The call I had with my mom last night when I told her I would be sleeping over at Riley’s didn’t go well. She knew something was wrong. My dad and I had always been close. This rift between us was confusing her, and the more I kept the reasons why inside, the angrier I got. My hate for the man I’d once loved was intensifying.
I didn’t sleep well, and when Mrs. Young walked into the living room this morning I was already awake with my history assignment in my lap, working on it.
“You’re up early,” she said. “I thought with the late night y’all had outside you’d still be sleeping.”
“No, ma’am. I needed to get my homework done. I hope we didn’t disturb you last night.”
“Not at all. It does my heart good to see Riley have someone her age around. She’s been without that for so long. Hearing her talk and laugh helps me sleep at night.”
The more I heard Riley’s parents talk about her, the more I was convinced she may actually be perfect. The girl had to have faults. I just couldn’t figure out what they were yet.
“I’ve got biscuits I made up last night in the freezer I’m about to pop in the oven. Bryony loves honey and biscuits, so I make them once a week as a treat. I can get you some coffee while they’re baking.”
“Not a coffee drinker, but thank you,” I told her.
“That’s right. I keep forgetting. What about some milk?”
I set my book down. Didn’t feel right having her wait on me. “I’ll get it. You just point me to the glasses.”
Riley walked into the room just as I stood up. Again her hair was messy from sleep and she looked beautiful.
“You’re an early riser today,” she said with a sleepy smile.
“So are you,” her mother replied.
She shrugged and touched her hip. “My bed buddy kicked me a little too hard in her sleep.”
Her mother chuckled and walked into the kitchen. “Come on in. I’m getting the biscuits going before I leave. Grandmamma is still asleep, but I will get her oats cooking too. She will be up any minute saying she’s hungry.”
Riley yawned and covered it with her hand while she nodded.
“Got it.”
Her mother smiled. “You need coffee.”
Riley nodded some more. “Yes, I do.”
“I’ll get the coffee going. You get Brady some milk.”
Riley walked over to the cabinet and went to work getting me a glass and pouring me some milk. I decided these women were like my mother and set on serving me. So I let it go.
“Thanks,” I told her as she handed it to me.
“You’re welcome. Have a seat at the bar. I’ll join you in a moment. Soon as I have caffeine.”
She made herself busy, and I watched her, forgetting her mother was even in the room. Today she wouldn’t get dressed and go to school. No senior-year memories for her. She’d take care of her grandmother and daughter, then do all her schoolwork on a computer. I wanted her to have more than that.
Yet she seemed happy with this.
“Hey, Mommy.” Bryony’s voice broke into my thoughts and Riley spun around to see her daughter standing there with blond curls sticking up all over the place and a pair of purple pajamas with what looked like a pink pig in a red dress and yellow rain boots all over them.
“Good morning, sunshine. Biscuits are in the oven,” she said, bending down to scoop her daughter up and hug her tightly.
She didn’t seem sad or like she was missing out on anything. She seemed complete. Happy. No hate or bitterness. She’d been through hell and she’d come out okay. Settled and balanced. That gave me hope. Not only for me but my mom and Maggie.
Riley had been strong. I wanted her strength.
“I want uney,” she said, slapping her small hands on each side of Riley’s face.
Riley laughed. “I know you want honey.”
“Give me kisses, little princess. I have to go to work. Your biscuits will be ready soon,” Riley’s mother said to Bryony.
Bryony kissed her cheek and patted the other.
“Have a good day, girls. You too, Brady,” she called out, then left the kitchen.
Riley put Bryony in her high chair and placed some raisins on the tray. “I need some coffee. You eat these while we wait on the biscuits,” she told her.
Bryony smiled over at me and handed me a raisin in her little hand.
“Thank you,” I replied, taking it from her. “I like your pajamas.”
She looked down at her clothes. “Peppa,” she informed me.
I wasn’t sure if Peppa was how she said pig or something else, so I just nodded like I understood.
“I wuv muddy pubbles,” she added and grinned at me before smashing some raisins in her mouth.
“The translation to that is Peppa Pig is who is on her pajamas and Peppa says I love muddy puddles often.”
“Geowge,” Bryony blurted out.
“She also says ‘George’ a lot. George is Peppa’s little brother.”
I wasn’t up to date on kids’ television. “I guess Dora the Explorer and Bear in the Big Blue House have retired, then.” Those were the shows I remembered being popular when I was a kid.
“Oh no, Dora is still going strong. Bear has left us, though.”
The oven dinged and Riley went over and took the biscuits out. “Breakfast is ready.”
I enjoyed watching her and Bryony together. Even when Riley’s grandmother came in the room asking about Thomas, the welcoming, happy feeling of this place was one I didn’t want to leave. Or was it that I just didn’t want to leave Riley? Could it be that wherever she was would feel like home?