The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt

New Kingdom

1550–1069 BC

18th Dynasty

1550–1295 BC

Ahmose (Nebpehtyra)

1550–1525 BC

Amenhotep (Djeserkara)

1525–1504 BC

Thutmose I (Aakheperkara)

1504–1492 BC

Thutmose II (Aakheperenra)

1492–1479 BC

Thutmose III (Menkheperra)

1479–1425 BC

Queen Hatshepsut (Maatkara)

1473–1458 BC

Amenhotep II (Aakheperura)

1427–1400 BC

Thutmose IV (Menkheperura)

1400–1390 BC

Amenhotep III (Nebmaatra)

1390–1352 BC

Amenhotep IV / Akhenaten (Neferkheperurawaenra)

1352–1336 BC

Neferneferuaten (Smenkhkara)

1338–1336 BC

Tutankhamun (Nebkheperura)

1336–1327 BC

Ay (Kheperkheperura)

1327–1323 BC

Horemheb (Djeserkheperura)

1323–1295 BC

—By Ian Shaw,
exerpt from Chronological listing, pages 484 and 485