Welcome to the Club



I made it to practice that afternoon and avoided the questions. The truth was, I was there because of Riley. She had made me see that I had to do this and that I could. If she was willing to brave this town and come to a game alone, then I could show up and play ball. Problem was, I wanted everyone else to fuck off and get out of my face.

Coach watched me closely at the first, expecting me to play like shit, I guess. But after I channeled my anger into the practice, I was more aggressive and played better. I was getting slapped on the back and shit when it was over; no one seemed to care that I’d played harder and faster. Or even why. Because they didn’t care. It was all about winning.

West met me at my truck when I walked out of the field house. He might have been the only one on the field today to see the difference for what it really was. “Good practice. You want to go get some dinner?” In other words, not go home and blow off our families.

“Yeah,” I replied. “I’ll let my mom know.”

He nodded. “My mom’s at her mother’s again in Louisiana.” She had been doing that since his father’s death. I knew it concerned him, but like with everything he didn’t talk about it much. I knew he had Maggie, and he talked to her, so I didn’t worry.

“Where did you go today?” he asked, climbing into the passenger side of my truck. He was leaving his car here, apparently.

“To the park to see Riley,” I replied honestly. I wasn’t hiding her. I had to hide my dad’s fucked-up secret, but I wasn’t hiding Riley like that.

“You like her a lot, then.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I do.”

“When it happens, it happens. Can’t help that.”

And I didn’t want to help it. I wanted to change the past and give her a life here. Let everyone see the truth and support her. I wanted Bryony to get to go to fucking preschool and play with the other kids. That was what I wanted.

“Rhett took a lot away from her,” West said. He knew if I believed her, then she was telling the truth. He trusted me.

“He’s a cocksucker.”

West chuckled. “I guess he is. We were young then and caught up in his local fame. Believing him was easy.”

“Believing him was wrong,” I corrected.

He nodded. “Yeah, it was. The little girl seem okay?”

“Bryony. Her name is Bryony, and she’s a great kid. Happy and well adjusted. Riley is a wonderful mom.”

We didn’t say much more before we got to the Den for dinner. It was the one place we’d always have a table and get 20 percent off our meal because we were on the team. Plus their burgers were the best in town.

“You and your dad okay?” he asked right before we got out of the truck. Maggie had to have told him about the fight this morning. I could get pissed at her, but then I thought about how I told Riley all my shit. I understood Maggie’s need to talk to someone and why it was West.

“No. We’re not” was the only answer he was getting. Then I stepped out of the truck and headed for the door. Not waiting on him or answering any more questions.

“Don’t be mad at Maggie,” he said, catching up to me.

“I’m not. I get it.”

He didn’t respond as we went inside and got a table immediately. Serena was there with Kimmie, and I wanted to leave at the sight of them, but I decided I’d ignore them and get my food.

“Hey, boys,” Serena called, waving over to us.

We both ignored her, and I shot West a look. He had messed around with Serena enough and hurt Maggie with it. He wasn’t about to look her way.

“Ever wonder where you’d be without Maggie?” I asked him.

He glanced up from the menu, which we already knew by heart. “Lost. Fucking lost.”

Yeah. I got that. “Funny how that happens. One day you’re good on your own. Then, bam, you need someone. They walk into your world and you need them.”

West studied me a moment, then shook his head. “You’re sunk. Welcome to the club.”

I could argue with him and say my situation was different. That Riley and I were just good friends. Who kissed and held hands and possibly more. But I would be lying. Leaving for college didn’t sound so good anymore. Facing that without her scared me. Especially right now. I wasn’t ready to think that way.

If I told Riley that, she would freak out. She was insistent that I follow my dream and that my dream was football. She’d be right. It had been since I was a kid. But I needed to remember if it was my dream originally or one that my dad pushed onto me. What if I had other dreams? What if football wasn’t what I was meant to do?

“Swear to God, if she comes over here I’m walking out,” West said under his breath.

“I’ll handle it,” I told him.

He smirked. “Yeah, Mr. I’m Too Nice to Break Up with a Girl I Don’t Like Because It Will Hurt Her Feelings will handle it.”

He had a point. But I wasn’t that Brady anymore. That Brady died yesterday. Along with his innocence. And possibly his dream.

“I’ll handle it,” I repeated.

West shrugged, looking amused. I almost hoped she would walk over here so I could prove it.

In the end, what good would that really do? Make me feel fucking better, that’s what.