Period (Higginbotham), 400
In the Mecca (Brooks), 101, 102
In the Spirit of Sojourner Truth (Jordan), 485
Introducing Dorothy Dandridge, 74
Intuitive Momentum (performance), 471
control system for traffic, 603
Eder-Berry gastrobiopsy scope, 74
Elijah McCoy’s lubricators for locomotives, 575–576
of Garrett Morgan, 602–603
gas mask, 603
of Granville T. Woods, 908–909
lasting machine, 570
Madame C. J. Walker’s improved hot comb, 843
pressing comb and iron for hair patented by Annie Malone, 555
sewing machine belt fastener, 602
Temple’s Toggle by Lewis Temple, 803–804
inventors. See Science in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Invincible (album; Jackson), 438
Invisible Man (Ellison), 276
“Invocation” (McKay), 581
loia Leroy (Harper), 375
Ipothia (sorority), 167
Iraq, Colin Powell and U.S. invasion of, 685
Amanda Berry Smith in, 777
Frederick Douglass in, 239
Henry Highland Garnet in, 325
Paul Nathaniel in, 662
Sarah Parker Remond in, 709
Tom Molyneaux in, 601
Irving, Washington, 729
Isaac Murphy Award, 618
Isaac Murphy Stakes, 618
Art Blakey’s conversion to, 83
H. Rap Brown’s conversion to, 107
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar conversion to, 5
Malcolm X’s move towards orthodox, 554
Island in the Sun (film)
Dorothy Dandridge in, 206
Harry Belafonte in, 66
Island Possessed (Dunham), 257
Isley Brothers, 393
I Spy (television series; Cosby), 194
alleged foreknowledge of September 11 attacks, 49
Bayard Rustin and, 742
Benjamin Jefferson Davis’s support for, 208
Benjamin O. Davis Sr. and, 209
Black Panther Party and, 626
Colin Powell and, 684
Marian Anderson in, 24
Ralph Bunche and, 126
Vernon Jordan in, 488
Wentworth Arthur Matthew and, 568
Israelite Counsel, 569
Israelite Rabbinical Academy, 569
Arthur Mitchell at Spoleto Festival of Two Worlds, 600
Barthé in, 52
Basquiat exhibiting in, 55
Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., in during World War II, 210
Bricktop’s clubs in Rome, 99
Edmonia Lewis in, 530
Edward Brooke in during World War II, 99
Ernest Everett Just work in, 492
Gregory Wilton studies in Rome, 354
Julian Francis Abele in, 6
Oliver W. Harrington war correspondent during World War II, 377
Sarah Parker Remond in, 709
“I Tried to Be a Communist” (Wright), 917
“It’s All Your Fault” (Blake, Sissle, and Nelson), 772
“It Should Have Been Me,” 156
“It’s Tight Like That,” 235
“I’ve Got a Woman” (Ray Charles), 156
Ivory Coast, Marian Edelman in, 265
I Want to Tell You: My Response to Your Letters, Your Messages, Your Questions (Simpson), 770
I Want You (album), 332–333
“I Was Looking at the Ceiling and Then I Saw the Sky” (libretto; Jordan), 485
I Wonder as I Wander (Hughes), 422
I Wouldn’t Take Nothin’ for My Journey (Berry), 75
“Jack in the Pot” (West), 871
Jackson, Blyden, 451
Jackson, David, 730
Jackson, Emory O., 629
Jackson, George, 207
Jackson, Jacqueline, 763
Jackson, Janet, 136, 761
Jackson, Jesse L. Sr., 433, 433–435
on C. L. Franklin, 313
critical of Clarence Thomas, 808
eulogy of Sugar Ray Robinson, 727
Hank Aaron work with, 2
Louis Farrakhan and presidential campaign, 289
mentor and role model to Al Sharpton, 763
Ron Brown in 1988 presidential campaign of, 117
on Roy Wilkins, 886
on Walter Payton, 666
Jackson, Jonathan, 207
Jackson, Mahalia, 435, 435–437
Bessie Smith’s influence on, 779
influence on Aretha Franklin, 311
Jackson, Maynard, 923
Jackson, Michael, 437–439
on The Dude, 479
Oprah Winfrey and, 906
in The Wiz, 731
Jackson, Papa Charlie, 104, 446
Jackson, Rebecca Cox, 439–440
Jackson, Shirley Ann, 440, 440–441
Jackson, Tony, 608, 609
Jackson Five, 347, 437
Jackson Movement, Medgar Evers and, 283
Jackson State University, 665
Jacksonville Daily Union (newspaper), 306
Jacob, John, 926
Jacobs, Harriet, 441–443
Jacobs, “Little Walter,” 861
using Big Willie Dixon’s songbook, 234
Jacobs, Mike, 544
Jacobs Free School, 442
Jacobson, Walter, 854
Jacques, Amy, 327. See also Garvey, Amy Euphemia Jacques
Jacquet, Illinois, 53
Jaffa, Arthur, 561
“J’ai deux amours” (Baker), 40
George Liele in, 534
Nancy Prince in, 688
Jamaica (musical), 10, 414
“Jamaica Farewell” (Belafonte), 66
James, Daniel, Jr., 443–444
James, Elmore, 464, 860
James, William, 247
James A. Porter, Artist and Art Historian: The Memory of the Legacy, 680
James A. Porter Inaugural Colloqium on African American Art, 680
James Brown and the Famous Flames, 111, 111
Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition Negro Pavilion, Meta Fuller’s commission for, 319
James VanDerZee Institute, 833
Jamison, Judith, 444–445
on Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, 11
Cry (ballet; Ailey) created for, 9
in Harkness Ballet, 10
Wynton Marsalis collaboration with, 559
Japan, Flora Hyman in, 430
Jarrett, Keith, 83
Javier, Julian, 299
Jaxon, Frankie “Half Pint,” 28
Jay McShann Orchestra, 650
importance of Wynton Marsalis in artistic validation of, 559
influence of early jazz on Lead Belly, 521
Langston Hughes’s poetry recorded with jazz, 420
Jazz (Morrison), 605
Jazz (PBS series), 559
“Jazz at Lincoln Center,” 618
Jazz at the Philharmonic (JATP) programs
Charlie Parker with, 650
Dizzy Gillespie and, 341
Ella Fitzgerald and, 297
Jazz Cleopatra: Josephine Baker in Her Time (Rose), 42
Jazz Dance (Stearns), 510, 718
Jazz Messengers, 83, 558
jazz musicians and singers. See Music in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Jazz Soul of Little Stevie (album; Wonder), 907
Jazz Workshop Ine, 598
Jeb (play; Ardrey), 216, 220, 220
“Jeep’s Blues” (Hodges), 273
Jefferson, Blind Lemon, 445–446, 446
August Wilson’s play based on death of, 900
influence on
B. B. King, 497
John Lee Hooker, 409
Lead Belly, 522
Jefferson, Mildred Fay, 447–448
Jefferson, Thomas, 120, 199, 410, 729, 780, 789
exchange of letters with Benjamin Banneker, 45
Notes on the State of Virginia, 842
and Sally Hemings, 392–393
Jeffries, Jim, 455, 802
Jekyll, Walter, 580
Jemison, Mae, 448–450, 449
Jemison Group Inc., 449
Jenkins, Esau, 172
Jenkins, Gordon, 181
Jennie (Jones), 475
Jeremiah the Magnificent (play, Thurman and Rapp), 815
Jersey (prison ship), James Forten on, 305
Jesse: A Spiritual Autobiography (Owens and Neimark), 645
Jesse Jackson Show, The (television show), 478
Jesse Owens National Youth Games, 355
Jesuit, Patrick Healy as, 388
Jesup, Thomas, and Second Seminole War, 131, 132
Jesus and the Disinherited (Thurman), 813
Jet (magazine), 4, 458, 892
Jewison, Norman, 852
Jews, African American, 568–569
Jim Brown All American (documentary; Spike Lee), 526
Jim Crow. See also lynching; segregation
active resistance to in sit-in movement, 265
in Arkansas, 57
Bessie Coleman and, 183
Billie Holiday facing, 406
challenged by Charlotte Eugenia Hawkins Brown, 106
Constance Baker Motley and, 612
Democrats and, 208
effect on Benjamin Jefferson Davis, 209
Emmett Louis Till and, 815
Francis James Grimké and, 363, 364
James Edward Shepard reaction to, 764
James Meredith and, 585
Josephine Baker and, 41
migration as answer to, 93, 609, 781
narrowing professional options for African American educators, 540
Sadie Delany and, 225
Jim Crow’s Last Stand (Hughes), 422
Jimi Hendrix Experience, 393
“Jimmy!” (Baraka), 49
Jimmy James and the Blue Flames, 393
Jitney (play; Wilson), 900, 901
Jitterbug (Johnson), 467
Joachim, Joseph, 189
Jobete (music publishing company), 346
jockeys. See Sports in Index of Subjects by Category or Area of Renown
Joe Porter’s Serenaders, 772
Joe’s Bed-Stuy Barbershop: We Cut Heads (film; Lee), 525
Joe Turner’s Come and Gone (play; Wilson), 900
Joey Bishop Show, The, 310
Joffrey, Robert, 10
John Brown (Du Bois), 248
John Butler Dance Theater, 600
John Coltrane Quartet, 188
John Henry (Bradford), 446
John Henry (musical), 741
“John Henry, Black River Giant” (radio series), 575
John Hope Franklin Center for Interdisciplinary and International Studies, 315
John Jago’s Ghost (Collins), 384
John Mercer Langston Law Club, 15
“Johnny B. Goode” (Chuck Berry), 72
Johnny Jones’s Arabian Tent Orchestra, 135
“John Redding Goes to Sea” (Hurston), 426
John Reed Club, Richard Wright joining, 917
Johns, Elizabeth Dewy, 244
Johns, Vernon Napoleon, 450–451
Johnson, Andrew
criticism by Frederick Douglass, 240
ridiculed by James Madison Bell, 69
Johnson, Ben, 308, 356, 357, 527
Johnson, Budd, 341
Johnson, Bunk, 62
Johnson, Charles, 893
Johnson, Charles Spurgeon, 451–452
Ira De Augustine Reid work with, 705–706
Katherine Dunham and, 257
and launching of Opportunity, 472
in The New Negro, 539
published in the Messenger, 699
Johnson, Francis, 452–454
sheet music for “Boone Infantry Brass Band Quick Step,” 453
Johnson, Fredi, 596
Johnson, George, 591
Johnson, Georgia Douglas
Angelina Weld Grimké at literary gatherings of, 360
inspired by William and Ellen Craft, 197
Johnson, Hallie Tanner Dillon, 182
Johnson, Helene, 870
Johnson, Hinton, 553
Johnson, J. J., 53, 332, 598
Johnson, Jack, 454–455, 544
Major Taylor compared to, 802
Johnson, James P., 52, 81, 846, 847
influence on the Harlem stride-piano school, 82
Johnson, James Weldon, 456–457, 458
Aaron Douglas hired by, 237
bust by Augusta Savage, 747
on Claude McKay, 581
on Clef Club, 281
on Dixie to Broadway, 596
encouraging Langston Hughes, 420
inspiration to Roy Wilkins, 884
unhelpful to Gwendolyn Brooks, 101
Walter White and, 880
William Pickens assistant to at NAACP, 670
on Will Marion Cook, 189
Will Marion Cook teaming with, 189
Johnson, John, 457–458
supporting Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court, 808
Johnson, Johnny, 72, 73
Johnson, John Rosamond, 456, 458–459
member of The Frogs, 887
performed at “Symphony of Negro Music,” 281
Will Marion Cook teaming with, 189
Johnson, Joshua, 459–460
portrait by, 459
Johnson, Judy, 337, 460, 460–462
playing for the Pittsburgh Crawfords, 647
Johnson, Lonnie, 497
Johnson, Louis, 599
Johnson, Louise, 662
Johnson, Lyndon B., 170, 265, 381, 399, 535, 552, 742, 877
Carl Rowan as director of U.S. Information Agency, 732
Damon Keith to the federal bench, 494
Henry Aaron Hill to National Commission on Product Safety, 401
Samuel Nabrit to the Atomic Energy Commission, 623
Barbara Jordan and, 483, 484
Edward Brooke and, 100
and Great Society, 863
and National Foundation for the Arts and Humanities, 639
preventing television coverage of Fanny Lou Hamer, 80
Robert Weaver’s and, 732, 863
Roy Wilkins and, 885
supportive of Opportunities Industrialization Centers, 797
Thurgood Marshall and, 564, 565, 732
use of theme song of Hello, Dolly!, 37
Vernon Jordan and, 488
Whitney Moore Young and, 926
Johnson, Magic, 5, 487
Johnson, Mamie “Peanut,” 796
Johnson, Margaret, 63
Johnson, Mordecai Wyatt, 462, 462–463
appointment of Howard Thurman, 813
and Benjamin E. Mays, 572
Charles Drew and, 245
president of Howard University, 176
Johnson, Nobel, 591
Johnson, Paul, 80
Johnson, R. Walter, 857
Johnson, Reginald, 893
Johnson, Reverdy, 752
Johnson, Robert, 463–465
influence on
Jimi Hendrix, 393
Muddy Waters, 860
Johnson, Robert L., 465–466
Johnson, Robert Walter, 31, 335
Johnson, Tommy, 661
Johnson, William H., 466–467
portrait by, 466
on staff at Harlem Community Art Center, 747
Johnson, William Julius. See Johnson, Judy
Johnson, William Manuel, 637
Johnson-Brown, Hazel, 467–469, 468
Johnson Gospel Singers, 435
Johnson Publishing Company, 458, 811
Johnson-Seale, Leslie M., 760
John Wesley Church (New Haven, CT), 834
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies (Washington, DC), 434
Sharon Kelly house counsel for, 496
Jo Jo Dancer, Your Life Is Calling (film), 690
Jolly’s Progress, 505
Jonah’s Gourd Vine (Hurston), 427
Jones, Absalom, 469, 469–470
Julian Abele descendant of, 6
and place of worship for Philadelphia African Americans, 21
on stained glass window at Grace Church in Vineyardhaven, Mass, 127
Jones, Addison. See Nigger Add
Jones, Bill T., 470, 470–472, 605
Jessye Norman and, 630
Jones, Bobby, 911
Jones, Doug, 1
Jones, Edith Irby, 270
Jones, Electa F., 425
Jones, Elvin, 188
Jones, Etta, 205