IN ADDITION TO the prompts included with the scenarios we outlined earlier, here are some other general prompts you can use in starting and continuing small talk. Remember to keep your small talk simple and keep it real. Try any of the following lines and questions (listed in no particular order) as appropriate, and at your discretion. Some are surface starter lines, while others are good probing questions that you can use as you get further along in conversation or a relationship. Remember: use your observation skills, sense of curiosity, and specific knowledge to stimulate small talk.

Images “It’s a beautiful day. Aren’t you glad to be out enjoying it?”

Images “What are you reading?”

Images “What movies have you seen lately?”

Images “What’s your favorite food?”

Images “What kind of music do you enjoy?”

Images “What traits do you most admire in men/women?”

Images “What’s on your to-do list before you die?”

Images “Is there a talent that you wish you had?”

Images “What are some of your favorite movies?”

Images “What has been your proudest moment?”

Images “Who do you think had a really great (or well-lived) life?”

Images “I can’t wait for spring. What’s your favorite time of year?”

Images “I just read about a ______ [fill in the description]. What is your favorite invention or gadget?”

Images “What do you like to do in your downtime?”

Images “What kind of work do you do? Do you enjoy it?”

Images “What’s your dream job?”

Images “Do you go to hear speakers very often?”

Images “Isn’t this a nice party?”

Images “It was so thoughtful of ______ [fill in the name] to organize this event. I’m really enjoying it.”

Images “If you could live somewhere else, where would you live?”

Images “Name some adjectives that you think best describe you.”

Images “Who in your life is most important to you?”

Images “Do you have a hero?”

Images “Do tell…what’s your most embarrassing moment?”

Images “Do you have the time?”

Images “Great hairstyle. Where do you go to get it done?”

Images “You had a little rush there. Is it always so busy?” (to a shop owner/employee)

Images “I love your store. Where do you find such beautiful things?”

Images “Where did you grow up?”

Images “What is your idea of bliss?”

Images “What would you do with a million dollars?”

Images “I overheard your interesting conversation. It made me think of…” or “I think that you’re right…” or “Is that true?” (Good prompt for those times you are in line, waiting at a doctor’s office, sitting next to people at a social or entertainment event, etc. If you find what others have to say of interest, decide whether it is appropriate to join in on the conversation.)

Images “This weather is gloomy. How do you cope with all the rain?”

Images “Beautiful dog. What is the breed?”

Images “I’ve never bought loose tea before. Could you explain the differences in your green teas?”

Images “I’ve been watching you and am fascinated. What are you doing? It looks interesting.”


Images Food

Images Hobbies

Images Films

Images Books

Images Sports

Images Travel

Images Interesting articles

Images Current news

Images What’s “hot” or “in”


Images Politics

Images Religion

Images Medical problems

Images Marriage concerns

Images Relationship concerns

Images Child problems