“I Hate Homework!”


To increase a student’s engagement in homework and to eliminate power struggles, tantrums, and meltdowns

Parents and Teachers can encourage school engagement by creating and supporting assignments that have the following qualities.

Ask these questions before assigning homework or while looking over a homework assignment. Getting a yes to these questions will increase the student’s willingness to complete the assignment and will increase engagement in learning:


•  Does the student have a choice how he or she does the assignment?

•  Does the student have a choice where he or she does the assignment?

•  Does the student have a choice how much time it will take him or her to complete the assignment?

•  Does the assignment engage the student in something new, or is it a regurgitation of something already taught in class?

•  Does the student understand the purpose of the assignment?

•  Does the assignment augment learning already begun in class?