Hachette Book Group
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Text © 2019 by Rick Steves’ Europe, Inc. All rights reserved.
Maps © 2019 by Rick Steves’ Europe, Inc. All rights reserved.
First Edition. First printing March 2019.
eISBN: 978-1-64171-066-4
ISBN 978-1-64171-167-8
For the latest on Rick’s talks, guidebooks, tours, public television series, and public radio show, contact Rick Steves’ Europe, 130 Fourth Avenue North, Edmonds, WA 98020, 425/771-8303, www.ricksteves.com, rick@ricksteves.com.
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Rick Steves’ Europe
Managing Editor: Jennifer Madison Davis
Assistant Managing Editor: Cathy Lu
Special Publications Manager: Risa Laib
Editors: Glenn Eriksen, Julie Fanselow, Tom Griffin, Suzanne Kotz, Rosie Leutzinger, Teresa Nemeth, Jessica Shaw, Carrie Shepherd
Editorial & Production Assistant: Megan Simms
Editorial Intern: Maddy Smith
Researcher: Rosie Leutzinger
Contributors: Cameron Hewitt, Gene Openshaw
Graphic Content Director: Sandra Hundacker
Maps & Graphics: David C. Hoerlein, Lauren Mills, Mary Rostad
Digital Asset Coordinator: Orin Dubrow
Avalon Travel
Senior Editor and Series Manager: Madhu Prasher
Editors: Jamie Andrade, Sierra Machado
Copy Editor: Maggie Ryan
Proofreader: Patrick Collins
Indexer: Stephen Callahan
Production & Typesetting: Christine DeLorenzo, Lisi Baldwin, Jane Musser
Cover Design: Kimberly Glyder Design
Maps & Graphics: Kat Bennett, Mike Morgenfeld
Front Cover: © Minnystock | Dreamstime.com
Title page: © Dominic Arizona Bonuccelli
Additional Photography: Dominic Arizona Bonuccelli; Ben Cameron; Lee Evans; Trish Feaster; Tim Frakes; Lisa Friend; Cameron Hewitt; David C. Hoerlein; Sandra Hundacker; Gene Openshaw; Carrie Shepherd; Robyn Stencil; Rick Steves; Gretchen Strauch; Ian Watson. Wikimedia Commons—PD-Art/PD-US. Photos are used by permission and are the property of the original copyright owners.
Although every effort was made to ensure that the information was correct at the time of going to press, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss or damage caused by errors, omissions, lederhosen chafing, or any potential travel disruption due to labor or financial difficulty, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.