Many thanks to my editor Francesca Liversidge for the enthusiasm and warmth she has shown to me and to Barefoot Over Stones and to Jessica Broughton and Joanne Williamson for all their help. Thanks to my publisher Eoin McHugh and Lauren Hadden, my lovely future editor, for being so good at what you do. It is a pleasure to work with you both. Sincerest thanks to the Gill Hess team, Simon Hess, Eamon Doran and Nigel Carr in sales and to Declan Heeney and Helen Gleed O’Connor in publicity for all you hard work on my behalf. Thank you to all the great booksellers who supported a new name and got behind Barefoot Over Stones. I wish to acknowledge the kindness of Donagh Long, who gave me permission to use the lyrics of his song, ‘Never Be The Sun’. Thank you to friends and family who read bits or all of the manuscript at various times and offered their encouragement. Warmest thanks to Siobhan and Conor Hackett for their incredible support. Thanks for putting me on the right track! I appreciate the kindness and goodwill of the book club girls. May the wine never run out! Thanks to Joan Gough for childminding and for allowing me time to work. Love and gratitude are due to my children for being as patient as they could be when their mother was scribbling. I want to sincerely thank Mary Lyons for her unstinting support. My Cork and Meath families deserve an award for spreading the word. Keep up the good work! Finally, a special thanks to my husband Noel Gough for believing in me and holding us all together.