Back Off, Serena



One point. The difference between kicking a field goal or going for two. West had taken the ball and gone for two. In that five seconds, I didn’t breathe. I was pretty sure Willa didn’t either. The entire Lawton side was on their feet in silence. Not sure what to expect. It was a gamble. Had they just kicked a field goal, it would have tied the game and gone into overtime. But the moment Brady handed West the ball, an audible gasp went through the stands and everyone was on their feet.

Because if West failed, they lost the game. By one point.

West made it through the other team’s defensive line and the crowd erupted. I actually sank down and let my heart rate slow. That had been a massive gamble that I couldn’t believe they took. But Brady had returned to the field after halftime playing differently. Less methodical and more aggressive. He took several chances. A few didn’t work, but this one did.

The team all piled on top of one another as fireworks went off behind us. They were prepared to win this game. They’d even had fireworks set up. I wondered what they would have done had we lost.

“That was insane,” Willa said, sitting down beside me.

I just nodded.

She shook her head in disbelief. “They’ve never been that risky before.”

She meant Brady had never been that risky before, but she wasn’t going to say it. I understood. She didn’t know what was going on tonight. No one did. But they’d all seen Brady pointing and yelling at his father. Then his dad had walked off the field. I’d heard people whispering about it most of the game.

Willa never asked me or mentioned it, though. I was thankful for that. She seemed to know something was wrong but it was a secret.

“The boys will be a bit in the field house. We can wait until the crowd clears some before we walk down there.”

I wasn’t completely sure I was supposed to wait on Brady. He had his family to deal with now. I knew his mom would have questions.

“The field party will be crazy tonight. Your first one back should be one to remember, at least.”

I hadn’t thought about that. The field party was always after the game.

Going to the field party didn’t seem like something Brady was going to be up for tonight. But then I wasn’t sure what had actually been said on that field, so maybe he wanted to go blow off steam.

“Not sure if I’m supposed to be going. Brady hasn’t mentioned it.”

Willa smirked. “He watched you most of the game. I don’t think he’s planning on going to the field party without you.”

She didn’t understand, and I couldn’t explain it. So I just smiled.

“We can head down that way if you want. The crowd around the door is getting thick. I didn’t think about everyone wanting to congratulate them.”

I stood up. “Okay.”

Brady’s mom was waiting, but his father wasn’t around. I was glad he’d at least left. Brady wouldn’t want to see him when he got out.

“I’d better call my nonna and give her an update on where I am and what we are doing. She probably watched the game on television and already knows we won.”

Willa’s nonna was Ms. Ames. She had been the cook at the Lawton house for as long as I could remember. She made the best chocolate chip cookies. I would always sit and have some with a glass of milk and talk to her in the kitchen when I was dating Gunner.

I watched the door and guys began coming out, but none of them I knew. Younger players who didn’t get much playing time came out and hugged family members or kissed girlfriends.

“Why are you here?” Serena’s voice was laced with hate.

I didn’t look her way. “Waiting on someone.”

“You’re sitting with Gunner’s girlfriend. You’re probably the reason they struggled out there tonight. Just because Willa is too dumb to know who you are, Gunner knows. You need to leave. No one wants you here, slut.”

I found it ironic that Serena would call anyone a slut. Even more so that it was me, a girl who had sex once in her life, and that had been against my wishes. My screaming and clawing and crying for him to stop had made that clear enough.

But this was what I should have expected. This was what they all thought of me, and walking into it was asking for this. I had to be tough and take it or continue to hide. I was done hiding. I was ready to be tough.

“I’m sorry, I forgot to call you and ask you permission to come tonight. Must have slipped my mind,” I replied to her, and again I didn’t look her way.

“Back off, Serena,” Willa said, stepping between us.

Serena laughed. “You do know who this is you’re all buddy-buddy with? Right? Gunner hates her. She ruined his family.”

Willa rolled her eyes. “She didn’t ruin his family. Jeez, get your story straight. And yes, I know who she is and what she was falsely accused of. No one asked you to come over here. Go talk to someone who likes you.”

Willa turned to me. “Ignore her. I always do.”

I really liked Willa Ames.

“Gunner isn’t going to be happy about this,” Serena threw out one more time, then spun to strut away as if she were important.

“She never got better, I see,” I said to her retreating back.

“Nope,” Willa agreed. “Seems to get worse.”

“Thanks,” I told her. I didn’t have friends a few weeks ago, and now I felt as if I had two.

“Anytime. I’ve had my own problems with Serena.”

I started to say something else when Brady walked out of the locker room. I didn’t go to him. I stayed back and waited on him to see his mother first. She would be worried and need answers. I had no idea what his answers would be.

She walked right up to him and hugged him. I watched as he held her a little tighter than expected and whispered something in her ear. Then his eyes met mine and he motioned for me to come to him with his finger as he held his mom.

“I think you’re about to catch up with his mom,” Willa said with a smile.

“Yeah, I think so too,” I agreed.

“I’ll see you later.”

“Okay,” I replied.

Then I headed over to Brady. And his mother.