I wish to thank my mum and dad for their support in all things.

Professor David Fraser encouraged me to apply for the Cornell Leadership Program for Veterinary Students, long ago. He could not have imagined that a tour through the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute in Infectious Diseases in Maryland, and my reading and research while at Cornell University, would inspire me to write fiction.

The American-Australian Fulbright Association provided me with a scholarship which enabled me to study for a Masters of Fine Arts in Writing at Sarah Lawrence College, where Peter Cameron, Joshua Henkin, Mary LaChapelle and Joan Silber were always encouraging.

Peter Carey was persistent enough to show me that sows’ ears could be turned into silk purses with application and considerable effort.

The manuscript benefited from the attention of many readers. These included Delia Falconer through the Australian Society of Authors Mentorship Program and Peter Bishop from Varuna, who read early drafts. For support and feedback, I must thank Yasmin Dalisay, Alistair Ong, Loretta Re, Kevin Reardon, Susanna Riordan, Mary Maloney, Michelle Wildgen and Claudia Zuluaga. Colleagues (past and present) at the Australian National University gave me faith in the opening pages of the book: Adrian Caesar, Melinda Harvey, Julieanne Lamond, Monique Rooney and Russell Smith. Tom Flood prevented me from dropping the manuscript in the recycling, and urged me to persist.

Writing students at Purchase College SUNY, John Jay College CUNY, New York University and the Australian National University taught me at least as much as I taught them.

Professor Gail Jones imparted wisdom.

Professor Yvonne Patterson gave advice on virology and immunology. Any errors in the novel’s portrayal of 1940s–1950s microbiology are mine.

P.J. Mark deserves thanks for his patience.

I am grateful to Penny Hueston, my editor at Text, for her enlightened suggestions and for putting up with me.

I owe an enormous debt to Michael Heyward. Without his insight, the manuscript could never have become a book.

To James, Grace and Tom: thank you for enduring several long years of my devotion to this imaginary world.