All writers know that it takes a team to turn a manuscript into a book, and my heartfelt thanks go to HarperCollins' Executive Publisher Kimberley Young, Publisher Charlotte Ledger, Editor Ajebowale Roberts; and all the talented people at One More Chapter. A particular thank you also to Sarah Khan and Dushi Horti. A thank you shoutout for the cover design goes to Senior Designer Lucy Bennett.
There is another bunch of people whose support I can always count on, and I’d like to thank them too. My husband, my mum, my dad, my daughters, my son-in-law, my brothers, my aunties, and my two favourite readers - my cousin and my sister-in-law.
That’s almost all! Except finally, I’d like to send much love to all the lovely romance readers, and to the wonderful romance writing community. Without you there would be no romance books, and the book world would be a lot less fun. So, thank you for being there!