
Polynomials over a Field

C.1 Introduction

We will investigate polynomials over a field K and show that they have many properties that are analogous to properties of the integers. These results play an important role in obtaining canonical forms for a linear operator T on a vector space V over K.

C.2 Ring of Polynomials

Let K be a field. Formally, a polynomial of f over K is an infinite sequence of elements from K in which all except a finite number of them are 0:


(We write the sequence so that it extends to the left instead of to the right.) The entry ak is called the kth coefficient of f. If n is the largest integer for which an ≠ 0, then we say that the degree of f is n, written


We also call an the leading coefficient of f, and if an = 1 we call f a monic polynomial. On the other hand, if every coefficient of f is 0 then f is called the zero polynomial, written f = 0. The degree of the zero polynomial is not defined.

Now if g is another polynomial over K, say


then the sum f + g is the polynomial obtained by adding corresponding coefficients. That is, if mn, then


Furthermore, the product fg is the polynomial


that is, the kth coefficient ck of fg is


The following theorem applies.

THEOREM C.1:  The set P of polynomials over a field K under the above operations of addition and multiplication forms a commutative ring with a unit element and with no zero divisors—an integral domain. If f and g are nonzero polynomials in P, then deg (fg) = (deg f) (deg g).


We identify the scalar a0K with the polynomial


We also choose a symbol, say t, to denote the polynomial


We call the symbol t an indeterminant. Multiplying t with itself, we obtain


Thus, the above polynomial f can be written uniquely in the usual form


When the symbol t is selected as the indeterminant, the ring of polynomials over K is denoted by


and a polynomial f is frequently denoted by f(t).

We also view the field K as a subset of K[t] under the above identification. This is possible because the operations of addition and multiplication of elements of K are preserved under this identification:


We remark that the nonzero elements of K are the units of the ring K[t].

We also remark that every nonzero polynomial is an associate of a unique monic polynomial. Hence, if d and d are monic polynomials for which d divides d and d divides d, then d = d. (A polynomial g divides a polynomial f if there is a polynomial h such that f = hg:)

C.3 Divisibility

The following theorem formalizes the process known as “long division.”

THEOREM C.2  (Division Algorithm): Let f and g be polynomials over a field K with g ≠ 0. Then there exist polynomials q and r such that


where either r = 0 or deg r < deg g.

Proof: If f = 0 or if deg f < deg g, then we have the required representation


Now suppose deg f ≥ deg g, say


where an, bm ≠ 0 and nm. We form the polynomial


Then deg f1 < deg f. By induction, there exist polynomials q1 and r such that


where either r = 0 or deg r < deg g. Substituting this into (1) and solving for f,


which is the desired representation.

THEOREM C.3:  The ring K[t] of polynomials over a field K is a principal ideal ring. If I is an ideal in K[t], then there exists a unique monic polynomial d that generates I, such that d divides every polynomial fI.

Proof. Let d be a polynomial of lowest degree in I. Because we can multiply d by a nonzero scalar and still remain in I, we can assume without loss in generality that d is a monic polynomial. Now suppose f ∈ I an bm. By Theorem C.2 there exist polynomials q and r such that


Now f, dI implies qd ∈ I; and hence, r = f qd ∈ I. But d is a polynomial of lowest degree in I. Accordingly, r = 0 and f = qd; that is, d divides f. It remains to show that d is unique. If d is another monic polynomial that generates I, then d divides d and d divides d. This implies that d = d, because d and d are monic. Thus, the theorem is proved.

THEOREM C.4:  Let f and g be nonzero polynomials in K[t]. Then there exists a unique monic polynomial d such that (i) d divides f and g; and (ii) d divides f and g, then d divides d.

DEFINITION: The above polynomial d is called the greatest common divisor of f and g. If d = 1, then f and g are said to be relatively prime.

Proof of Theorem C.4. The set I = {mf + ng | m, nK [t]} is an ideal. Let d be the monic polynomial that generates I. Note f, g ∈ I; hence, d divides f and g. Now suppose d divides f and g. Let J be the ideal generated by d. Then f, gJ, and hence, I ⊂ J. Accordingly, dJ and so d divides d as claimed. It remains to show that d is unique. If d1 is another (monic) greatest common divisor of f and g, then d divides d1 and d1 divides d. This implies that d = d1 because d and d1 are monic. Thus, the theorem is proved.

COROLLARY C.5:  Let d be the greatest common divisor of the polynomials f and g. Then there exist polynomials m and n such that d = mf + ng. In particular, if f and g are relatively prime, then there exist polynomials m and n such that mf + ng = 1.

The corollary follows directly from the fact that d generates the ideal


C.4 Factorization

A polynomial pK[t] of positive degree is said to be irreducible if p = fg implies f or g is a scalar.

LEMMA C.6:    Suppose pK[t] is irreducible. If p divides the product fg of polynomials f, gK[t], then p divides f or p divides g. More generally, if p divides the product of n polynomials f1 f2fn, then p divides one of them.

Proof. Suppose p divides fg but not f. Because p is irreducible, the polynomials f and p must then be relatively prime. Thus, there exist polynomials m, nK[t such that mf + np = 1. Multiplying this equation by g, we obtain mfg + npg = g. But p divides fg and so mfg, and p divides npg; hence, p divides the sum g = mfg + npg.

Now suppose p divides f1 f2 fn: If p divides f1, then we are through. If not, then by the above result p divides the product f2 fn: By induction on n, p divides one of the polynomials f2, … fn: Thus, the lemma is proved.

THEOREM C.7:  (Unique Factorization Theorem) Let f be a nonzero polynomial in K[t] : Then f can be written uniquely (except for order) as a product


where k ∈ K and the pi are monic irreducible polynomials in K[t].

Proof: We prove the existence of such a product first. If f is irreducible or if f ∈ K, then such a product clearly exists. On the other hand, suppose f = gh where f and g are nonscalars. Then g and h have degrees less than that of f. By induction, we can assume


where k1, k2K and the gi and hj are monic irreducible polynomials. Accordingly,


is our desired representation.

We next prove uniqueness (except for order) of such a product for f. Suppose


where k, kK and the p1, … , pn, q1; … ; qm are monic irreducible polynomials. Now p1 divides kq1 … qm: Because p1 is irreducible, it must divide one of the qi by the above lemma. Say p1 divides q1. Because p1 and q1 are both irreducible and monic, p1 = q1. Accordingly,


By induction, we have that n = m and p2 = q2, … ; pn = qm for some rearrangement of the qi. We also have that k = k. Thus, the theorem is proved.

If the field K is the complex field C, then we have the following result that is known as the fundamental theorem of algebra; its proof lies beyond the scope of this text.

THEOREM C.8:  (Fundamental Theorem of Algebra) Let f(t) be a nonzero polynomial over the complex field C. Then f(t) can be written uniquely (except for order) as a product


where k, ri ∈ C—as a product of linear polynomials.

In the case of the real field R we have the following result.

THEOREM C.9:  Let f(t) be a nonzero polynomial over the real field R. Then f(t) can be written uniquely (except for order) as a product


where kR and the pi(t) are monic irreducible polynomials of degree one or two