List of Symbols

A = [aij, matrix, 27

Ā = [āij], conjugate matrix, 38

|A|, determinant, 266, 270

A*, adjoint, 379

AH, conjugate transpose, 38

AT, transpose, 33

A+, Moore–Penrose inverse, 420

Aij, minor, 271

A(I, J), minor, 275

A(V), linear operators, 176

adj A, adjoint (classical), 273

A ~ B, row equivalence, 72

A Images B, congruence, 362

C, complex numbers, 11

Cn, complex n-space, 13

C[a, b, continuous functions, 230

C(f), companion matrix, 306

colsp (A), column space, 120

d(u, υ), distance, 5, 243

diag(a11,…, ann), diagonal matrix, 35

diag(A11,…, Ann), block diagonal, 40

det(A), determinant, 270

dim V, dimension, 124

{e1,…, en}, usual basis, 125

Ek, projections, 386

f : AB, mapping, 166

F(X), function space, 114

G ° F, composition, 175

Hom(V, U), homomorphisms, 176

i, j, k, 9

In, identity matrix, 33

Im F, image, 171

J(λ), Jordan block, 331

K, field of scalars, 112

Ker F, kernel, 171

m(t), minimal polynomial, 305

Mm,n, m × n matrices, 114

n-space, 5, 13, 229, 242

P(t), polynomials, 114

Pn(t), polynomials, 114

proj(u, υ), projection, 6, 236

proj(u, V), projection, 237

Q, rational numbers, 11

R, real numbers, 1

Rn, real n-space, 2

rowsp (A), row-space, 120

S, orthogonal complement, 233

sgn σ, sign, parity, 269

span(S), linear span, 119

tr(A), trace, 33

[T]S, matrix representation, 197

T*, adjoint, 379

T-invariant, 329

Tt, transpose, 353

||u||, norm, 5, 13, 229, 243

[u]s, coordinate vector, 130

u · υ, dot product, 4, 13

Imagesu, υImages, inner product, 228, 240

u × υ, cross product, 10

uυ, tensor product, 398

u ^ υ, exterior product, 403

uυ, direct sum, 129, 329

V ≊ U, isomorphism, 132, 171

V ⊗ W, tensor product, 398

V*, dual space, 351

V**, second dual space, 352

Λr V, exterior product, 403

W0, annihilator, 353

Images, complex conjugate, 12

Z(υ, T), T-cyclic subspace, 332

δij, Kronecker delta, 37

Δ(t), characteristic polynomial, 296

λ, eigenvalue, 298

Σ, summation symbol, 29