Hungarian Horntail Cocktail
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Nutrition facts (per serving): 112 cal (2g fat, 4 protein, 3g fiber)
Beat the heat and try the famous Hungarian horntail cocktail with the hints of ginger beer. The combination is super refreshing and healthy.
Ingredients (2 servings)
Simple spiced syrup
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of water
3 whole cardamom pods
5 whole cloves
5 whole allspice
2 whole star anise
Hungarian Horntail
2 ounces plum brandy
½-ouncessimple spiced syrup
Ginger beer, to fill the glass
Mix all the simple syrup ingredients in a saucepan and cook for almost 5 minutes on medium-low heat. Leave it for 15 minutes, then strain and allow it to cool. Shake the brandy with spice syrup in a cocktail shaker and serve with ginger beer. Enjoy.